What Happened

I. Love. You Baby....I'm Not a Monster [Hiatus]


I laid on my bed with the towel on my forehead. I was happy though because I was laid down next to Taeyeon so I didn't feel so uneasy. The only thing that really made me a bit uneasy was the fact the Daehyun was treating to her wound. It wasn't so much as the fact it was Daehyun but more of the fact that he was touching her thigh and her skirt was a bit lifted. And the area where her sign is was ripped so that it could be treated. I had to deal with it though because they were treating to our wounds despite what has happened that night.
"How you doing?" YounJae came over to me still wearing his mask. 
"My head hurts like a ." I grunted and as I closed my eyes and moved a bit in my spot trying to get comfortable in the military fold out bed. YounJae slid his mask down to his neck like a doctor would staining it a bit with his gloves that we're covered with blood.
"Hmph I told you to lay back down for a reason."
I simply rolled my eyes and kept my gaze on Taeyeon. "Feeling a bit anxious are we?"
"Well what do you expect?" I grunted. YounJae gave a chuckle.
"There's a reason why I put him in charge of treating your sister." I raised my eyebrow at him. "He doesn't really care too much for the other gender, he doesn't care too much for anyone actually. He's practically a robot. No sign of emotion other than death. And that means his hormones aren't out of wack like Himchan over there." YoungJae looked over towards Himchan who was busy patching up GiKwang. 
"Thanks then." I managed to grunt. Just then multiple groans could be heard at once.
"Hyung what happened?" DongWoon moaned as he held onto his head where a bandage had been covering his Sign.
"Aish  my arm is sore." YoSeob had whined as he rubbed his shoulder.
"Hyung where's my lollipop? I need some sugar." Zelo had gotten up and his jumpsuit was rolled down to his waist and he was shirtless. There had been bandages covering his entire left shoulder.
"Guess it's time to have  that chat." YoungJae smirked.
We had all gathered into the room where they had Taeyeon and DongWoon, Room 12-6. This seemed to be a room where they could relax and just hang out because there were several bean bags lying around with a big flat screen and game consoles. There were 2 big couches that in one could fit 3 people while another could fit 4. I was siting on the one for 3 with DooJoon and Taeyeon, Taeyeon being in the middle. DongWoon, HyunSeung, YoSeob and GiKwang standing behind us. Across from us sat Yong Guk, YoungJae, Himchan and JongUp while Daehyun stood next to the couch and Zelo sat on one of the bean bags in a casual manner.
"So you guys are signers?" Yong Guk snorted. "Well well guess YoungJae was right. We aren't so different." he chuckled. "And it's all of you?" 
"De." DooJoon nodded "What about you?" 
"3. Me. JongUp and Zelo." 
"I see." DooJoon nodded.
"So then, what now." Taeyeon fidgeted in her spot  rubbing her knees together. 
"How about an explanation?" I spoke outloud
"Of?" Zelo grunted from his spot
"For starters, what the hell happened? Did you guys drug us?"
"Tch drug you?" YoungJae "Why the hell would you say that?"
"Oh I don't know. Perhaps it's the fact you were gonna give us a torture pill? Maybe? Geez I'm not sure now, it's just a guess." I scoffed feeling irritated.
"Yah we might have tried that but I certainly didn't have anything to do with this."
"Oh really?" I yelled
"Ne JunHyung you need to calm down." I felt YoSeob put his hand on my shoulder and crouch to my level trying to get my attention. 
"Yah why should I?" I turned to him still feeling heated. But from the corner of my eye I saw YoungJae slam his fists against his legs.
"WELL WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK? DO you really think I would do this to my own members?! MY OWN ING BROTHER?!"
 That's when I came to my realization that he was right for we weren't the only ones affected with what happened earlier and why the hell would he do such a thing to his own blood.
"Aish" I rubbed the back of my neck in frustration. 
"I think we need to calm down. Now what we need to do is just take a breather alright?" DooJoon spoke up. "Now it's obvious that what happened wasn't anyone heres fault. And from what I can tell it only happened to us Signers."
"YAH! I AM NOT A SIGNER! I'm a human being I have a name and it's Zelo." Zelo got up from his spot in anger. "That is a ridiculing name, it labels us as Monsters......" He lowered his head and clenched his fists. "..why.......why.........WHY!" he turned to the wall closest to him and punched it making a big hole in it.  "Umma...Mianhe...I'm not a Monster...." he ran off and I thought I even saw tears come out of his eyes. 
"ZELO!" TaeYeon got up from her seat and ran after him.
"YAH TAEYEON!" DongWoon and I said in unison. I got from my seat in anger and looked at DongWoon. "DongWoon go after her. Make sure she doesn't get lost or trip or something." 
"No problem Hyung." he ran off behind Taeyeon just as I ordered. I scrunched my eyes and rubbed my eyes with my fingers as I let out a sigh of frustration. 
"Having trouble with the sibling?" I heard YoungJae give a snicker 
