The Plan.

For Him

Hm, this is more of a filler-chapter I guess, but I hope it'll be enjoyable enough ._. pleasepleasepleaseplease comment I can't stress that enough XD feedback is everything to me <3 thanks so much to all those who bothered to do it ;D I FREAKING LOVE YOU. *cough* I'm done creeping, here:

You quickly took a shower and walked back to your room. It was only 9:00pm, but you were exhausted. Maybe I shouldn't have told Kai to start today. I can't do this... and speak of the devil...

Kai came into the room, with his bag over his shoulder. He dropped it onto the ground and sat at the desk.

"So, you're ready?"

"Not really."

"What was that?"

You sighed.

"Yeah. I guess."

"Alright. No music classes today, since some students on the floor are already sleeping. Let's start with friends. What do you need to know?"

"Everything I should know about the five," you plumped onto your bed. "When and where Taemin met them, what kind of a relationship they have... and such."

"Me, including?"

"I know enough about you," you assured with a scoff.

"Okay then," he smiled. "Suho... he's a senior. He works in the library. You've seen him there once, remember? Back in high school, when we were seniors and you were a junior, you went with us once. Well, that's when we met him, but didn't become close until the middle of the last school year, six months ago. Taemin and I returned to the library for some extra studying and Suho was in trouble. His friend had an accident and he had to run to the hospital. Suho's boss wanted him to stay since there was a huge pile of stuff to clean up. But Taemin cut in, saying he'll do it, without pay. Suho never forgot that. They haven't seen each other much since then, but always respected each other in school. And now it seems, he's even more tempted to befriend Lee Taemin," he looked at you with narrowed eyes and you turned red.

"Has nothing to do with me," you raised your hands in defense.


"But wow... Taemin did that? He's so nice..."

"Yeah, and forced me to help, too," Kai complained.

"Don't you lie to me, you were totally willing to help," you teased and he shrugged.

"I guess."

You felt a bit proud. Your brother really was an amazing guy.

"Now about D.O.... he's one year older than us, a junior. We actually met him one day when we were dying on the sidewalk and he fed us."

You almost choked on your saliva.

"I'm sorry, what?!"

Kai smiled at your reaction.

"Yeah, the very first month of last year. Our first year of college. We were a little too excited about being able to eat all we wanted in the cafeteria... we didn't realize how fast we went over our monthly meal limit. So by the third week, we couldn't use our tickets anymore, and couldn't find money for food. Literally, for a whole week, we kept leeching off random people... until one day we were starving. We sat on a bench outside and cried to each other. D.O. used to be a loner, you know. Well, not really, but he was too shy to make friends. And then he suddenly came out with this huge dosirak lunch he prepared himself and sat next to us on the grass. We almost drooled over his food so he gave us some. For the rest of the week, he fed us, and then we just kind of became friends. After that, I'm sure you saw Taemin invite both me and D.O. to play video games at your mom's house."

"That's so cool," you smiled. Your respect for D.O. was growing as well.

"But remember," Kai warned. "D.O. is the kind of person who just kind of does what people tell him, unless it absolutely goes against his morals. And Taemin and I boss him around. A lot."

Your jaw dropped.

"I take back everything I said about Taemin earlier," you muttered. "And I'm not doing that."

"You have to, at least a little bit. I mean, don't go overboard, he's still our hyung. But he might find it suspicious if you're too nice."

You pouted.

"Alright," Kai lay down next to you. "Next is... Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Yeah, I actually met them first, and introduced them to Taemin. They're both also juniors."

"Are they related?" you asked.

"Nope. They just met their freshman year and instantly became best friends, they say. I first got to know them when they were handing out posters in the lunchroom this past January. Apparently, they were secretly keeping a puppy in their room and it escaped, so they made 'lost dog' posters."

You slapped your forehead.

"They aren't allowed to keep animals here, are they? And they made posters?"

"Right. That was the problem. Seeing their panic, I took all the posters and threw them out. They were mad at first, but I told them I was saving their skin... when I told Taemin about it, he suggested that we look for the dog. We found it in the kitchen that same evening. Fortunately, nobody noticed it, and we managed to get it out of there before it got to the chicken. It would've been bad."

"What happened to it?"

"Taemin asked your dad to keep it. Your dad's cool about those kinds of things."

"Oh my God! Mr. Fluffy is Baekhyun and Chanyeol's dog?!"

"Yup. So anyway, they were grateful, and then we somehow started hanging out too."

"I see... okay, the last one left is... Sehun?"

"Right. Well, first time we saw him was the day before the last day of school, one month ago. Taemin and I were dancing in the big studio, since there weren't a lot of people hanging out there anymore. Sehun came for his campus visit as a high school senior and saw us... basically, became a fan. A big fan. He followed us around all day, even when the visit tour ended. He kept talking about how he wanted to become a dancer, like us."

"That's so cute!"

"Yeah. But a bit annoying at times. And he's very moody. One moment you see him very shy, and serious, worried about the stupidest things. When he's in that mode, you say one thing wrong and he looks like he might cry. It makes even me feel guilty. At other times, he's all excited and won't leave you alone no matter what you do. At those times, the only advice I can give you, is run."

You scoffed.

"He's actually really cool! Sehun was the first to praise my dancing, no matter how bad it was..."

