one day before alice go back. She called youngjae and told him to go to the park.. "Hey. lets meet at the park.. I have something to tell you." She said. When she arrived at the park, Youngjae was there already. "Whats wrong?" Youngjae asked. Alice Hugged him and said.. "Sorry." Then she cried. Youngjae was confused. "Why? what happened?" he asked. "I'm going to leave tomorrow.." She said.. "Where are you going?" Youngjae asked again. "Going back to where i came from." Then she turned around and walked away. Youngjae didn't chase after her. Instead, he went home..


"it's so Unfair." I keep on telling my self. She's going to leave already? Why? did i do something? I can't get those questions out of my mind. Then tears fell down from my eyes. I cant help it. I dont want her to go. I still want to be with her. I want to be with her forever! 


After that day.. Its the day That alice will be going back. But before she leave.. She went to Youngjae's house.. she knocked then it was jongup who opened the door. "What do you need?" Jongup asked. "I need to talk to youngjae." She said. Then jongup let alice in. "Youngjae?" She called youngjae infront of his bedroom door. "Who's there?" Youngjae asked. Then he opened the door. "I thought you're leaving?" He asked Alice. then alice gave him a Necklace. "What's this?" He asked. "That's a necklace, It symbolizes my love for you. Please take care of it, Just like how i took care of you. I'll be by your side everytime. But you will not see me. I know that someday we'll see eachother again. And please dont cheat on me!"  Alice said. Then youngjae wears the necklace and Kissed Alice. Alice's wings appeared. "Bye." alice said. "I love you! I will not cheat on you!" Youngjae said. Alice give him a flying kiss then Alice disappeared. "She's gone." Youngjae whispered. Then he saw the necklace. "She's not." He told himself and giggled. Everyone's memories about Alice we're ereased only youngjae can remember her. And he will forever wait for that time that they'll meet again.


Hi there! Did you like my story? Uhh..

I'm following youngjae right now. Im his guardian angel right?
Well, As i can see, He's really taking good care of that Love necklace!

He really likes me. Hehe! I'll be back to earth someday!

but in a form of other human (you) , Other face and other name.

I know that destiny will find us. Please look forward to it!

Oh no, He's going to the bathroom again! I'll stay outside. *giggles*

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waterneeded #1
((((":::::: nice~~
ZeloBiasedFilBaby #2
Wait !
but in a form of other human (you) , Other face and other name.
( ! WOOW ME WOW hahaha )
Oh no, He's going to the bathroom again! I'll stay outside. *giggles*
( hahahaha LOL cute )
i'm waiting for it ^^ )
"it's so Unfair." I keep on telling my self
( yes he want u )
"I love you! I will not cheat on you!"
( ooooohh thats so cute ^ ^ I LOVE U too oppa )
for that time that they'll meet again.
( WTF THEY Didn't meet again ! )
U R THE BEST >~ didnt read yet but hello venus and B.A.P are the best LOVE U >~ i'll back after reading
ZeloBiasedFilBaby #6
Kyaa~ Thanks :D
wow bapvenus!! update soon, please :) i love the way alice kissed youngjae, kkk~