Fight Club 2: Company turns to Battle

I. Love. You Baby....I'm Not a Monster [Hiatus]



"Can I help you with something?" DoJoon stepped up away from the booth

"Yeah. You guys the ones they call B2ST?" The skinniest spoke up. He had a mask hanging around his neck, he was extremely tall with curly blonde hair. but by the look on his face he couldn't be any older then 16. 


We've never seen these kids around our school at all. I would know because if there was a group of 6 platnium blond guys walking around the school I think I would remember. I step up in front of DooJoon and stared him down.

"What does it matter if we are?"

"Tch," the one in the middle snorted "Then you're just the guys we're looking for. We're B.A.P." They all said in unison and saluted like soldiers.

What is it with these guys?

The same guy that was in the middle stepped up to DooJoon. He had a pair of goggles around his neck and it matched his Bright Red jacket.


 "We are from TS Academy and we've been hearing that you punks are apprently the champions in this club. Is that true?" this got my blood boiling, he kept acting like he could do anything as he pleased. And the way he was standing up to DooJoon was just irritating.

"YA! What makes you think you can come in here and start acting like you own the place!"

"JunHyung calm down" YoSeob grabbed my shoulders trying to calm me down. The punk kid just stood there smirking his off, I clenched my fists trying to not get out of control.

"My name is Bang Yong Guk and I am the leader of B.A.P. and I am assuming that you are the leader here?" He asked DooJoon

"Yeah I am. Now what business do you have with B2ST?"

"We've come here to take your place as champions in Fight Club" my eyes widen in shock. Never has anyone stood up to us like this stating they were going to take our place as champions. But I wasn't the only one taken aback by the bold statement this Bang Yong Guk guy, when I look around me I see all of the B2ST members paralyzed and completly lost for words. At this point I couldn't hold my anger in, I shook YoSeob's hands off my shoulders and walked up to the Leader of B.A.P.

"How do you suppose you're going to do that!?"

"By battling" Suddenly the skinny one spoke up again.

"What you think you could come in and take our place as champions? Good luck with that. You guys don't even have the looks to be champions! What is that mask suppose to be for anyways? Is it to hide your ugly face?" I took his mask and flicked it away. The look in his eyes showed he was angry at my gesture.

"Ya JunHyung calm down!" HyunSeung and GiKwang had to hold me back.

"You expect me to calm down when these punks come are coming in here thinking they can take our place?!"

"JunHyung I'll handle this. Just calm down already" DooJoon looked at me from his spot

"But DooJoon-"

"JunHyung." he gave me his glare meaning he was serious. "Tch." I returned to the table to try and calm down. DooJoon went to return and talk to the leader of this so called group B.A.P. What a name...

"Now you guys want to battle my group in place of our championship name?"

"That's exactly it."

"Hmph I see...Well seeing at how the situation is right now I have no choice but the accept your challenge." I nearly choked at our Leader's words. Everyone looked at DooJoon in bewilderment, this was something we did not expect to happen. Battling for our Champion name. Just as the group B.A.P. started to make their way out of our booth, the leader turned and came to my face.

"You guys think that you run this place? Well I got news for you, B.A.P. has come here to take over whether you like it or not." He gave a smirk and poked the side of my head. Now it was war.  Just as they left I ran up to our Leader trying to get an explanation.

"It was a challenge, when have you known us to EVER turn down a challenge, even if it means losing our champhion name." he was right. B2ST never turned down a challenge no matter how risky it was. After the encounter with B.A.P. we went over our strategies once again making sure we all knew what we were going to do. Our Championship name was on the line now, and we had to do anything and everything just so that we can keep it.

When we returned to the "Battle Field" we saw that our pictures where put up on the projector and they showed who we were going up against. One was with the logo of the groups and the other was a photo of the groups themselves. B.A.P. seemed to have had some kind of bunny with a mask on.

Tch. A bunny as a mascot really? That sure is manly..


The annoucer came up to the DJ booth and took the mic. "Alright you guys! Tonight is going to be an interesting night, because TS Academy group B.A.P. has come here to Fight Club not only to battle, But to also take the championship name of the one and only B2ST!" Everyone around the room started to murmur and whisper.

Is he serious?

Woah do they even know why their going up against?

This is going to be interesting...

