The Last to Leave

The Last to Leave


Brrriiiiiiiiing. He subconsciously blocked out the sound of the school bell that was signaling class was over with. He looked up, waiting for a nod by their teacher before getting up and hearing the sounds of students shuffling about and the slight thump as their pushed in chairs hit the desk. He placed his spiraled notebooks in his bag, one by one and slipped his pencil and eraser into his zipper pouch before putting it away.

“Have a nice lunch Shim sshi.” He would always take a bit longer than everyone else, purposely dragging out his actions, just to hear that line.

 “You too seonsaengnim.” He automatically replied. It was routine, but it was a moment shared with them and just them alone.

He watched as the young teacher took a bento box out of his bag and placed it on the desk.  The broad shouldered man adjusted his glasses which hid a pair of narrow and captivating eyes before he clicked through files on his laptop. Normally his teacher would eat in the staff longue, but if he was really busy, he would stay in the classroom and continue working. The student admired that about his teacher. That his teacher was the type to take his job seriously.

He walked down the hallway with his bag slung over his shoulder and to the cafeteria where his friends waited for him. They were all the way on the left, away from the action and just two tables from the corner.

“What took you so long Min?” A raven haired boy asked him. A bright smile was on his face and his earing swayed a bit as he spoke.

“Nothing. The lunch line was just long I guess.” Changmin placed his tray loaded with food down on the table and sat on the bench across from Jaejoong.

“Something is up… I’ve noticed it for a while and I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is, but something is up.” Jaejoong rested his elbows on the table and clasped his hands together.

“You’re thinking too much into things hyung.” Changmin sipped from his carton of enriched with extra calcium milk.

“I don’t know…” Jaejoong narrowed his eyes. “It’s awfully fishy.”

“Fishy would be today’s lunch hyung.” Changmin picked up and ate a piece of sushi.

“And fishy like a cute dolphin.” said Yoochun as he ruffled Junsu’s hair.

“Shaddap Chunnie! Stop calling me that.” Junsu slapped Yoochun’s shoulder.

“But it suits you.” Yoochun had a wide grin on his face. Boy he enjoyed teasing that dolphin.

“Aish just stop it. And come after school to help me with my math homework. Jung seonsangnim explained it in class, but I still don’t get it.” Junsu tugged on Yoochun’s shoulder and gave him irresistible puppy eyes.

“Haha. Arasso. But I don’t really understand it either.” said Yoochun.

“I have no clue what an integral is and how to take the integral of a function.” said Junsu as he tugged at a couple strands of his hair.

“Oh. I know that.” Yoochun ran his hand down Junsu’s back. “An integral is the area under a curve. Like how I want to be under this curve here.” Yoochun touched and gently squeezed Junsu’s .

“Chun you ert!” Junsu slapped his hand and scooted a bit on the bench.

Yoochun shrugged. “You wanted to know the answer, so I gave you the answer.”

Changmin wiped this mouth with his thumb and off the last grain of rice. “Jung seonsaengnim is usually here after school. You can always ask him then.”

“Can you ask for us Min? If there are any extra credit opportunities? I’m afraid that I’m going to fail the class. And personally I think seonsaengnim is kind of scary.” Junsu slapped Yoochun’s creeping hand once again.

“If he offers extra credit to one student, then he has to offer extra credit to other students because it wouldn’t be fair.” said Yoochun. He rubbed his hand and pouted.

“Umm… I guess.” Changmin bit and slightly on his bottom lip, a bad habit of his whenever he was nervous. He wasn’t sure how being alone in a room and talking with his teacher would go. Sure he would ask questions in class, but he had never had a proper conversation with his seonsaengnim.

Changmin went straight to the classroom after all his classes were done and knocked on the door. “Seonsaengnim. Are you there?” He asked and waited for a reply. After a few moments Changmin turned the knob and opened the door a crack in order to peer inside. The classroom was empty save for an odd looking deer doll that always seemed to be on his teacher’s desk. The teacher’s belongings were there, but the man was nowhere in sight.

Changmin’s palms became sweaty and he felt the need to wash them. He disliked the wet and warm feeling and what if out of the blue his teacher wanted to shake his hand. What impression would that make? He knew he was worrying too much, but he couldn’t help it. Changmin entered the bathroom and was just about to turn the tap on the sink when he heard strange sounds come from the inside of a stall. Two feet were visible, wearing brown shoes that were different from the school uniform’s black. It must be a teacher. Did that person realize that someone else was there?

The sounds became a bit louder and Changmin raised an eyebrow in suspicion. Were those… moans? Either the person is having a very difficult time taking a dump or he was… Changmin coughed to himself. He tried to clear his mind, he was thinking too much into things. He the tap and began washing his hands.

