
JUNSEOB Every Day, Every Night

Title: Pranksters

Genre: Comedy

Summary: Yoseob and Junhyung are enemies. Junhyung is a big prankster while Yoseob is an ordinary boy that always fall for Junhyung's trap, or mostly known, prank. This time Yoseob w/ill show that he had enough of Junhyung's pranks. What will Yoseob do now?

Author's note: Yeah..If you didn't find 'Game' funny..then I admit that I don't know comedy.. So here's another oneshot that is not funny. But I hope you enjoy it!

I'm sorry..This is too long to write so i cut it. Mianhae.



April 1, 2013 - April Fools' Day

The day that Yoseob will bring down Junhyung, and show him what humiliation is.

The day that Junhyung wasn't expecting at all.


Junhyung walk through the hallways of their school. The other students that pass by or were standing in front of their lockers, look at Junhyung, terrified.

Junhyung smirk at everyone he sees.

As Junhyung walk coolly, Yoseob bump onto him.

Yoseob look up and his expression is blank.Just blank.

He walk pass Junhyung but Junhyung grab his wrist. The other students look at them and then started doing what they are doing before.

They probably already know the routine of this two.

As Junhyung grab Yoseob's wrist, he drag Yoseob to the soccer field at their school.

"What do you want now?" Yoseob angrily said.

"Someone told me that you're planning something on me." Junhyung responded looking to his left, avoiding Yoseob's eyes and smirking.

"Let me guess who's that someone is." Yoseob pretended to think.

"It's your ty assistant, isn't it?" Yoseob proudly continued.

Junhyung was shocked and suddenly grab Yoseob on the collar.

"What did you just said?" Junhyung ask, his face moving closer to Yoseob.

"I said.." Yoseob started but Junhyung cut him off.

"I heard you." Junhyung let go of Yoseob's collar and fixed his position again.

"Just tell me what you're planning." Junhyung calmly said.

Yoseob squinted his eyes at Junhyung.

"I've had enough of your tricks on me Yong Junhyung!" Yoseob yelled, making some students turn their heads at the two and stared wide -eyed.

"Are you being brave now Yang Yoseob?" Junhyung retorted.

"I will show you what it feels to be humiliated!" Yoseob yelled again and walk to his locker. Leaving Junhyung in the field with an amaze expression.

"I'm looking forward to this. This is going to be an amusing April Fools' day." DuJun, Junhyung's friend and the soccer captain, mumbled to his self, as he walk away from the bush.


"Hyung. Are you sure of this?" Gikwang, Yoseob's friend, ask.

"I'm sure. Don't worry about me Kiki. now let's go to our class." Yoseob said as he shut his locker closed and went to his class with Gikwang.

As soon as Yoseob entered their room, the class become quiet and start gossiping about what happen in the field.

Yoseob and Gikwang went to their seat and wait for their teacher to come.


"Yah! Wait up dude!" DuJun shouted through the hallway. Junhyung was angry.Angry that someone just shouted at him and called his girlfriend a .

No one has done that to him or even said that in front of him. To busy thinking of what happened earlier, he didn't even hear DuJun calling.

DuJun catch up with Junhyung and put his arm around Junhyung's shoulder.

"What's the rush bro?" DuJun chuckled a little while asking.

"You know that boy I always played tricks on?" Junhyung ask as he open his locker and take some of his textbooks.

"Yeah.That cute little boy.What about him?" DuJun answered but ask again, like he didn't knew a thing at all.

"He just exploded in front of me, called my girlfriend a and yelled at me." Junhyung answered in one breath.

"What did he yell at you?" DuJun ask again.

Junhyung shut his locker close and made his way to his and DuJun's class.

"He said, he wanted to show me how it feels to be humiliated." He said and went to his seat as he entered the class.

Like Yoseob's class everyone become silent and start gossiping again.

DuJun sit on his chair, behind Junhyung's sit and just chuckled a little.




The bell rang means that the class is over and head to their next class.


Yoseob smirk while walking to his locker, followed by Gikwang.

"Seob. Why are you smirking?" Gikwang ask.

"You'll see." Yoseob answered and quickly close his locker and drag Gikwang.

Gikwang was surprised by the sudden movement but followed anyway.

When Yoseob suddenly stop, he bumped to his back.

