Chapter 8: Day Two Part Three

Through Crystalline Skies

Hayley's POV

After my Locksmith heart burst into hundreds of rainbows and nyan cats out of sheer happiness, Taeyeon Unnie gathered us all into the living room for my first 'five minute talk'. While everyone found a place either on their lover's laps or the floor, I glanced over at the door. Hyoyeon Unnie isn't home yet and it's getting late.

"What's wrong, kid?" Sooyoung Appa's voice sent my train of thought carreening off the tracks, through the window, and into the street below.

"Nothing." I said, sitting on the floor in front of Sunny Umma in an effort to avoid her piercing gaze. Sunny Umma's fingers ran through my hair gently, much like my own mother had done only once before she broke out in tears. My mother. What is she going to do when I'm gone? Who's going to keep her safe from those creepy janitors in the hospi—oh. Right. She won't need it because I won't be there anymore.

"—ly! Hayley!" I looked up at Taeyeon Unnie, noticing her worried face.

"Sorry. I sort of spaced out for a minute there." 

"Mini Sica Unnie!" Yoona Unnie exclaimed awkwardly. I smiled at her and nodded my head in thanks for her obvious distraction and failed joke. Seohyun Unnie tugged on the bottom of Yoona Unnie's shirt and looked at her with a curious gaze. I chuckled at Jessica Unnie's displeasure.

"I'm not like that! Right, Yul!?" Yuri Unnie smiled and tried to soothe her angry lover.

"Not at all, babe." Jessica Unnie smiled and initiated a kiss which Yuri Unnie happily responded to with zeal. I heard a groan of displeasure and a pillow was launched at the touchy couple who broke apart only to glare at Taeyeon Unnie before leaning in again.

"Ugh. Control your hormones. We sit on that couch and we have a minor present." YulSic pulled away and returned to their previous position with Jessica Unnie snuggling into Yuri Unnie's arms.

"It's not like I haven't seen a certain Maknae Couple's tongues getting pretty friendly with each other before." Laughter filled the room in a less than melodious manner as different types of laughter tried to join as one but failed, some louder than others. Seohyun Unnie's face turned a shade of red I'd never seen on a human before and buried her face into the small space behind Yoona Unnie's back.

"Who knew Seo had it in her." Sooyoung Appa joked, sitting down beside me. Sunny Umma stopped messing with my hair and climbed off the couch to sit between my legs. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my chin on her crown, rocking us side to side. Sooyoung Appa got up and laid down between Sunny Umma's legs, resting her back against her chest.

"Let's begin our five minute talk."

"It hasn't even started yet?" Jessica Unnie asked, earning a sigh from the kid leader.

"I just wanted to make sure that you all realize the magnitude of what we're doing."

"What would that be, Taeyeon-ah? Being happy? Can we not have a chance at happiness and love because we're idols?" Sooyoung Appa asked, obviously irritated.

"Did you forget that we aren't like everybody else? We're in the public eye twenty-four-ing-seven and we live in one of the most homophobic countries on the planet! One slip-up and we're all exiled."

"We haven't been caught yet." Yuri Unnie said.

"It's that sort of attitude that will ruin us!" Tiffany Unnie grabbed onto Taeyeon Unnie's hand, gently rubbing circles on the back of her hand with her thumb. Taeyeon Unnie sighed, running her free hand through her hair. "I'm just saying. This isn't something like shoplifting or getting a DUI. There's no telling what will happen if we aren't careful enough and I love you all too much to lose you."

"We'll be careful." Sunny Unnie said, Sooyoung Unnie's hand. Taeyeon Unnie sighed.

"H-have you guys considered the possibilty of what'll happen to the group if there's a break-up?"

"Taeng! You just started a relationship of your own and now you wanna talk about that?" Taeyeon Unnie looked at Tiffany Unnie with panicked eyes, shaking her head wildly.

"NO! I m-mean n-no. I's been bothering me for years. I obviously didn't know about you all pairing off and dating, but I'd always considered the possiblity that it might happen. I mean, what if things end up like with the DBSK oppas? Jaejoong Oppa and Yunho Oppa's break-up literally split the group in two and then the company had to deal with creating all these excuses about lawsuits. I don't want that to happen to us."

