I'm going to make you fall for me

I'm going to make you fall for me


You’re on your way to school. While you walk you try to remember everything you’ve been studying on last night for today’s test. When you’re completely satisfied with that you start to sum up everything that you need to do when you get home. While counting it down on your fingers you see a black van driving by. That must be ‘that guys’ van, being driven to school. That’s what you get when you’re famous. The rest of your way to school your busy thinking bad stuff about ‘that guy’. When you’re almost at the school gate you see your friend running towards you.

Baekjin:”guess what??”

You:”good morning to you too, haha. What is it??”

BaekJin:”while I was waiting for you I saw Seungri walking by, holding hands with yet another girl. That must be the third, this month!!”

Yep, the guy who you just can’t stand is no other then Seungri. It’s actually Lee Seunghyun, but everyone just calls him by his stage name. He is very popular and a huge flirt. He has dated almost every girl in the school. He hasn’t hit on you and your friends, yet. Well, not that he’s going to hit on you, who would, but your friends are pretty.

You:”why would you fall for that guy?? He’ll dump you when he’s tired of you. What does he think girls are?? Lust objects?? You must be stupid to fall for a guy like him.”

Baekjin:”well, he’s famous and rich and cute and I’ve heard that he’s a great boyfriend, for the time being, that is.”

You:”yeah, still not getting it. I think it’s all fake. He had no feelings, he’s just after one thing and when he’s got that he’s gone.”

Baekjin:”maybe you’re right. Hé, don’t you have a test in a minute??”

You:”crap, yes!! I’ve got to go, see you and Minrah at lunch, bye~”

You run to your locker, grab your stuff, close your locker and run to class. You’re in such a hurry that you don’t slow down when taking the corner. You should have slowed down.



Guy:”watch out. You’re not even supposed to run through the halls.”


Guy:”is that all you’re gonna say??”


Guy:”can’t you say more than one word at the time??”

You:”no.”  *try to get your stuff together*

Guy: [what kind of girl are you??] “Let me help you” *picks up some books*

You:”you don’t have to help me.”

Guy:”too late, I already did.” *hands you your books*

You:”Thanks.  *actually look at the guy*  YOU!!”


You:”nothing.”  *grabs books from him and runs off*

Guy:”wait!!”  [what a strange girl. Well, not strange, I think interesting is more the word] *to random guy*  “Hey, do you know who she is??”

You:[ why of all people do I have to run into Seungri?? Now I’m going to be late for sure.]

You run as hard as you can. When you’re almost there you see that the door is closed and you stop running. It’s of no use anymore. When you arrive you see a note on the door. –‘your teacher is sick. Sorry for the trouble.’-

You:”great, all of that for nothing!! Aish~”

Guy:”what was all for nothing??”

You turn around and see Seungri standing there. Did he follow you??

You:”none of your business.”

Seungri:”why are you being like that to me?? Did I do something wrong??”

You:”yeah, I didn’t think that you would know what you did wrong.”



You turn around again and start to walk off. Seungri runs and stops in front of you.

Seungri:”no, I’d like to know. What did I do wrong to make a pretty lady like you hate me that much??”

You:”exactly that. You’re such a flirt. You don’t have any respect for girls!!”

Seungri:”that’s not true, I-“

You’re not planning on listening to his excuses and run off. That was enough Seungri for today. You head to the library to continue studying until next class starts. When it’s lunchtime you go to the cafeteria to meet up with your friends.

Baekjin:”did you make it on time this morning??”

You:”no, not really.”

Baekjin:”sorry, I shouldn’t have started about Seungri.”

You:”don’t be silly. It wasn’t your fault. It does have something to do with that player tough. But let’s stop talking about him, the teacher was sick anyway.”

Minrah:”that’s not fair!! I’d want to know what you were talking about.”

Baekjin:”it’s just Seungri. But you are a bit heated up about it. You normally love to talk bad about that guy.”

You:”alright, I’ll tell. When you reminded me about my test I started to do everything while running…”

You told you friends about what happened this morning.

Minrah:”no way!! He was hitting on you??”

