Random GIF Challenge 7

GIF Challenges

First gif in your folder represents who you are


The ninth is how you feel today


The seventh is how you look when you’re not paying attention

The fourth is how you talk to your crush

The seventeenth describes your love life

The third is something about you not many people know

The fifteenth is how you act when you’re alone


The twentieth is how your day will go for you

The eleventh is how you react when you find out your crush likes you

The thirteenth is how people see you

The sixth is how you will spend your last day on earth

The tenth is how your gender sees you

The sixteenth is how the opposite gender sees you

The nineteenth is you at your happiest


Thx 4 reading people!

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SHINeeabbie #1
hehehe! xD ENJOY THE MAYO!!! gotta love LuHan ^^
btw, if you want gifs, i make some from time to time
and to check it out, just go to gifsoup.com and search for shineeabbie or cuteacara21306 ^^
Nice story, new reader here ! Love your update :) gif gif <3