Cube Academy

I. Love. You Baby....I'm Not a Monster [Hiatus]

"Gaahh!"  I screamed my lungs out. The pain why is it happeneing again?  The same pain and torture is happening again and pieces of me are falling to the floor.

This already happened didn't it?

The blackness surrounded me yet again...



My eyes opened from shock. 

"That nightmare...when will it stop?" I rub the back of my neck in frustration. I've been having the same reoccuring nightmare eversince that day, and it starts in the same time when my sister and I were going through the unforgettable pain and torture and it ends the same all the time, with me being surrounded by darkness.

Looking to my side trying to find the clock I rub my eyes trying to make out the numbers shown.


"8:45?! Crap I'm late!" running towards my closet I put on my uniform as if my life depends on it, when it basically does. Running to the bathroom I start to brush my teeth but seeing how I barely have time for that I run out of the bathroom with the toothbrush hanging out of my mouth while I gather my things.

"Aish! I really did it this time, Miss. Choi is going to kill me for sure this time."  running out the door I threw my toothbrush in the sink of the kitchen.
"WHY DIDN'T THEY WAKE ME UP!" I yelled like a maniac as I ran down the street.


7 years have passed since the meteor disaster, and it seems that South Korea wasn't the only country that got hit by it. It was also Japan, the U.S. and the Carribian Islands and that's it, strange how it was only those countries that got struck by the meteors. After it happened the UN got together and had a huge discussion about the occurances that took place that day, it seems that many people got hit by pieces of the meteors and had a strange marking left behind. At first they looked at it as nothing but many citizens feared that the victims who were hit by the meteors might have some strange powers and cause more destruction just as the meteors had. Huh powers can you believe it? A little crazy for my taste but it seems they were convinced that the victims hit by the meteors, like myself, had hidden powers. The people wanted the UN to isolate the victims, but the UN suspected that, that would just cause war between the citizens and the victims. So to make the people happy the UN decided to label victims who were hit by the meteor as "Signers" and that is exactly what I am. A Signer. From there they also decided to send the Signers to a certain areas of the country where they shall live the rest of their lives there. Here all Signers were sent to live in Busan, Daegu and Samcheok. No Signers are to live anywhere else other then those 3 places.

Of course I was hit by one of the meteors and am considered a Signer, along with my sister Taeyeon and by bestfriends: DooJoon, HyunSeung, YoSeob, GiKwang and DongWoon. We are all Signers, and although we are suppose to be living in one of the "Signer Cities" my sister DooJoon, HyunSeung, YoSeob and I live in Seoul. Reason being that we were all accepted to Cube Academy when were just toddlers. Cude Academy is an academy that schools children from Elementary to High School, it's a school for the arts basically. Acting, singing, dancing even comedy. Now, how is it that we are able to attend and live in Seol when we are Signers? It's because our Signs are not seen, because of where we were all hit we are able to hide our Sign pretty easily.
I was hit in the collar bone, so long as I avoid V-Neck shirts I am safe and no one has a clue that I am even a Signer. Taeyeon was hit  high on her inner thigh so its no question as to how easy it is for her to hide her Sign, so long as she doesn't wear short shorts (which I wouldn't allow!) or skirts without having some leggings or stockings under. As for my friends:

DooJoon was hit in the abdomen thank God he survived that blow.

HyunSeung was hit on the back of his shoulders

YoSeob was hit on his upper right arm.

All three of them are able to hide their Signs with ease, not having to worry about their signs showing at all. But I wish I could say the same for GiKwang and DongWoon. GiKwang was hit on his arms but his Sign covers both of his arms completely so there is no possible way to hide his Sign, and DongWoon was hit above his eye well basically on his eyebrow. As much as we would have liked for them to come with us to Cube Academy, it just wasn't possible for it was too easy for them to get caught in any way.

Because all 4 of us are very close, my parents were willing to buy us a big house in Seoul so that we can all live together as we attend school together as well. They stayed behind and moved to Busan because they wanted to help anyone in need despite the fact that they are Signers, you see the clinics in the Sign cities aren't the best so the people aren't as healthy as they should be. So my father and mother moved to Busan helping anyone that needs their assitance. Yeah things have gone crazy since that "Meteor Shower"


"MAN WAIT TILL I GET MY HANDS ON ONE OF THEM!" Finally I reached the entrance to school, but gates were already closed.