"No worries I know how that is." I lifted my head and saw him glance at JongUp. I nodded my head as we all sat in the room in silence. We stayed that way for the longest time until a ringing broke the silence. 
Oh My Gosh be gajin maeryeok mwodeaun hal su itneungeol 
"Excuse me." DooJoon quickly answered his phone and walked out of the room. As soon as he shut the door that's when we all lost it. Everyone (with the exception of Daehyun) in the room started to laugh at our leader's very girly ringtone.
"Yah that is a very nice ringtone." YongGuk snorted 
"Did you know he had that ringtone?" GiKwang turned to me as he couldn't control his laughter 
"Molla" I shook my head as I covered my mouth. It was just too funny. 
"WAHHH I never expected DooJoon to have that ringtone. no wonder he always has his phone on vibrate half the time." YoSeob half choked as he talked. We all laughed but I noticed one person fidgeting in his seat and YoungJae noticed as well. 
"Yah JongUp what's wrong?" 
". . . . . ."
"I...I have a girlier ringtone..." 
"BWOH?" we all stopped and gaped at this tough boy. 
"Ne let me see." YoungJae grabbed his phone out and dialed JongUp's number 
You are my Shy Shy Shy Boy~  
Oh oh oh My Boy~
Jalsaeng giji anha do maeumi traedeut han geuron namja Oh 
Everyone in the room died even more except for me. "Yah what now?" YoungJae looked over at me.
". . . I actually....love this song.." 
"He's not kidding. Every time i borrow his iPod that song is always playing somehow." YoSeob interjected. 
YongGuk clapped his hands in enjoyment "Looks like these two touch guys got something in common." 
The room was filled with so much laughter until DooJoon walked back in the room. 
"Ne nice ringtone man." YongGuk snorted. 
"What?" DooJoon looked at his phone in his hand. "Oh." 
"Hyung since when did you have that ringtone?" GiKwang laughed
"Um...it's One of TaeYeon's songs. It's actually my favorite." he said shyly keeping his eye contact away from all of us. 
"It's okay Hyung I have Love Sick as my ringtone...granted it isn't as embarrassing as that one." YoSeob snickered 
"Yeah. A-Anyways we have to go." 
"What happened?" I got serious because I didn't feel it was good. 
"That was Ilhoon there's trouble."
"Ilhoon?" YoSeob got up feeling worried. 
"De, Everyone in Busan are in Panic mode and it seems that there's company they're looking for us."
"Aish are you serious?" I ruffled my hair in frustration and stomped on the floor as I got up from the couch. "More crap. Who the is it now?" 
"Some guy named JiYong goes by the name G-Dragon. He came all the way from Daegu to see us." 
"He marked?" 
"De. Those are all the details I know though, Ilhoon said he is not going to leave until he sees us."
"He has to see all of us? Not just you?" HyunSeung got up from his seat as he walked towards DooJoon. 
"No he has to see us all. But Tae can stay."
"So what does this mean for us then?" YongGuk got up from his seat "We still have business to handle last time I checked." 
"Listen lets just call it a night. So much has happened all at once, it's not even night, it's 2 AM already. What happened happened we just have to leave it at that. You guys basically what you wanted. What more could there be."
"We aren't leaving this alone" Himchan got up. 
"Well WE are. GiKwang call DongWoon and tell him to bring Tae we have to go now." 
"YAH!"  I ears Himchan yell that's when I snapped. I turned to Himchan and punched him in the face and grabbed him by the collar. 
"Listen to me. I am sick and tired of your . You guys have brought nothing but trouble to us all damn night. You can hold your god damn grudge all you want but you are not holding us back tonight."
"Ne JunHyung come on calm down" I felt HyunSeung try to calm me down but I kept going. 
"We battled, you lost. We fought and you tried to give us those damn pills, you lost again. Now we came to get our sister and leave but then that incident happened. As much as I'd like to sit around drinking Soju and explaining our different experienced during the Meteor Shower we can't." I pushed Himchan to the floor. I noticed DaeHyun run over to help Himchan get back up. 
"We are leaving. And you're going to let us leave peacefully." GiKwang came to me with his phone in his hand. 
"DongWoon said they're on their way down." 
"Alright then." I scoffed as I walked out the door. I was just so overwhelmed with everything that has happened that night and after what Himchan just said I lost it. I needed air.
[DooJoon's POV] 
JunHyung stormed out the door with fury in his eyes. I could tell he was feeling overwhelmed I wouldn't be surprised if everyone in the group felt that way. 
"HyunSeung go downstairs with him. Make sure he doesn't break anything."
I let out a sigh as I stood in the room with the rest of the BAP members with YoSeob and GiKwang as we waited for DongWoon and Taeyeon to come down. 
I stood in my spot with one hand in my pocket and the other out checking my cellphone. I kept my gaze on the floor and I noticed a shadow loom over me, I looked up and saw YongGuk stand in front of me. 
"Ne can I talk to you outside?" 
"Um sure. YoSeob call me when Tae and DongWoon are down."
"Got it Hyung."