Yunho stepped out of the stall, frozen for a second and eyes widened before he began to wash his hands. ‘What was Changmin, the guy who he was thinking about while , doing here?’ He would glance at the student time to time during class. And each time try to stop himself from day dreaming about those pillowy soft lips with a slight wrinkle kissing the tip and enveloping his bambi junior. “Staying for after school activities?” He casually asked.

Changmin dried his hands with a brown paper towel and crinkled it up before he made his reply. “I’m here for something else.” He tossed the paper in the garbage. ‘H-he’s talking to me.’

“Ah. I see. Care to tell what for then?” Yunho nodded his head and upon realizing there were no more paper towels left, he shook out his hands and wiped them slightly on his pants.

“I’m here for you.” Changmin said in an almost whisper. He didn’t mean for it to be as direct as it sounded.

“Min. I mean student Shim Changmin.” The teacher quickly corrected himself. “I want you too, but this isn’t right.”

Changmin paused for a moment. “About extra credit.” He placed his hands in his pockets and began walking back to the classroom with his teacher at a steady pace.

“Shim sshi. You do well. Very well on every test, why would you ask about extra credit?” Yunho moved his laptop case to cover his doll and then took a seat in his black swivel chair before looking up at the student.

“I’m not sure if I did so hot on the last exam…  I’ll do anything for extra credit. Anything.” Changmin had a hand placed on his teacher’s desk and was bent over so that they were eye level. A desperate expression upon his face. ‘I’m doing this for my friends… Scratch that. I’m doing this for myself. I’m actually talking to him and he looks as irresistible as ever. His eyes followed a bead of sweat that trailed from his teacher’s forehead down the side of his cheek.

“A-anything?” Yunho said with a stutter. ‘Surely the kid doesn’t know what I might demand of him. Don’t push things too far Yunho. Don’t lose control of yourself.’

“Yes. Anything.” Changmin batted his eyelashes.

Yunho threw all logic out of the window and focused on the way Changmin’s lips moved as he spoke. Those soft pink lips that he wanted so much. Yunho pulled on the student’s uniform jacket so that Changmin stumbled.

Changmin’s fall was caught by a kiss. A kiss that was not too soft, not too rough, but it was just right. Like how he always imagined it would be. He gently closed his then widened eyes and returned all of the sweet kisses bestowed upon his lips with even greater feeling. The teacher stood up and continued to kiss him with his arms wrapped around Changmin’s waist.  Upon feeling a warm tongue trace his bottom lip, Changmin obliged by opening his mouth slightly with an “ahh”. Similar to how he would prepare himself to play a flute, but he was playing a completely different instrument instead.

The gap between the lips was just enough for Yunho to slip his tongue inside and to savor the sweetness of Changmin’s moist cavern. Yunho left not a single corner untouched and would shiver a bit as his tongue would graze over Changmin’s teeth. His tongue gently brushed the rooftop of Changmin’s mouth before Changmin’s slight impatience became clear when Yunho’s tongue was nipped and on. The younger had reacted in a way similar to that of a frustrated kitty cat. Yunho began to lead his tongue in a dance with Changmin’s. Slow and gentle at first. Like two partners in a waltz familiarizing with the way the other moved, their rhythm. Once a comfort level was reached, the dance quickened in its pace and became fiery in its intimacy. Their tongues engaged in a small battle although it was clear that the victor was the more experienced elder.

As the need of air and survival became more important than the need to fulfill their hunger for each other, they mutually broke the kiss and parted from each other. A small string of saliva trailed between their two mouths as evidence of their union. They gazed into each other’s eyes for minutes, blinking, but never looking away. As if one could see into the other’s soul by staring into the black depth of their pupil.

Yunho was the first to break the silence. All of his values and common sense suddenly came rushing back into him as he realized what he had just done with a young boy, a student nonetheless. As a teacher it was his duty to protect his students and to guide their way of learning. What he guided his student in was a sin. Although the younger had replied, it would still be considered taking advantage of a minor and his position as an authorative figure that has impact on the student’s future. ‘Stupid. How could I be so stupid?’ What if his sister were to find out about all this? What if the school were to find out? Yunho would lose everything.

“Sh-shim sshi.” The teacher spoke with unease in his voice, lacking of the determination that he would have during all of his class lectures. The strong teacher Changmin was used to seeing wasn’t there and instead he was replaced with a sensitive frightened man.

“Call me Changmin or Minnie if you want. There is no one else here right now.” Changmin said in a whisper, realizing the seriousness of the situation, but he wanted to make the most of the moment.

