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נυηισя вєαтѕ || SM Entertainment girl group || ιllιlı |̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅| {apply closed

Tumblr_m0c05lcu1u1rqxh1zo1_500_largeThis adorable looking girl here next, is a very kind and nice, but.. she is the leader of the new rookiegroup, Junior Beats! Also, she is the older step-sister of amazing rookie-group of 2012, EXO-K's Chanyeol! Her name is Moon Eunju, but she goes by her stage-name, Eun-Yo. Eunju's age is 22 years old.

The things she likes are winter and snow, pepero, singing, applesauce, anything that is purple, teddy bears, dancing, decorating rooms, cooking for others and cleaning! Eunju can be referred as the second kid leader!

What she doesn't like are, hot weathers, thunderstorms, horror movies, anything out of place, dull colors, people who stare at her, know-it-all's, being itchy, clothing that's too revealing, anything too girly.

Eunju was discovered on YouTube by a YG CEO. They scouted her because of her dance moves and singing, but, soon dropped her after only a 2 months. Then, she went and applied for DSP Media, but, got rejected. So badly, that she took a hiatus from anything dancing and singing related and just wrote stories. She then decided to try out for SM Entertainment, thinking that she wouldn't make it anyways. But, she did, and has been with SM ever since. She trained for 3 years and two months.

As for the group itself, Eunju is the lead dancer and vocalist of the group, having amazing dancing skills. Her on-stage-persona is the Fallen Snow Angel, why? We do not know yet. Her invidual fanclub name is Snowflakes and the color, is of course, light lavender.

As for her family background, Eunju was born in Songdo in 1990 to a single mother. Her father had left her mother before Eunju was born, so, she never got a chance to meet him. Her family life was pretty exceptional up to the point when she entered middle school. When in elemantary, she hadn't realized how "important" it was to have money and her family barely had any. Atleast until her mother remarried, so she was teased a lot in school for that.
Eunju loved everyone in her family, except for her younger brother, Jongin. Well, They do love eachother. But, sometimes, Jongin can take it a bit "over the top" with the teasing he does to Eunju, so, they're very distant to eachother. Her mom remarried to Chanyeol's dad around when Eunju was about 18. Eunju treats Chanyeol more like a brother than she treats Jongin. But, alltogether, the 3 are very close when it involves music. The 3 even made their own "band". Eunju's job was the vocals while Chanyeol did the rapping and drums and Jongin did the dancing. The group "split" when Chanyeol headed off to SM Entertainment to be in EXO.

Eunju can be very insecure of herself at times. Whenever she hears anyone around her whispering, she automatically assumes that they're talking about her. She doesn't like to show this to people and tries her best to hide it. Only her really close friends know about her insecurities. Eunju can also see right through anyone's lies. It's because she studies people's facial/body movements that she can tell right away, "Your lying." Eunju has a very, very sensitive heart. There are a lot of certain points that anyone around her could say to get her teary-eyed. Some examples, She hates it when people talk about their father. It reminds her of the fact that she has no father and she'll get teary-eyed. She hates it when people talk about things like Alien Invasions and The End of the World-like things. She'll end up having nightmares for weeks.

Another point of intrest, Eunju is a real perfectionist and a hard-worker. She has to have everything done to a certain point and if it's not, she will not be satisfied until its the best. For example, if at dance practice, she will spend hours on end practicing one dance move until she gets it down pat. And if she gets it wrong, she'll scold herself. Whether Eunju wants to admit it or not, she's a real geeky girl. She's known for spurting out random facts about anything that comes to mind. She'll do a full research on anything that sparks her intrest and will continously speak her knowledge on it to everyone.

Eunju can be very friendly, once you get around her insecure side. She's very caring and always wants to best for everyone. She'll often think of others before herself. Quote from Eunju: "I'll buy leagues of food, but feed everyone else before I even get so much as a crumble. She's also very hard on herself, because of her perfectionist ways. She hates to mess up.

And, how do you all like your leader? There hasn't been a name for the group yet, but we'll hear it soon from SM Entertainment. Their debut song is going to be called Electric Shock! They're going to perform at Music Bank, as their debut-stage.

moon eunju/eun-yo © forevervibx
conrgatulations for you!

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The leader is chosen, go check it out >.


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awesome songsss! its gunna be such a fun album! ^^
and i <3 the album cover!!! :>
awesome cover.
song lists looks good too.
can't wait for the rest of the 3 members revealing!! =]
Cool songs^^
I listen to all of them~
Can't wait for the story to start!
Awesome songs~!
Can't wait to see the rest of the members.
LOL those songs are my favourites xD
hoseokjpeg #6
aaah, i love ALL of those songs. <3333

i can't wait to see the other members, yo! c:
The cover is simple, but awesome :))
Congratulations to the two chosen.
I can't wait for the rest of the members.
Junior Beats, FIGHTING!!! :D
MiSunWoo #8
Congrats to the two new members! :D