Cold hearted love... or not. [BaekYeol]

Boys with problems. Or so they say.

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
I left this here,
it's a present for you~♡

Baekhyun returns home after a shopping session with Tao and this is what he finds on his desktop, a childish Pororo card. Together with a silly red package, white ribbon on top. There's no name on it. He doesn't think it's his birthday (yet), he didn't do anything to deserve a present and he's definitely not Jongin who receives gazillions of gifts and praises everyday for his cuteness, adorableness, iness and all that . He really wants to believe it's something for him but turns around to ask his forever happy-go-lucky roommate who's busy reading Naruto anyway. On Baekhyun's bed.

"Chanyeol, what's this?"

"Wait, hyung~ let me stay on your bed for a while, it's so comfy and warm and I promise I'll leave your bed to you soon, I'm almost done reading Naru─ WAIT NO, ITACHI'S DIYING, NO, SASUKE, YOUR BROTHER LOVES YOU, DON'T KILL HIM, DON'T─ FU─"

"CHANYEOL, THE PRESENT. THIS PRESENT. I don't mind if you're laying on my bed, reading your mangas or whatever, I'm talking about this package. I want to know who put this here and to whom does it belong."


"Yeah. I know. So?"

"Well, that's a present as far as I know. And it was on your bed before I moved here from the living room so I guess it's for you? And─ BAEKHYUN, ITACHI'S DIYING AND YOU'RE ASKING ME ABOUT THAT DAMN PRES─"

In the end, that was for Baekhyun but he didn't know who sent it. It was a t-shirt he once saw in a store, Baekhyun thought it was designed for him, it was perfect, but he couldn't buy it because he forgot his wallet at home. And it was Chanyeol's fault, of course. Because that day, before going out with Jongdae, he showed up in their room after a long shower with only a pair of tight shorts that outlined every single thing Baekhyun didn't want to ever see. And it was such a bad view that Baekhyun probably dropped his jaw together with his wallet.

Thanks God Chanyeol was wearing those shorts though, it would have been worse. A lot worse.

And this is the story of the mysterious shirt.

Baekhyun asks Jongdae later that evening if he's the one who bought the shirt for him but he just shakes his head no, too busy playing a game with Wu Fan, the one with wooden bricks, built up to form a tower. Jenga? Yes, that's it.

He runs to his room when Wu Fan stands up, with a pissed off face, to chase after him because it was Baekhyun's fault if he got distracted and the tower collapsed on the table, causing Jongdae to roll on the floor laughing, hands holding his stomach.

A knock on the the door and his usual polite manners, are all that it takes to make Chanyeol unlock the door (who, unfortunately for Baekhyun, was still on his bed immersed in his mangas) to welcome his tall chinese twin in the room.

A very manly scream escapes Baekhyun's mouth. Stupid Chanyeol.

The next week, when Baekhyun wakes up, he finds a post-it on one of his slippers.

One day, if the sun were to suddenly disappear,
I'd have your smile enlightening up my world~


Baekhyun stares and stares at that silly green post-it, not knowing what to do. He felt like one character of 'The Sims', you know how people in that videogame don't know what to do if you place whatever object in front of them. They can't go beyond that object. They can even die if you place a book in the doorway of their bedroom.
And you need to take that ing book away if you don't want to see your 'sim' pee their pants, starve and then die.

But seriously, was that a joke one of his band mates planned? Was someone stalking Baekhyun? Was that person dangerous?

At that thought his blood freezes.

He wants to wake Chanyeol up, who's sleeping soundly in the bed next to his but decides to just go wash his face since he woke up earlier than usual. He shuffles quickly to the bathroom, only to find another post-it on his toohbrush.

I'd like to give you a star each time you make me happy
but they wouldn't be enough~

This time there's his name on the bottom of the little piece of paper, followed by a tiny black heart. These messages are kinda... cute, Baekhyun thinks. But the fact that he doesn't know who writes them makes him shiver.

But he thinks he's already seen this kind of handwriting... It reminds him of someone─


Oh my God.

Another week passed and Baekhyun still finds posts-it everyday when he wakes up. He started to like these messages, each of them different, each post-it of a different shape and color.

And he's ninety-nine percent sure he knows who the mysterious (admirer?) sender is.

"I really like these posts-it, they make me feel loved," Baekhyun blurts out one evening, when he and Chanyeol are watching their own fancams on the internet. Chanyeol coughs.