"Okay, okay calm down everyone. We are just as shocked as you are, this is the first time that ANYONE has ever come here to straight up try and take B2ST's place as champions in Fight Club. So because of such turn of events we have cancelled all other performances for the night." To my surprise there were no groans or complaints made by any of the groups or anyone else in the audience.

This IS going to be an interesting night.

"So the rules are the same. 2 groups battle it out here on the Battle Field one at a time and the Audience decides who is the winner. When I flip this coin you call which side, and whatever side it lands on that will be who gets to perform first. Are you all ready?" He looked at B2ST's direction and we gave a strong nod and then he looked towards B.A.P. who also gave a confident nod.

"Lets go!" He flipped the coin in the air and caught it in the palm of his hands. "Which do you want?" He looked towards DooJoon.


"Well would you look at that! The champions go first!" Everyone gave a roar of applause.

"Tch soon you'll have to be calling US champions instead!" One of the members of BAP shouted. He was wearing the green studded jacket.
When we look to their direction all you see is the whole group laughing at the remark of one of their members. For the first time ever I saw all of my fellow members very serious and each of us giving the death glare towards the cocky group. Hell even YoSeob had a pissed off look on his face and you had to be something to make YoSeob angry and actually give you the death glare. Shaking off what was said we gave the DJ our CD and got into our positions.

Our routine started with each member having a solo spotlight dance. I was the first the light shown upon, I showed off my popin skills living up to the name "Poppin Dragon" after my dance was over the light shut off and showed upon YoSeob after him it lit up on DongWoon, then DooJoon, GiKwang and last but never least the dancing machine himself HyunSeung. As soon as his dance was over our music started.

Okay 2010. I'm the Mastermind Untouchable Joker

Ddarawa We're the Mastermind (Mastermind!)
Neukkyeobwa We're Mastermind (SO BEAST!)
Bikyo ddawin haja ma uril neukkyeobwa modu
Movin Movin Say! Movin Movin HEY!

Follow us, We’re the Mastermind (Mastermind)
Feel it, We’re the Mastermind (SO BEAST!)
Don’t bother comparing, come and feel us all.
Movin Movin Say! Movin Movin HEY!

Mastermind was something to warm up the audience with, right when we finished the song we have been practicing for finally played. Again each member had a small solo dance to perform. But it wasn't like before, this time we were all formed in a circle and when everyone finished I crawled to the middle and got out to start rapping.

Let me talk about my...
Chagapge doraseon dwitmoseube sigani
jamsi meomchun deut hae

Let me talk about my...
At the sight of the coldly turned back, it feels like time has stopped for a moment.

Everything was perfect, all the practice had finally payed off. None of our steps where off and the sounds was amazing. Our choreography was in perfect synce with the chorus of the song.

Breath in Breath out~

But what really topped it all off was talent that is Yang YoSeob. He sang his lungs out showing off his amazing vocal skills. After his solo I had once again started to rap and with that the song ended with our last Breath. With that everyone in the club started to scream our name non-stop clearly showing how much they enjoyed our performance. As we exited the stage we saw the group BAP standing in front of us, they had different clothes now, this time they were all matching with camo pants, skull sweaters and some kind of straps on. We just stood there staring each other down until the skinny boy came up to me.

"You call that rapping? Your going to lose your name as rapper here at the Fight Club. They will forget the name 'Joker' and instead scream Zelo." I almost punched the kid in the face until I was stopped by DongWoon and YoSeob.

So this kid's name is Zelo

The leader stood up to DooJoon and got in his face. "You punks have nothing on my crew. We WILL take your championship name and be the new faces of Fight Club"

"Why you-" DongWoon and YoSeob increased their grip on my shoulders "JunHyung" YoSeob tried to calm me down, all I could do is walk away before I did something I might actually regret. "Tch." I made my way to our booth again and the rest of B2ST followed. As we sat there I kept silent, seething in anger waiting to see just what this group was all about.

"Hyung calm down. You have to admit we were pretty damn great, did you see the way they cheered for us?" I looked at the maknae, sweat was dripping down his face and his bandana was damp from so much of it.

"He's right though, you guys did great and I'm very proud of you." Our leader gave us all an ice cold water bottle, I started to feel a bit better about everything, and then the lights turned dim and loud music started to blast through the club. We got up from our booth to watch the competition.
(I had a different video up but I checked it again and I saw the uploader took it off so I had to use this one :/ Sorry if you're a new reader and you didn't get to see the original vid. Now just ignore the Burn It Up performance and the clothes :P Again sorry :/)

Warrior is back~
The leader was in the middle and as he walked towards the front it seemed that he made everyone disperse. When he finally reached the front the kid Zelo jumped in the air.

