Random GIF Challenge 5

GIF Challenges

Your parent’s reaction to your birth:

Your first day home:

Your first memory:

 (oh, that's nice.)

Your first birthday:

Learning to walk:

 (i could already talk before i walked...)

Learning to talk:

 (maybe these should switch...)

First day of school:

First friend:

 (which one? +.+)

Learning that there is no santa:

 (i already knew... XD)

First day of middle school:

 (now, this, my friends, id how to make friends...)

First day of high school:


How your best friends see you:


How you see your best friends:

 (they full of themselves...)

How you see your enemies:


How your enemies see you:

 (is that good or bad?)

Learning to drive:


Reaction to graduating:

 (very happy indeed.)

Reaction to getting into the college you want:

 (uh huh, i'm cool.)

When you graduate from college:

 (did i fail?)

When you get your dream job:

 (derp time!)

What you do at that job:

 (get attacked by pillows and blankets.)

Your reaction to getting proposed to:

 (aw, shindong didn't get to finish. someone is jealous... lol, no, only teukkie.)

Getting married:

 (he is... wait, who? i'm confused now.)

Reaction to having your first child:


Your first child:

 (OMG!!!!!!!!!! YESSSS!!!!!!!!)

When you retire from your job:

 (oh well, didn't like it anyway...)

Reaction to your kids sending you to a nursing home:

 (i don't think it's that fun... *sigh*)

How you die:

 (up, up and *dies*)

How people react to your funeral:

 (i can't help dying, sorry my lovely joon!

You in the after life:

 (u said it.)

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SHINeeabbie #1
hehehe! xD ENJOY THE MAYO!!! gotta love LuHan ^^
btw, if you want gifs, i make some from time to time
and to check it out, just go to gifsoup.com and search for shineeabbie or cuteacara21306 ^^
Nice story, new reader here ! Love your update :) gif gif <3