"Oh, really? Yeah, uhm, I think they're... kinda sweet too."

"I wonder who writes them. Maybe it's Tao? He can be very poetic... Or maybe it's Sehun? Ah, he's really shy, it can be. Or...", Baekhyun covers his mouth with his hand to suppress a laugh. Chanyeol pretends to be engrossed on those fancams. He can feel a drop of sweat trailing down his jaw.

 "...maybe Wu Fan hyung? Wow Chanyeol, can you imagine that? Because I surely can't," laughing, Baekhyun nudges Chanyeol's side with his elbow. Why isn't Chanyeol reacting, this .

Silent creeps in their room as they continue to watch random videos.

"What if... what if I'm the one who wrote all that stuff? I mean, it's not like I did, you know, I'm joking─ and why would I ever do that, haha," Chanyeol sputters a few minutes later, scratching his neck.

"Just because your smile's really pretty and you're funny and smart and you make those adorable little moans when you sleep and you have a really nice body and─ you know, you have a really clear skin and─ DAMN, BAEKHYUN, THE SOUNDS YOU MAKE AT NIGHT, they make me uallyfrustratedok. AndIreallylikeyou─"

Baekhyun just stares at Chanyeol amused.

"─wait, it's not what you think hyung, I know what you're thinking, it's not like I want to have with you─ OH GOD, BRAIN, WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP─"

Chanyeol knows this wasn't supposed to happen so he tries to sneak out of their room, maybe he turned invisible from the embarrassment in the meanwhile, he's a shadow now, a ninja and Baekhyun can't see him, right?

He stumbles over the laptop's wire and fights with it for a while when the elder decides it's time to put the word 'end' to this awkward situation, he stands up and pushes Chanyeol against the door. When did Baekhyun become so strong?

"I found out it was you when I read the second post-it," Baekhyun reveals nonchalantly.

"And in the fifth post-it you actually wrote 'Bacon'. If you exclude my fans, you're the only one in this dorm who calls me bacon, Yeol."

Chanyeol breaths louder and looks everywhere but his hyung. He munches on his bottom lip harshly.

"I'm 'Yolk'. You're 'Bacon'. We are... perfect together. What's wrong with that... I like our names a lot, WHY ARE YOU MOCKING ME, YOU'RE SO CRUEL, YOU'RE HEARTLE─"

The words stop inside his throat when he feels Baekhyun's fingers on his belly. He's going to die, he'll die, Baekhyun is going to pierce his skin open with his bare, cold hands. He's sure of that, they're pressing harder on his skin, oh God, life is cruel, Baekhyun's a cold hearted murderer, Chanyeol always suspected that, always.

But when Baekhyun's mouth is on his neck, the world starts spinning in the other direction and, is he a vampire too?

"Yeollie, can't you relax?", Baekhyun breathes close to the shell of Chanyeol's ear. It sends a shot of warm sensations right down in his groin and maybe, but just maybe, he's going to die for a whole different reason.

"I like you, Chanyeol," the shorter breathes again. Because Chanyeol can't think anymore (and that's all youtube's and the stupid videos the fans shares' fault if he feels a bit dizzy), he pushes Baekhyun back on the bed, crawls over him and kisses him full on the lips. This is what he dreamt for for so much time, he can't believe this is happening and Baekhyun is so soft under his palms and─

"Chanyeol, I'm going to top, just so you know."

And maybe dreams are destined to be just dreams.



this took me so long, i'm really sorry ;_; i hope you like it anyway ~ enjoy ~

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Nice~ I'm loving this! Update soon please~~
Ohmygod Baekyeol xD
You know what Yeol, you are damn cute! Haha
Update soon :D
sasuga #5
Oh! I forgot something.....UPDATE SOON PLEAAASE ♥
sasuga #6
Haaaa, poooor Jongin =D
baekhyun <3
Nice story, new reader here ! Love your update :)
morninginmarch #9
ahahaha i laughed so hard at the first chapter. ooo taorislay!!! i love this OT3 pairing <3
just one point, do you think you could use proper pronunciation? who am i to talk, i'm not in this comment, but that's a different story. I noticed that you don't start your sentences with capital letters, and quite frankly it annoys me a bit when I'm reading it. Could you take the time (and effort) to just fix up that? thanks! ^^