But I am back and ready to write. Sorry if this chapter wasn't good :/ I did work hard I'm really sorry. 

I hope you guys stick around and Merry Christmas \(>w<)/ I love you all look forward to more updates now. 

Thank you and Bye~Yeom \(^w^) 


p.s. no pic of the day due to being iPod updated :P






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Putting this story on Hiatus till I finish Behind the Signs I am so sorry :(


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shujun #1
Chapter 28: stay strong and always remember that we, readers are here for you..i hope you can resist from hurting yourself..people who love you will really be worried about you..you can do it..hwaiting, nae?
Chapter 28: That's really shocking... You're really strong girl and I know that things will work out :) We're all here for you so if you need anyone to talk to, just come online and we'll work it out together ^^ If you ever feel alone, just remember that you have all of your readers and fans here supporting you! Fighting~!
Chapter 28: You are so strong. I don't know if I'd be able to deal with all that you are going through. If you ever need to talk, I'll listen, I swear. I might not be the best at advice but I'm always willing to listen. *tears up* I'm so sorry for your loss.
Chapter 27: Hey, it's ok. Life haappens, I should know, I'm in a similar boat. School gets harder, life get in the way, (you find yourself in a job that is slowly draining away your very soul). Just take things a step at a time and inspiration will come
Chapter 6: Re-reading this. Can't wait to see you again, friend~
shujun #6
Chapter 26: yahh~dont delete..please..keep on hwaiting..
Chapter 26: ;3 fighting! U can do it
shujun #8
Chapter 25: Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 25: Keep calm and work hard. We're rooting for you. (Btw, I'm older than you)
shujun #10
Chapter 24: Woa~very interesting story ! >_<
Love it..hope to read more soon..
Hwaiting !!!