You Will Pick Me Up When I Fall

Jennifer tries not to be so nervous. Key drags her to their table. "Dongsaeng, Do you know us?" Onew asks. Jennifer shyly nods her head.

"Well, My name is Onew." he says

"Hi, I'm Minho." Minho says

"Hey, I am Key." he says

"Hey, I'm Jonghyun." he says

"Hi, and I am Taemin." he says

"I am Jennifer. Nice to meet all of you." she says.

SHINee starts to to eat while Jennifer just drinks her water. They all start to talk  to each other. They all exchanged numbers with Jennifer. All of a sudden they start to hear clicking sound of shoes. They all looked up to see a women that happens to be around Jennifer's age. Compared to Jennifer this woman is really pretty.  The woman walks over to Jennifer's table.

"Oh! Look what we have here. Jennifer who are they? Are you dating any of them?" the woman asks.

"Who are you?" Jennifer asks. The woman takes out a wedding invitation card and hands it to Jennifer. "I am Jessica. You will learn more about me if you open the card. I also  want you to be the MC of my wedding banquet." Jessica bends down and whispers "This card is a good surprise for you. Enjoy your happiness while it lasts." Jessica walks away from Jennifer.

"Dongsaeng open the card." Onew says. Jennifer opens the card. Once she starts to read the card her tears are falling down. Jennifer immediately closes the card and starts to get up and bid SHINee goodbye. Once SHINee sees her crying they start to worry if she is okay. She walks away crying.

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