Random GIF Challenge 4

GIF Challenges

Your first crush:

His reaction when you told him you liked him:

First boyfriend:

Your reaction to graduating:

Your room mate in college:

Your other roommate:

 (2 for 1? Yes!)

Your favorite class:

 (Seungho, Key, and Jonghyun class? I'm in.)

Your reaction to graduating:

 (I thought I failed...)

Your reaction to getting a good job:

 (I guess it wasn't so good after all.)

Your reaction to meeting your soul mate:

 (that's not good...)

His reaction to you:

 (that is good...)

Your face when he asks you to marry him:

 (off and away, who cares about the ceremony, to the honeymoon!)

Who he is:


Who he leaves you for (at the altar):


Your reaction:

 (just being casual.)

What you do after:

 (being cute!!)

Who you FINALLY end up actually marrying:

 (the world must love me.) C:

Your life after that:


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SHINeeabbie #1
hehehe! xD ENJOY THE MAYO!!! gotta love LuHan ^^
btw, if you want gifs, i make some from time to time
and to check it out, just go to gifsoup.com and search for shineeabbie or cuteacara21306 ^^
Nice story, new reader here ! Love your update :) gif gif <3