Gikwang fix his position and look at where they were.

He just see some lockers and students.

"Hyung." Gikwang called.

Yoseob shush him and told him to look at a particular locker.

"Just watch Kiki."Yoseob said as he point to a locker.

Gikwang look at where his hyung is pointing.

He saw Junhyung with the soccer captain, and Gikwang's leader -since he plays soccer too-

Junhyung is opening his locker and water balloons came rolling down and hit him in the face.


"What's the rush?" DuJun ask again the question.

"I have to set a prank." Junhyung answered 

"To who?" DuJun ask.

"You know who." 


Junhyung nod. He open his locker and his face got hit by water balloons.

Junhyung's face was soaked.

DuJun was shocked and the other students who saw, laugh at him.

Junhyung was shocked too. Too shocked to even move.

"Guess he beat you to it.' DuJun mumbled but Junhyung heard.

He look at DuJun and glared at him.

"He'll pay for this." Junhyung groaned.

He heard laughter from behind and see Yoseob with someone, and laughing their stomach's off.

"Hahahaha" Yoseob continued to laugh.

He stops laughing and wipe an imaginary tear in the corners of his eyes.

"I'm smart aren't I?" Yoseob confidently said with a big grin on his face, to Junhyung, who's wiping his face with a towel that DuJun gave him.

"Very good Yang Yoseob." Junhyung praised Yoseob and Yoseob look at Junhyung like he's crazy.

The boy just prank him and he praised him?

Yoseob's curios expression was erased and is replaced by a confident eyes when Junhyung continued.

"What beginners do. Just like what I did to you the first time. Remember?" Junhyung chuckled after wiping his face, dry.

"You'll pay back after this, Yoseob. Mark my words." Junhyung warned and walk through the crowd that form around.

DuJun was about to follow Junhyung, but he turn around and walk closer to Yoseob and Gikwang.

"You did great boy. Teach him a lesson will you?" DuJun said as he ruffled Yoseob's hair and turn his attention to Gikwang.

"Don't be late for practice later, ara?" DuJun said to Gikwang and Gikwang just nod his head,

After DuJun and the crowd are gone, Yoseob and Gikwang high-five each other.

"Mission 1." Gikwang said.

"Success!" Yoseob continued.


"Are you alright?" DuJun ask Junhyung as they headed to their next class again.

"Do I look alright to you?" Junhyung ask back.

"Not my fault, dude." DuJun said and raised his hands like he surrender.

"I have to think fast." Junhyung said to himself.


"Hyung, what now?" Gikwang ask.

"Wait a minute." Yoseob replied and think for a moment.

"Ah! Right." Yoseob suddenly said.

"Wae?" Gikwang ask, anticipating his hyung's next plan.

"Can you do me a favor Kiki?" Yoseob look at Gikwang with puppy eyes.

"But hyung." Gikwang hesitate for a moment before answering." Arasso."

Yoseob cheered and whispered Gikwang, what he needs to do.

"Got that?"

"Nae.I'll be right back hyung." Gikwang said and dash off to somewhere.

"This is going to be great." Yoseob said to his self and grin at his brilliant plan.


(I'll skip to lunch ok?)


"So Gikwang, is it ready?" Yoseob ask Gikwang who is out of breath from running.

Instead of answering Gikwang just nod his head.

"Good. Thank you so much Gikwang!" Yoseob thanked his best friend and give him a brotherly hug.

"Now let's go and see." Yoseob suddenly said after he parted from the hug and drag Gikwang, again, to the cafeteria.

Yoseob and Gikwang entered the cafeteria and walk to their tables.

The two look at Junhyung's and DuJun's personal table.

Junhyung and DuJun are still not there.

"Where are they?" Yoseob ask himself.

"Patience hyung." Gikwang said to Yoseob and suddenly DuJun and Junhyung walk in the cafeteria.

"Have you warn him?" Yoseob ask.

"Nae. He told me that this shouldn't fail." Gikwang replied back.

"Good.Now act normal." Yoseob ordered and act normal, not being obvious that him and Gikwang are looking at the two.

When DuJun met Yoseob's eyes, he wink.Signalling that it's ready, and Yoseob replied with a small nod.


"Junhyung-ah. You sit here and I'll get our lunch, ara?" DuJun said.