"!" I throw my bag over the gate and start to climb the giant gate. When I jumped off the gate I safely made it to the other side, grabbing my bag I start to run through the hallways and climb up the stairs almost tripping on my way up.

Man stairs have never been my friend,


When I finally reached the door to my classroom I peeked through the little window on the door, Miss. Choi was busy writing something on the board.

"HA! This is my chance to sneak in" Luckily my classroom had two doors, one at the front near where Miss.Choi's desk is and one all the way in the back of the room, which was exactly where I sat.

Quietly and slowly I open the door and slither in tip-toeing my way to my seat.

"Glad you can finally make it Yong JunHyung." When I looked towards the front of the room there stood an angry Miss.Choi, her arms crossed against her chest giving me the death glare. For a teacher she was very pretty, her hair was a golden blonde and her sense of style was very chic.


Almost every male teacher drooled over her, heck even the students did. But for us we just couldn't see her anything more then a second mother, she always took care of all 4 of us ever since we first entered Cube Academy. So it's just hard for us to see her any more then that.

So close...

"This is what? The 5th time this week? You keep coming this late and you'll break the school's record" The classroom was filled with snickers at her witty remark.

"Ne Mianhe Miss. Choi"

"Your lucky your such a good student because if you weren't I would have just sent you back home. Now take a seat and start to take some notes, we're on English."

"Okay thank you." As I took my seat I look to my side to see a smirking DooJoon. Man if we weren't in class right now I would have tackled this kid by now.

"Yah!" I whispered. "What's the deal with this morning? Why didn't any of you wake me up? Man if at least YOU woke me up I wouldn't be in this situation right now." a sly smirk formed on his face.

"Ne why don't you stop nagging and start taking notes? Here I'll let you copy off mine the notes you missed." he handed me his notebook.

"Tch. Fine but don't think I'm not gonna bring this up during lunch".

Lunch Time


"Yah! Now one of you explain to me why you didn't wake me up!" I slammed my Coke on the table. All of us were sitting at our usual spot, it was outside the cafetiria on a small table with an umbrella that shadded all of us. Throughout the years of attending this school Lunch was always the place were we all sat together and talked about our day so far. No one else sat with us, for we didn't want anyone else too, I mean of course we had our friends from other classes but when it came to lunch it was our time. Our family time you could say. Plus even if we DID want anyone to sit with us for at least a day, that person would have to be approved by the leader which is of course.......Yoon DooJoon.
What you thought I was gonna say me? Tch think again. I'm not fit for that, and the last thing I want to do is look after these kids and keep em in order, I wonder how DooJoon does it sometimes.

"What happened? Came in late and made Miss.Choi angry yet again?" YoSeob snicked while drinking his soda.

"Yes! That's exactly it, if one you guys would have woken me up I wouldn't have gotten in so much trouble." I threw my hands in the air in frustration

"Just calm down already, you're nagging too loud." HyunSeung scolded me as he munched on his fries. "Listen it's not our fault you're such a heavy sleeper."


"Oppa!" Just as I was about to punch HyunSeung in the arm a voice stopped me. I turned to see Taeyeon with her camera in her hand. She had her beautiful brown curly hair tied in pigtails, and she was wearing a bright yellow jacket with jeans. 


Being the loveing person she is she hugged everyone at the table and it was always in the same order: YoSeob (of course) HyunSeung, Me and last but never least DooJoon.

"So! What's going on?" She gave warm smile as her eyes shift from me to HyunSeung.

"Well, I ended up coming to school late because none of YOU" I emphasized looking at the 3 guys. "Didn't wake me up" The experession on her face changes to a confused look.


"I'm sorry Oppa. I know I'm the one that is suppose to wake you up, but today I had to leave early since I had a TaeTiSeo rehearsal. But I thought I told DooJoon to wake you up." She looked at DooJoon quetioning why he didn't do what she asked. Soon I got back on my feet and marched to DooJoon's side of the table and grabbed the collar of his uniform.

"Why you..." I started to grind my teeth. "I have every right to punch you, you know that?" he merely gave a chuckle.

"Common your no fun." I tighten my grip on his collar, making my hands into a fist I raise my hand to his face and flick his forhead really hard.

"OW!" He let out a yell loud enough to be heard all around Seoul as he rubbed his forhead. "Man JunHyung your flicks are the worst! You shouldn't be doing that to the leader either!" The group let out a huge roar of laughter. This is how it was everyday, no one never really got angry at each other and if we ever did it would just be some small family bickering like this one.  

