My lucky Charm

Ummmmmm....... all those who read my update last yesterday that I will update this Friday, well I was able to update this fanfic.

Ohhhh! I kinda change the story from 1-5 or 4. you need to read it, I made it intresting and I changed it so that this story can be longer and more intresting.

The other reason that I changed it because I'm loosing Subscribers (grrrrrr....:P) I was disapointed that's why.

Ji Eun's POV

When I was about to go home, Wooyoung aproched me.

Ummmm.... Ji eun... can I bring you home today :D. Wooyoung said with a big smile. Sure, of course, but you have to stay for dinner, I'm not just saying this, my Umma won't let you go home without eating something promise. Then he agreed with me and helped me carry my things, awwwww! what a gentle men.

When we were walking home we talk and talk about different things, like what's your favorit color, what's your interest. ahhhhh! that time was really fun, we always tell jokes, let's just say that we are having fun.

We arde finaly home. When I got inside I saw a familiar man sitting in our living room couch. I told Wooyoung to wait at the kitchen for a second, then he followed.

I was hiding to scare the man. I was getting ready then....BOOOOO...... I said. but he didn;'t get scared accually he was laughing, that got me shy and made me blush.

OPPPPPA!!!!!, I shouted and quickly hugged him. Of course he hugges back at me :).

I waas really happy to see oppa. Of course he is my Super man. By the way, Oppa, my BROTHER is always there for me since my childhood friend Woo, went to the states for his fathers company, my brother was there when Woo left and said good bye to me and promised me to come back to me. But I think he already forgot about me :(. 

Ahhhhhh! Little IU your so grown up already. Oppa gave me lot's of kisses in my cheeks and hugged me as tight as he can. Of course I was really happy :)

Yoo Seung Ho (Jieun's Brother's) POV

When I saw little IU, I can't help but run to her and Kiss her. I was really happy to see her happy and not worried about that Woo guy anymore. 

Since her friend left, she wasn't feeling so well, she was always bored, she was sad all the time and there was no day that she didn't go to her tree house and look at the picture that she and woo got. It was the only pic of hger and her friend because she never wants to take pictures of her.

My little IU is all grown up and so happy I see. I said to Jieun. Well Oppa, ever since my friend left, you were always there to make me happy. 

Let me guess, you wnet to the tree house this morning?, I said with an oviouse voice, when she is always this happy she always go to the tree house and look at the pic that she has and remember the days she hangout with woo her friend.

OK!, I went to the tree house today, so what?, Im still happy to see you oppa. She replied. Ok, ok I belive you :D My smile went bigger and bigger.

You know oppa, I think I'm forgetting about Woo. I met this guy, and he reminds me of him. I think he was an angel sent to me to help me forget about him.

What?!?!?! What boy?!?!?!!? do you have a boyfriend already and your not telling me. Of course not, I didn't have a boyfriend since birth. well accually the boy I was talking about just now is here, his waiting at the kitchen.

Wooyoung's POV

When I saw that man hugging and kissing Jieun, I was really mad. I just want to go out there and punch him so hard that his head will come of. 

But it's strange he looks so much older that Jieun.

When he was hugging Jieun, I heard hi call her IU... little IU. I was surprised, IU is she IU, I cant belive this. Maybe I was just dreaming, I slaped my self a million times it seems like it wasn't a dream.

If she was IU, how can she not remeber me. Then I continued to listen to ther conversation.

Jieun, I know why your happy, You went to the tree house this morning and looked at the picture again haven't you. her OPPPA said. Ok, Ok, I went to the tree house so what.

Then I started to think, Tree house tree house

*Flash Back*

Woo, woo where are you, IU and Woo are playing hide and go seek. 

HA! I found you. IU said in a cute and lovely vocie.ohhhhh man, how can you find me so quick. You sily, this is our tree house and you hide in the same place all the time.

*End Of Flash Back*

Tree house! she still goes there, but I go there all the time and see the thing untouch. How is it possible. 

When I was thinking this tought's I saw Jieun or IU pulled my arm accross the room. Wooyoung-shi come let me introduce you to my brother.

Br...bro...brother, his you brother. Of course silly. Commo'n lets go.

Then When we finaly got to the living room, I saw his brother, wait...seung ho hyung? I said quietly. What was that Wooyoung, Jieun said. Ahhh? never mind. I said.

Ohhh! so your Wooyoung, you were the one who help little Jieun here to forget about w... Opppa stop ok, Ji eun said.

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you liked it










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blue_angel_wings #1
Chapter 9: Ahhhh!!!!!!!!
Love the ending!
I just saw the part two of this,,I subscribe already when I saw it!
Update soon!
Update soon please
misschinatown #3
Update soon!
Ahhhhhh!!! WooU!!!
Update soon!!!
blue_angel_wings #5
I wonder who is the guy who hugged IU??
Wooyoung,punch him so hard..okay?!
xoxo..gossip girl!(haha..lolz)
I will be waiting for your update on Friday!
blue_angel_wings #7
Ahhh!!!!!!..I can imagine the next chapter!WooU!Please update soon!
misschinatown #8
blue_angel_wings #9
Yes!Seulong and Jiyeon!!Please update soon!