"TaeTae, we'll be fine. We're Girls' Generation. We're forever, right?" It nearly broke my heart to hear the hidden message in Tiffany Unnie's words, but it hurt me more to watch Taeyeon Unnie's 'strong leader' fascade chip away under an endless attack of insecurities. I decided that now would be the time to add in my two cents.

"I can't say that everything will be fine because it's an obvious lie. You've all chosen a very difficult road and not many can bear through it, but I have faith in you all. It will be a terribly difficult time for all of you if a relationship ends and some friendships will be strained, but time heals all wounds and I know that you have a strong enough bond to make it through something like that." I responded, my eyes focused on the wall in front of me instead of on the girls. I turned my head and my eyes met Taeyeon Unnie's. "Promise me that one day, you'll allow yourselves to be happy publicly. The world won't be so intolerant forever, you know?"

"You're so optimistic." Taeyeon Unnie replied.

"It doesn't hurt to be. A little faith never killed anyone."

"Issues over religious beliefs have led to the deaths of millions." Seohyun Unnie said with a straight face. I chuckled and nodded.

"I stand corrected." With the important portion of the talk over, the topics branched off into random stories and talks of food. I felt a sting from my hand and lifted it up to my eyes, cringing at the sight of my bandages.

"What happened to your hand!?" The girls chorused, with the exception of Sooyoung Appa, Sunny Umma, and Hyoyeon-Unnie who wasn't home yet.

"My 'getting TaeNy together' plan hit a snag."

"More like a broken plate and the strong hands of a worried woman in love." Sooyoung Appa said, glaring slightly at Tiffany Unnie.

"Did I do that? I'm so sorry!" Tiffany Unnie exclaimed, trying to examine the extent of the injury.

"It's fine. My plan worked so it was worth it, don't you think?"

"Thank you, Hayley." Taeyeon Unnie said, kneeling beside me and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Yah! Kim Taeyeon, we just got together and now you're cheating on me?" Tiffany Unnie said playfully. I leaned closer to Taeyeon Unnie, still minding the couple seated between my legs and making sure I didn't knock them over.

"Sorry, Unnie, but Taeyeon Unnie and I love each other so much that we just can't hide it." I put my hand behind Taeyeon Unnie's neck and we both leaned in. The door suddenly opened and both Taeyeon Unnie and I jumped slightly, causing this insane chain reaction with Sunny Unnie shifting her weight too much to one side and grabbing onto Taeyeon Unnie to stabilize herself, Taeyeon Unnie losing her balance, and our lips meeting.

"What are you two doing?" The second I recognized the voice, I pulled my head away and both Taeyeon Unnie and I groaned, wiping our lips.

"I feel like a e!" She shouted, eliciting the laughter off all but one girl.

"I feel wronged." I stated, pursing my lips and pushing Taeyeon Unnie away. "I don't know how Tiffany Unnie spent hours doing that with you."

"YAH! What's that supposed to mean!?" Both Taeyeon Unnie and Tiffany Unnie screamed at me.

"Taeyeon Unnie's a terrible kisser." I teased.

"I am not!"

"How do you know that?" I asked and watched as her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"Fany, I'm not a bad kisser, am I?"

"Welcome home."

"What did I miss?" I looked back to the dispersing couples who had their faces scrunched up in disgust.

"Not much. Oh, TaeNy's finally together."

"I see that. What happened to your hand?" She asked, walking into her room. I sat down on their desk chair and spun around a couple times.

"I fell on a broken plate." She chuckled and rid herself of her sweater, her shirt rising a bit with it and exposing her delici- I mean...her abs. Her totally normal abs.

"Are you normally the klutzy type?"

"Not exactly, but I can be. How was your trip to the mall with Min-ssi?"

"How'd you know I was with Min?" I pointed to her computer and raised my eyebrows.

"Internet. You know, some fans can be creepy. Anyway, why did you say it was something that wasn't for children if you were only going to the mall?"