"Hmph that's what you get for making me late" Soon I relaxed in my spot feeling better now that I knew who the culprit was. I took a glance over at where Taeyeon was sitting, she was hunched over her camera with YoSeob, they were both looking through the pictures, raising my eyebrow I asked her a question.

"Ne Tae, is that outfit really from rehearsal?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah!" she flashed her famous cute smile. "Well... it's not an official outfit for our song, it's just one of many that we're trying on. We're still trying to figure out the right outfit theme for our song. So far I'm really liking this one isn't it cute? What do the Oppas think?" She stood up from her seat and gave a small spin.



 YoSeob and HyunSeung clapped their hands in approvement.

"Wow! That outfit really is cute on you Tae. You can wear anywhere else not just for your performance." YoSeob laughed.

DooJoon let out a long whistle.  "That really suits you Tae."  HyunSeung and I simply gave a small nod in agreement to what the two were saying. My sister was a very beautiful person, inside and out and the whole group looked after her. If anyone ever came to hurt her in any way, well....let's just say there would be a lot of funerals. Taeyeon went back to her spot next to YoSeob and started to look through her camera again. Photography was her main thing, other then singing and dancing, photography was something very prescious to her. Everyday you will see her take pictures of animals, trees and her main photographic stars where us. Don't ask me why because I don't know.


"So do you guys at least know what song your going to perform tonight? Because I think that's a bit more important then your stage attire." I looked in her direction but she just nodded. "Yeah we do. Ne Oppa your nagging too much today" I nearly choked on my coke because of her blunt responce, while the rest of the gouped laughed.

"Tae you're coming to cheer for us right?" YoSeob looked at her.  

"Of course Oppa! Besides I have to, afterall I'm performing too"

WOW! So how was this chapter? Was it WOW! Fantastic Baby? or more like a completely bad one? 

I'm REALLY sorry that I haven't updated in a while (^_^U) It's just that I had some classes this week and then my little Brother's birthday came up so i haven't had any time to really write and update my story as much as I wanted to.

This was a bit of a short chapter in a way, but this was just mainly to show Cube Academy and how the characters are like at the school basically.

YOU READERS OUT THERE ARE MAKING ME SO HAPPY YOU KNOW THAT?! MY STORY HAS ALREADY GOTTEN 80 VIEWS (TT^TT) IM SO HAPPY. I don't even care that I don't have any subscribers yet! It just makes me so glad so many people are viewing my story :3 I hope that means you guys are enjoying it a lot (^_^) WELP That's all I got for now. I am exhausted from playing around so much at Chuk E. Cheese

( = w=)

I promise you guys that tomorrow there shall be new chapter or should I say today? I don't know.  And since I have gotten many views I will tell you the title of the next chapter.

Fight Club

See you soon! Bye~Yeom \(^w^)




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Putting this story on Hiatus till I finish Behind the Signs I am so sorry :(


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shujun #1
Chapter 28: stay strong and always remember that we, readers are here for you..i hope you can resist from hurting yourself..people who love you will really be worried about can do it..hwaiting, nae?
Chapter 28: That's really shocking... You're really strong girl and I know that things will work out :) We're all here for you so if you need anyone to talk to, just come online and we'll work it out together ^^ If you ever feel alone, just remember that you have all of your readers and fans here supporting you! Fighting~!
Chapter 28: You are so strong. I don't know if I'd be able to deal with all that you are going through. If you ever need to talk, I'll listen, I swear. I might not be the best at advice but I'm always willing to listen. *tears up* I'm so sorry for your loss.
Chapter 27: Hey, it's ok. Life haappens, I should know, I'm in a similar boat. School gets harder, life get in the way, (you find yourself in a job that is slowly draining away your very soul). Just take things a step at a time and inspiration will come
Chapter 6: Re-reading this. Can't wait to see you again, friend~
shujun #6
Chapter 26: yahh~dont delete..please..keep on hwaiting..
Chapter 26: ;3 fighting! U can do it
shujun #8
Chapter 25: Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 25: Keep calm and work hard. We're rooting for you. (Btw, I'm older than you)
shujun #10
Chapter 24: Woa~very interesting story ! >_<
Love it..hope to read more soon..
Hwaiting !!!