We gonna rock this!
Uh Huh

As I watched their performance I was actually blown away, everything was so Powerful and the choreography was wel timed, not one person was off, the chorus to the song was just amazing.

Warrior~ HUH
Taeyangarae neoreul matgyeobwa
Nae gaseume bureul jipyeobwa
Digidigideom digidigideom~

Warrior~ HUH
Lose yourself under the sun
Start a fire in my heart
Digidigideom digidigideom~

 But what really blew me away was the rap done by Zelo, I hated to admit it but the kid has talent. It was one of the fastest raps I have ever heard and it was very fluid it didn't sound choppy or anything like that. But the what happened next really DID scare me.....they started to Step. It was crazy, everyone was in complete sync, and it sounded great! The sound of their feet stomping on the floor and the claps in the air, it gave the song an amazing touch. One of the members even did a solo like YoSeob, it was just crazy.

"Hyung are you seeing this?!" DongWoon yelled over the music blasting in the air. I couldn't respond, I was so dumbfounded by the performance I just couldn't understand what was going on. Were we about to actually lose our Championship name? It sure seemed like it. I kept watching seeing all the moves they had under their sleeves. For the ending it looked as if they surrround one of the members, Zelo I think, cornering him and as they got closer they made it look like he got shot. It was actually great, I couldn't really point out any faults in their performance, just the fact that they were overconfident s trying to steal our Champion name. B2ST was just blown away, we didn't know how to react. The Look on everyone's face was one of shock, fear, and total confusement. But the look on DooJoon's face was too hard to read, he seemed deep in thought but also a bit nervous, but I couldn't quite figure out which. The DJ finally came on to the Battle Field.

"WOAH! Now I don't know about you guys but I think this is going to be a tough one to vote on! Now it's time for both teams to come up here to the Battle Field and for the people to decide who goes home with the Fight Club Champion name."

Both of the groups gathered to the Battle Field, the Leader Bang Yong Guk had a huge smile planted on his face, it wasn't hard to tell how confident he was about taking home the Championship name. I was starting to get nervous, these guys were actually good, whos going home with the Champion name?

B2ST or BAP.....

SO Who do you think is going to win? B2ST or BAP? Well I got some news for you, it's your choice! I'm going to be making a poll on who you guys want to win the Fight Club Champion name.  So i'll be leaving this story alone for about a week. And if I don't get any responce I will simply pick who to win by showing my friend. And that isn't fun :/

The victor of the Fight Club Champion name lays in your mouses....EITHER WAY. WHoever you vote for will determine how the next chapter will be.

Thank you and Bye~Yeom \(^w^)
Today's picture of the day is............................BAP MANKAE KITTY ZELO AND LEADER BYG!






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Putting this story on Hiatus till I finish Behind the Signs I am so sorry :(


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shujun #1
Chapter 28: stay strong and always remember that we, readers are here for you..i hope you can resist from hurting yourself..people who love you will really be worried about can do it..hwaiting, nae?
Chapter 28: That's really shocking... You're really strong girl and I know that things will work out :) We're all here for you so if you need anyone to talk to, just come online and we'll work it out together ^^ If you ever feel alone, just remember that you have all of your readers and fans here supporting you! Fighting~!
Chapter 28: You are so strong. I don't know if I'd be able to deal with all that you are going through. If you ever need to talk, I'll listen, I swear. I might not be the best at advice but I'm always willing to listen. *tears up* I'm so sorry for your loss.
Chapter 27: Hey, it's ok. Life haappens, I should know, I'm in a similar boat. School gets harder, life get in the way, (you find yourself in a job that is slowly draining away your very soul). Just take things a step at a time and inspiration will come
Chapter 6: Re-reading this. Can't wait to see you again, friend~
shujun #6
Chapter 26: yahh~dont delete..please..keep on hwaiting..
Chapter 26: ;3 fighting! U can do it
shujun #8
Chapter 25: Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 25: Keep calm and work hard. We're rooting for you. (Btw, I'm older than you)
shujun #10
Chapter 24: Woa~very interesting story ! >_<
Love it..hope to read more soon..
Hwaiting !!!