"There was no real reason other than trying to keep your innocence intact, but as far as I can see, I don't think you possess any."

"Keep my innocence intact?" I was amused to say the least. What could those two possibly be doing that could be considered inappropriate?

"We don't always have the most PG conversations. Besides, after the mall we went to this club that's only for celebrities and not all celebrities are as celibate as they make themselves out to be."

"So that kind of thing really does happen in clubs?" I mused. She chuckled and laid down on her bed, propping herself up by her elbows so she could meet my eyes.

"It does in certain VIP rooms, but that's not exactly something I want to talk about with you."

"Why? I'm not some little kid."

"Age has nothing to do with it. I just feel like I shouldn't expose you to those types of things." I smiled and spun around again.

"You sound like Will."

"Your ex-boyfriend?" I nodded. 

"It never worked out well for him though." I stood up and made my way to the door, leaning against the door  frame.

"Why is that?" 

"I'm not as innocent as I seem." I smirked at her sudden immobility and stepped out into the living room. Did I really just make myself sound as promiscuous as I think I did? Let's hope not. 

Hyoyeon's POV



A/N: Yes, Hyoyeon...holy , indeed. So, before you guys start thinking of Hayley as very experienced...let me remind you all that her only relationship ever was with Will and no..she did not have any experience with anything romantic or intimate until she started dating's just playfully flirting for now...see what I did thar? No? Okay (>.>) Quite honestly...I really want to finish this fic...but it's taking so long! >,< I'm trying to show little bits and pieces of everyone's personalities, but I be movin too dayum sssssssllllooooooooowwww....excuse my fail ghetto-ness...I'm as ghetto as a stereotypical white girl in Beverly Hills...and I'm not even sad...*sigh* Anyway, I will be focusing on this fic from this point forward, so updates for my other fics may be even more scarce than before, (Sorry...I'm a very lazy author >.>) but I'll try to squeeze in a couple of those updates as well...Thank you for reading both this terrible chapter and horrendously long author's note...if you even did...Please leave a comment and let me know how I'm doin' or what's frustrating you about my story.

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TwerkingGogumas #1
Chapter 10: Taeyeon's homing beacon. PFFFFFFFT. xD
NamelessWonton #2
Chapter 10: The things that made me laugh the most: The Pickle Lord and Taeyeon's homing beacon. I seriously got a kick out of that. lol

Man I really hope this can have some kind of a happy ending. I'm shipping HyoLey pretty hard, but unless there's some kind of miracle I can't see how it would end well. I'd totally be down with a random life saving miracle.
NamelessWonton #3
Chapter 8: I'm enjoying this WAY more than I expected. I don't usually like stories that have an original character as the main character. Dunno why exactly, but I don't. HOWEVER! I'm loving this one. I seriously can't wait for your next update! <3
Azarius #4
Chapter 8: You finally update! /o/ I'm really a fan of this story :3
It was a good chapter, I will waiting for more HyoLey moments :3
TwerkingGogumas #5
Chapter 8: Ughhhughhugh I can't explain how much I love this fic. <3
TwerkingGogumas #6
Chapter 3: I normally hate fanfics that add the author or an OC into the story. But this one is an exception. I'm only two chapters in and I can tell that it's very well-written and Haley being a Locksmith. xD Oh God. I was laughing harder than I should have.
Chapter 7: Omo!! SooSun is so adorable!!!! I love this!
Azarius #8
Chapter 7: I was panic you wouldn't update anymore..lucky you write a new chapter, maybe short but that better than nothing! Taeny finally together! Soosunly family is cool! Only Hyo is out of kim/kwon/choi family. Will she be a in-law from choi's? xD update soon!
Chapter 7: Ahh~!!! Nice chap you did, hehe... ^_^
So would you be able to update frequently now?? O_o
Azarius #10
Chapter 6: New reader. Oh..^^, your story seem to be simple but actually is so sweat. It has so much little details that make it perfect and beautiful! I love every chapter!! Update soon! I like Hayley too much, hope somewho she don't die. Soosunly, love that xD