"Whatever, Sora. He was nice to you only because you resemble Taemin."

"What... that... ugh."

He smiled.

"Anyway, here are their phone numbers," he handed you his phone and you took out yours. He snorted when he saw the little Totoro attached to it.

"Well," he tilted his head. "At least it's not pink."

"I hate pink," you pointed out as you punched in the numbers.

"Gimme that," Kai grabbed your phone. "You can't carry this around," he unattached Totoro.

"Hey! But it's not like only girls carry cell phone straps! I've seen boys with them too!"

"Yeah, but you haven't seen Taemin with one, have you?" he explained. "You're not just pretending to be a boy, Sora. You're your brother, Taemin, and everything about you has to remind people of him, so that you can fool them. One stupid mistake and you'll be ruined, and so will be his career at this school. So," he placed Totoro in his pocket, with a smirk. "I'll be keeping the cat."

You winced.

"I don't like you."

"That's okay. Now, I don't think I have to tell you not to shower around other people, use the urinals, or wear anything girly, right?"

"Kai, I never did any of those things in the first place."

"Good. I think you're good for now," he put his arms under his head and closed his eyes. You coughed, but he didn't react. You leaned over him and yelled, "KAI, GET OFF MY BED!"

He smiled and rolled off your bed, onto his sheets.

"Goodnight, Taeminnie."

You sighed.

"Do you always call my brother that?"

"Nope," he laughed. "But D.O. started calling you that for some reason and it's catchy."

"Great. Another thing that will make people suspicious. I never know whether you're really helping me or not," you lay down in your bed and went to sleep.




You woke up at 6:30, as usually, but your classes didn't start until 11:00, so you hit the snooze button. Without opening your eyes, you stretched, turned to your side, and hugged your pillow. Then, you remembered you slept without a pillow. You opened your eyes wide and screamed. And screamed. Until a big hand shut your mouth closed and a deep voice hissed, "Taemin, please stop! People will think I'm hurting you!"

You threw Chanyeol off your bed with a shriek.


"Shut up!" Kai scolded you, covering his ears. "Why are you so freaking noisy?! People are still sleeping, you know! Night curfew is until 7:00, and if someone complains, you're dead!"


Kai kicked you from down on his futon, without even opening his eyes.

"Taemin, cut the crap, alright? What are you, a little girl, to be reacting this way?"

You took deep breaths and tried to calm down. Kai was useless anyway. You turned to Chanyeol and glowered at him.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here."

He gulped.

"You know, I'm your hyung, but somehow I feel scared right now."

"You should be," you reached for your glowsticks and swung them around threateningly. "Explain yourself, this instant."

"Taemin-ah, I'm sorry... but my bed didn't get to dry after you guys sprayed me yesterday! It's not my fault, I don't have spare sheets either..."

"So you came into my bed?!"

"T-they're drying right now! I promise it was only for last night."


"Well, I had nowhere else to go..."

You pointed at Kai's lair, your finger shaking in anger.

"For the record, I did tell him to sleep with me," Kai murmured in his sleep.

"You shouldn't have let him into the room without my permission in the first place," you growled. "And you," you glared at Chanyeol again. "Why didn't you sleep with Kai?"

"I don't like the floor," he whined. You collapsed onto your bed and started rubbing your eyes.


Chanyeol bowed to you and scurried out of the room in his pajamas. Frustrated, you jumped onto Kai, sat on him and proceeded with beating him on the head.

"You ! You knew something like this could happen! What if some kind of accident happened and he found out!" you hit him.

"Chill, Sora! Don't piss me off!"

"You jerk! Idiot!"

"SORA!" Kai grabbed your wrists and flipped you around. This time, he was the one sitting on you.

"Do you not trust me?! I know Chanyeol very well. He's a bit weird, but harmless. Innocent. You see? He won't do anything stupid. And even if he found out, I have a feeling he'd be more happy than determined to rat you out. Alright?" he sighed. You looked to the side, ashamed. "I won't do anything to sabotage this plan, Sora," he looked at you, but you refused to look back. "I care about Taemin as much as you do. Although I'm mad that he didn't tell me anything about going to Japan to train, I still want him to be successful. That was our deal. I'll do anything to make sure the two of us become famous performers. So don't worry. I know what I'm doing."

With that, he got off of you, rolled you off his sheets and went back to sleep.

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lol are people tired of waiting for this story? XD so am I :/ I'm really not pulled toward EXO anymore... but it'll stay here anyway


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Naile128 #1
I wonder who it is.... Hmmm....
jeongtaesin #2
for him being stuck in the lab all night long XD
Who is that dude?! Is he from EXO-K? Hmm.... Although he did it for Sora... it's cheating. Pshhh... -____-"
And he obviously likes Sora.
Can't wait for more updates!
And he obviously likes Sora.
Can't wait for more updates!
Yoonjistar #6
I want her to end up with...kai or chanyeol!^_^ hehe good story update soon~
OMG KAAIII.... I thought that you're a heartless idiot *LOL* but I guess I'm wrong. AIGOO...
a_soomy #8
Me 2 i want Kai to end up w/ her TT^TT
Cant wait for moree updates!
Naile128 #10
I want Kai to end up with her!