“Changmin.” Yunho unconsciously found himself running his fingers through the luscious, thick hair of the younger before quickly pulling his hand away and continuing. “Me… we… us… It can’t be.”

As Yunho finished his sentence, Changmin felt as if his heart was being torn into several little pieces, making it impossible to glue back together. He expected it and knew his teacher was doing the right thing, but he wished that fate wouldn’t be so cruel. There were just too many obstacles put in their way to cross. And if they did have a red string of fate connecting one to the other, it was probably tangled beyond repair and the easiest solution would be to just cut the string.

“I-I know.” Changmin said with a slight hiccup as tears began to stream down his face. “Please do me a favor and just hold me for a moment. I won’t ask anything of you ever again or appear in front of you. Please.”

Yunho couldn’t deny that voice and face so he pulled Changmin close to him and placed a hand on the back of Changmin’s head as the younger cried into his chest. “I’ve liked you for the longest time. I would see you in the hallways smiling and talking to friends and sometimes wish those smiles be directed at me. When you would receive a locker full of letters and sweets on valentine’s, the ridiculousness of the fact I was jealous of teenage girls. And those moments that we spent with just each other at the end of class, I always appreciated that you were the last to leave.”

Changmin pinched at the fabric of Yunho’s clothes, as if afraid to let go and find out everything had been a dream. “I never thought you would feel the same way.” Changmin looked at him with puffy eyes. He was the type of person that never cried, and would always try to keep his emotions hidden as not to worry others.

Yunho chuckled a bit and wiped the residue of the tears on Changmin’s cheeks with his thumbs. “Honestly, you don’t know how hard it is to control myself.”

“Earlier in the bathroom… what exactly were you doing Jung seonsaengnim?” Changmin tilted his head to one side and curiously asked.

Yunho knew that he was a really bad liar. His colleague Lee Donghae the chemistry teacher reminded him of it all the time. He therefore decided to come out to Changmin with the truth. The boy was old enough to handle it, right? “I was and imagining that it was your mouth on me, me instead.”

“Y-you erted old man.” Changmin picked up Bambi which became visible as things shifted around during their make out session and used the doll to smack his teacher’s head. “I’m an innocent 18 year old boy. A second year high school student! Why would you imagine me doing that?”

“It’s sickening so… forget all this ever happened. And I trust you and know that you are the kind of person not to tell this to anyone.” Yunho bit his lip and looked down.

“N-nae. I’ll forget.” Changmin knew it would be a moment he would never be able to forget, but he would tuck the precious moment into the deepest corner of his heart and maybe move on. He was still young after all and unsure of what love actually is.

“And about the extra credit… I’ll add 20% to the score on the last test we took.” The teacher offered.

“Actually I don’t need the extra credit, I’m sure I did well on that exam.” Changmin said confidently.

“But earlier you said-” Changmin cut him off.

“It’s actually for a friend. I thought if you gave one person extra credit, then you would have to give the rest of the students the opportunity as well.” said Changmin.

“You want to give the rest of the students the opportunity to kiss me? And who is that friend?” Yunho poked Changmin’s forehead with his index finger.

“O-of course not.” Changmin blushed. “And student Kim Junsu. He’s on the verge of failing the class.”

“I’m sure if he put a little bit more effort into completing his assignments and submitting his homework on time instead of playing soccer, his grade would be just fine. There is plenty of time until the finals for him to pull up his score based up on his own efforts.” Yunho replied.

“And another thing I want to ask.” said Changmin.

“Go ahead and shoot.” said Yunho as he straightened the things on his desk.

“Why is it you always bring that deer doll with you to school?” asked Changmin.

“I’ve had it for a while.” Yunho replied. “Since my childhood.” He picked up the doll and pressed bambi’s heart shaped nose against Changmin’s cheek. “Besides you two kind of look alike. You have the same eyes.”

“The same eyes?” Changmin repeated Yunho’s words and stared at the doll.

“Big. Pure. And innocent.” Yunho bambi’s fur.  

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Mirriechanbaekkie #1
Chapter 1: i like it♥! ^^
carissawhite #2
Chapter 1: ah, too short for a good story, I kinda expecting more, hHahaha.
Chapter 1: OMG,the story was sooo good and sweet~
i laughed when yunho imagined thing and changmin said that he was 18 years old innocent boy hahaha
thanks for writing this ff,author-nim^^
babymichiie #4
Chapter 1: LOL. Jung is like an awesome and hot teacher.. yet adorable.
Which teacher brings a bambi doll to work?

Gawd, such a cutie. ;)
this makes me miss dbsk ;-;