My Girl, Alex

My Girl, Alex

Junho was in the kitchen taking a container from the shelf to the counter, then got a glass and a spoon from the glass holder and spoon holder, and placed the spoon inside the glass and put it on top of the counter. And then opened the container, and then took the spoon, and scooped a couple of spoonful of the powdered juice to the glass, and left the spoon there.  Closed the container and returned it on the shelf. 

Junho then went to the refrigerator and took a pitcher of cold water, and placed it on the counter and then returned to the refrigerator and took the ice cube tray and placed it on the counter. He placed some cubes in the glass and then filled it with cold water, and then returned the pitcher back to the refrigerator. He returned to the counter and filled the ice tray with water from the faucet and returned it back to the refrigerator,  Junho then returned to the counter and mixed the juice with the spoon.

He took a round glass holder and placed it inside his pocket and held the glass of juice in one hand, and went to the study room. Junho walked passed the living room and up the stairs. Junho turned to his right, and entered the second room quietly. Looked at the person, who was in front of a computer and was intent on what she has on the screen of her computer.

Junho smiled at the view, Alex in front of her computer, again, always in front of her computer, if not a computer then a book in hand. 

Thought to himself and smiled, 'My Alex, is such a bookworm. It's the books and the computer that I have to compete with. hahahahaha What do I know of science and math?? hahahahahaha' Junho walked towards her.

When Junho reached her side, "Yeobo," Junho whispered. And waited for her to acknowledge him.

Not turning her head, "hmmmmm?" She was facing the computer screen and continued typing.

Junho can only smile, and took out the round glass holder from his pocket and placed it on the table and placed the cold glass of juice on top of it. Wiped his hand on his pants. "Darling, drink some juice first." Held her by her shoulder very lightly.

Not turning around, "hmmmm oh, later."

Junho placed his hand on her head very lightly and whispered, "Love, come on, drink first." Then slid his hand lightly down her hair to her nape and held her there very lightly.

Not turning, "hmmm I need to finish this first, I can't stop now, everything is flowing right now, if I stop, I might not get it right."

Junho went to her back and  placed both his hands on her shoulders and was giving her a shoulder massage. From her nape to her shoulders.

Alex whimpered a little, and flexed her shoulders a little and held the hands of Junho on her shoulders,  "Junho, darling, please stop. I can't concentrate if you do that. And I need to finish this. Please, I'm sorry."

Junho stopped and placed a hand on top of her head very lightly, and then lifed his hand from her head and placed it back on her shoulder, and then bent down and kissed the top of her head. Squeezed her shoulders lightly and then let go.

Alex turned her head to look up to her right at Junho, "You're okay?"

Smiled so sweetly, "Of course, I'll go order some food for us. Finish what you are doing."

Alex, paused at what she was doing and turned her swivel chair, "Darling, I hate to do this, but I'm craving for something." Junho moved back a little when she turned around.

Junho looked on and waited, "What is it?" Junho stepped closer to her, their knees touched. She held him by his wrists and hands.

Alex looked pensive, smiled sheepishly, "Could you buy me some chocolate, please?"

Junho gave a wide grin smile, "Oh alright. I know what you like. I won't be long." Bent down touched her by her thighs and gave her a peck on the lips and a quick peck on the nose. And then straightened up, and completely let go.

Alex smiled sweetly up at Junho, "Thanks love." Junho smiled, bent down again and quickly kissed her on the lips. Then, straightened up again, and raised a hand, meant goodbye and see you later, then turned around to go out from the room. From the door, turned around to look at Alex and gave a wave goodbye. And Alex smiled back at him, waved back. Then, Junho opened the door and went out and closed the door after him.

Junho went to their room to get a jacket and his wallet. Then, went out to buy some chocolates for Alex.

'I'll buy some take-out. I'm going out anyway.' Junho said to himself. Walked and whistled to himself.  Restaurants were not far from where they live and a store was not a far distance from the restaurants.  It was a cold night. Winter was in the air.

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I don't have a gift for you, so I thought of writing a short story just for you.
o__o surprise?<br />
<br />
people have a fixation for forever don't they <3 haha thanks so much for this <3 made me smile so much. I'm happy. this is close to being the best birthday ever =)
I want a smile on your lips my fren, that is why I wrote this short story for you.
^________^ love it. thanks poptart~ *hugs*
o.o -huggles-