"Nah.I'll just go get mine, and you get yours."Junhyung declined.

"But."DuJun started but stop. He can't think of anything.

"But what?" Junhyung ask.

"But what if Yoseob pranks you again. You'll get more humiliated. So just sit here and I'll go get our lunch." DuJun somehow think of an idea and tried to let Junhyung stay.

"But what if, they got you instead of me? That would ruin your popularity and image hyung." Junhyung declined again.

"It's alright. We're friends. I'll take it." DuJun said back.

"Yah. What's wrong with you DuJun?" Junhyung ask suspiciously.

"There's nothing wrong with me.Just sit there and wait for me." DuJun said and push Junhyung to sit.

DuJun run and get their lunch.

"But." Junhyung protested and tried to stand up but his is stuck in the chair.

He stand up with force and his pants were torn at the back revealing his pikachu boxers.

Everyone at the cafeteria laugh and point at Junhyung.

Junhyung is shocked again and DuJun laugh at his dongsaeng.


"Hahahahahaha." Yoseob and Gikwang keep laughing.

This wasn't the plan.

The plan was, Junhyung's will be glued on the chair. That's it.

Who would know that Junhyung would put so much force that his pants would be torn.

The funniest part was. The school's prankster's boxer is pikachu.



The next day.



Everyone laugh at Junhyung as Junhyung walk through the hallways, embarrassed.

And like yesterday, he bump into Yoseob again.

He grab his wrist and drag Yoseob into the bathroom this time.


"I won't give up Yang Yoseob." Junhyung said in a mad voice and glare at Yoseob.

Yoseob glare back at Junhyung. He push away Junhyung's hand away from his and smirk.

"Just admit that I'm a great prankster like you are." Yoseob ordered but Junhyung kept silent, probably thinking.

"No." Junhyung sharply answered.

"Then, you should be humiliated more. How does it feel, by the way?" Yoseob jokingly ask, like reporter, he put his fist in front of Junhyung's lips like a microphone.

Junhyung's getting pissed at this boy's attitude.

"Fine. I admit that your a great prankster like me. Happy?" Junhyung admitted.

Yoseob shake his head.

"What do you want? do you want me to be more embarrassed?"

"Actually. No." Yoseob answered.

Junhyung look at him.

"If that's what you want. It's alright. My girlfriend broke up with me anyway.I don't have any image to protect." Junhyung said to his self.

Yoseob wasn't suppose to pity him, but here he is, doing the opposite.

"I'm sorry." Yoseob apologized. Junhyung look up at him.

"Why are you apologizing?" Junhyung ask.

"I don't know. Out of guilt, maybe?" 

"Let's be known as pranksters, shall we?" Junhyung held his hand in front of Yoseob, asking for a hand shake.

"Nah. I just did this, so you could feel how humiliated and embarrassed I am." Yoseob replied and slap Junhyung's hand instead.

Yoseob got out of the bathroom as soon as he heard the bell ring.

Junhyung stayed for a while and pee then wash his hands.

When he open the faucet, the water sprayed everywhere and stained his pants at his private area, making him look like he just peed his pants.

Junhyung groaned. How will he go to his class like this?

Junhyung walk to the door and saw a note.


Remember this?

- Yoseob :P


"Yang Yoseob!" Junhyung screamed at the top of his lungs, inside the bathroom.

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Wanna update so much! but I can't... I'll be back 2-5 weeks after. Mianhae!


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ra7oom #1
Chapter 5: I like ur one shots so much :3 . Infact I like junseob (3
Great ideas and stories .
Waiting for more .
Update soon :) please :3
AkiAne #2
Chapter 5: Awww that's really sad OTL
Yuki_IS #3
Chapter 5: Aahhhhh!!!!! I luv you story.... Cant wait for the next chappie
Chapter 5: Awww yoseob dont remeber junhyung ><
nice! tho it's too big >w< btw, update soon! :D
Chapter 4: Omg luv all the chappies hehehehe im sqealing like crazy rn xD update soon^^
Chapter 3: please update soon! ^^
i love junseob very much~~~
Chapter 3: please update soon! ^^
i love junseob very much~~~
luv_b2st #9
Chapter 3: This is cute >< ...
Update soon ^-^
Chapter 3: Awwww cute~<3