No Mercy

I. Love. You Baby....I'm Not a Monster [Hiatus]


 We stood there in an alleyway face to face with B.A.P. We had to move somewhere where no one would see us and become suspicious of what's going on. The alley was very dark, the only lighting that was available was from a light post that hung right above our heads. It was rusty and was starting to build up grime at the rims and was surrounded with moths all trying to get a taste of the light. The lighting it gave off was very dim and felt like it could give out at any moment, every now and then it would flicker but then go back to normal. I looked around the alley and the walls were covered with grime and graffiti and I could have sworn I saw a rat that was as big as my foot maybe even bigger. The whole alley was just disgusting and dirty, and had a creepy feel to it and all I wanted to do was get the hell out of there and take a long shower to wash off the germs around me, but it was the only place where people wouldn't see us and cause suspicions.

We stood side by side in a line staring at each member of BAP in the eye. DooJoon looked Yong Guk dead in the eyes with his stern leader stare.
"So what is it you guys want?"

Himchan reached into the front pocket of his hoodie and pulled out an electronic organizer. When he turned it on a bright light had come from the device giving more light to the alley than the old light bulb above us.

"You see since you kept your title as Champions at Fight, we feel the need to have something of equivalent exchange or I should say value, so that we can return to our academy without so much shame. Simple enough don't you think?" He looked up from his organizer and gave a type of business smirk. The kind you would receive when they are telling you to sign your name on a contract you haven't even read yet. It was a bit more disturbing though for the way the light from his organizer had shown upon his face made him look more like a psycho-path.  

DooJoon looked at Himchan still processing the proposition he has just given to him. "What kind of thing would be of equivalent value then?" he scoffed while crossing his arms across his chest.

Himchan smirked. "Depends how valuable the Championship name was to you. Was it as valuable as the clothes on your back, maybe an object of some sort you carry around or just keep safe, your buddies over there, or perhaps...your own little sister or maybe a bit more like...your life."

What the hell is this guy playing at?

"So, any of those things you are willing to give up?"

DooJoon stood there eyes red and nose flared. He clenched his fist in anger to the point where I could see the white of his knuckles. It was as if we were making a deal with the devil, like he was saying “Give us your soul in exchange for the Championship name.”  And this made my stomach whirl from nervousness hoping that this was just some cruel prank to get back at us. What boggled my mind the most was the fact that he even asked if my sister was something that he would give up. I stared into the eyes of Himchan and tried to read his information like he had with mine and try to dig up the reason behind why he was asking for such a deal, but nothing. Nothing at all I couldn’t even dig up what he ate this morning. It was impossible to read him for me, which came to me as a surprise since I am pretty good at reading people.

What the hell would they want with Tae? That makes no sense at all

We stood in the alley in silence with only the sound of rats scattering everywhere and the flicker of the light.

“That sister of yours seems very sweet, and looks like she could even be a great cook. We could use her around, I mean our base is pretty messy. Would be nice to have a cute little thing like her in a maid uniform cleaning our base.” JongUp broke the silence with his sick statement. It got my blood boiling and that’s all it took for me to break.

With eyes red and nose flaring I swung my arm up and punched him straight in the nose causing him to fall to the cold, dirty, alley floor. Before I knew it he got back up and gave me a good fist to the cheek, I turned around and saw his nose bleeding, the blood slowly trickling towards his lips. His eyes showed anger and not only anger but death, he wanted to kill me.  Soon adrenaline ran through my veins and I punched JongUp right in the stomach making his body move up while his head went down from the impact, but that didn’t keep him down for before I knew it he gave me an upper cut, straight to the chin actually making my body go up from his powerful punch. We got into a one on one battle until I felt a pair of arms surround us trying to pry us off each other but no matter what we kept at it.  A punch to the face, kick to the legs, grab and twist of an arm, knee to the stomach, every move we could think of was being thrown at the other. Until finally they managed to pull us apart, we were still standing in front of the other panting from all the energy we had just taken on each other. We had bruises starting to form on our body and our clothes were covered in blood that was either our own blood or blood from the other. Blocking us was our fellow members. HyunSeung and GiKwang blocking me, and YongJae and HimChan blocking him. We stayed in our spots staring at each other trying to finish each other off with a death glare, I started to calm down and gain back my cool.

DooJoon came over to me. “You okay?”

“Y-yeah” I managed to pant keeping my eyes locked on JongUp. He had finally gained his breath and was standing behind YongJae and Himchan calmly. Himchan turned his head to the side and looked towards my direction.

“Hit a nerve did he?”   I stayed silent.

“Look at JongUp.” Himchan made a long whistle “Did quite a number on each other, I think you’ve actually met your match JongUp because he actually made you bleed. Look at your hoodie, now it’s covered in blood. What a shame.” He clicked his tongue while shaking his head.

JongUp gave his evil smirk again. “Tch, whatever. I’ll just get his sister to clean me up nice and make sure she gets every spot.”

“Don’t you DARE touch my sister you bastard!” I broke away from HyunSeung and GiKwang’s grasp and lunged myself towards JongUp getting ready to plant another good punch to his face. But right when I got just 5 inches away from his face DaeHyun ran in between the two of us at lightning speed and held a knife to my throat. It happened so quickly I didn’t even notice him move, it was like as if he just teleported to the spot. The knife was very close to my throat, I had to hold my head up just to not get cut. I looked in his eyes and they showed no emotion still, he had his hoodie and mask still on. I gulped nervously trying not to make any movement. I stared into his dead eyes, sweat dripping from my forehead and making its way down my face. Something about this guy was very off, I could tell that there was something very off about him once I heard his name.


“And last but never least our secret weapon Daehyun, you may think the rest are bad but you don’t know bad until you have messed with this psycho.”


Daehyun….where have I heard that before?

As I stood there with a knife to my throat I looked to Daehyun’s side to see Yong Guk.

“Told you he was a psycho.” Yong Guk chuckled but I could tell by the look in his eyes he was a bit nervous. “Now why don’t you put that away Daehyun, I don’t think we have to use that yet.” Daehyun swiftly closed his switch blade in a split second but kept his gaze locked with mine. I relaxed my stance a bit more and rubbed my neck out of nervousness thinking that I might have actually had my throat slit open.

“That’s enough.” DooJoon grabbed my shoulder and gently pushed me back towards YoSeob’s direction and walked up towards Yong Guk. “Just tell us what you guys want already I’m starting to grow impatient.” DooJoon stared Yong Guk in the eyes getting close to his face almost touching his nose. Yong Guk simply smiled and looked towards Himchan’s direction.

“So what is the value Himchan?”

Himchan gave a half smirk “I’d say…his friends.”

“That’s what I thought.” Yong Guk looked towards the direction of YongJae, JongUp, Daehyun and Himchan and moved his head towards our direction and they all followed their leader’s signal and walked towards us. DooJoon looked at YongGuk questioning his actions.

“Himchan has done his research on each of you. By this he was able to estimate the value of the Championship name to you.”

DooJoon’s eyes widen in fright. “The hell are you going to do to them?”

“Oh don’t get jealous now, you’re going to get your serving too.” Yong Guk grabbed DooJoon’s arms and put him in a lock hold.


YAAAYYYY I AM FINALLY FINISHED TYPING THIS CHAPTER. \(>0<)/ WOW You guy's so not know how long I have been working on this chapter. I typed so fricken much that I had to cut it so most likely that means that will be updating 3 chapters or so. SO THIS WILL KEEP YOU GUYS BUSY TILL I RETURN SO DON'T COMPLAIN.
TO give you an idea I have written 10 pages so.....yeah o_o
Lol please enjoy and comment and subscribe AND KEEP READING!

This chapter's pic shall be.....TOUGH JONGUP! 



Thank you and Bye~Yeom \(^w^)
P.S. Not the best Cover photo but again just be patient please (^_^U)

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Putting this story on Hiatus till I finish Behind the Signs I am so sorry :(


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shujun #1
Chapter 28: stay strong and always remember that we, readers are here for you..i hope you can resist from hurting yourself..people who love you will really be worried about can do it..hwaiting, nae?
Chapter 28: That's really shocking... You're really strong girl and I know that things will work out :) We're all here for you so if you need anyone to talk to, just come online and we'll work it out together ^^ If you ever feel alone, just remember that you have all of your readers and fans here supporting you! Fighting~!
Chapter 28: You are so strong. I don't know if I'd be able to deal with all that you are going through. If you ever need to talk, I'll listen, I swear. I might not be the best at advice but I'm always willing to listen. *tears up* I'm so sorry for your loss.
Chapter 27: Hey, it's ok. Life haappens, I should know, I'm in a similar boat. School gets harder, life get in the way, (you find yourself in a job that is slowly draining away your very soul). Just take things a step at a time and inspiration will come
Chapter 6: Re-reading this. Can't wait to see you again, friend~
shujun #6
Chapter 26: yahh~dont delete..please..keep on hwaiting..
Chapter 26: ;3 fighting! U can do it
shujun #8
Chapter 25: Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 25: Keep calm and work hard. We're rooting for you. (Btw, I'm older than you)
shujun #10
Chapter 24: Woa~very interesting story ! >_<
Love it..hope to read more soon..
Hwaiting !!!