You:”he was not hitting on me!! Will you never, ever say that again?? I might be getting nightmares from it!!”

Minrah:”you’re right, sorry. Let’s forget about this morning and talk about something else.”

You:”thank you.”

Baekjin:”just when you speak about the devil, here he is.”



Baekjin:”there.” *points*

You:”don’t point!!”

Baekjin:”why not??”

Minrah:”because when he sees it he… never mind, he saw it. Wait.. why is he heading our way??”

You:”no!! I don’t think I can take more Seungri for today!!”

Baekjin:”don’t worry, we’ll be right next to you.”

Seungri:”you know, it’s rude to point.”

Baekjin:”I know that it’s rude to point. I would never point at people.”

Seungri:”but you just pointed at me.”

Baekjin:”I know. I’m not stupid.”

Seungri:”so you’re saying I’m not human? *to you* your friend says I’m not human!!”

You:”I know, I heard it.”

Seungri:”aren’t you going to do something about it??”

You:”why would I?? I think she’s right.”

Seungri:”so if I’m not human, then what am I, an alien?? A monster??  *looks amused*

You:”no, you’re worse, you’re a player.”

Seungri: *looks hurt* “you know, that really hurts.”

Minrah:”it was supposed to hurt, you .”

Seungri:”fine, I’ll leave again. Bye~”

Baekjin:”whatever. Don’t show up again would you.”

Seungri looks at you, straight in the eyes, and then walks away, out of the cafeteria. While you were talking to Seungri, the whole cafeteria went quiet. When Seungri left, everyone started to say mean things. –‘what gives you the right to say such things to our oppa??’ ‘Yeah, especially someone like you. We don’t want poor people at our school. It lowers our reputation.’ ‘Go home and help your parents beg for money.’ ‘I bet she doesn’t even have a home.’ ‘she probably lives on the streets surviving on the food she finds on the ground.’ ‘I bet she doesn’t have any food right now, let’s give her some!!’  Everyone started to throw food at you. You and your friends ran out of the cafeteria and into the fresh, foodless open air, outside the school. When you were save from food your friends started to get the food off of you and out of your hair. You started to cry.

Baekjin:”hé, don’t cry. We’ll go to the principle and tell him everything.”

You: *sob* “no-ho. Then we have to ex-explain why they were throwing f-food at me.”

Minrah:”she’s right. We weren’t really nice to Seungri either.”

Baekjin:”but we didn’t throw food at him.”

You:”just forget it. Classes are about to start anyway.” *wipe away tears*

Minrah:”you’re still going??”

You:”well, yeah. If I don’t go they’d win, wouldn’t they??”

Minrah:”yeah, you’re right.”

Baekjin:”you’re really brave, you know that??”

You:”thanks. Now, let’s go.”

You all walk to your next classes. The rest of the day was like hell. In class, when the teacher wasn’t looking, everyone threw clots at you. They teared your bag apart and when you were walking to your next class they kept on pushing you against the wall, face first. They’d also ‘accidentally’ hit you with their bags and step on your feet.
The day was finally over. You put your bags in Minrahs locker (your locker was kicked in, you couldn’t open it unless you’d take out the door). Minrah and Baekjin had afterschool schedules, so they couldn’t walk you home safely. This was your worst day ever, and tomorrow probably isn’t going to get any better. You wobbled to the exit. When you got yourself through the door you saw Seungri leaning against the school gate. You straightened yourself, back straight, chin up and walk like nothing’s wrong. you walked to the gate and almost passed him without looking at him. The ‘nothing’s wrong’ act was going pretty good. At least, that’s what you thought..

Seungri:”oh my, what did they do to you??”

You:”who?? What are you talking about?? Nothing’s wrong with me.”

Seungri:”you can’t be serious. Look at yourself. You can’t walk straight, your eyes are red and you’re completely covered with bruises!!”

He walks to you and grabs your wrist. You tried to pull it back but your wrist started to sting. You twitched, it hurted, a lot, but you didn’t want to give in.

You:”ya, what do you think you’re doing!!”

Seungri:”I’m taking you to the hospital.”

You:”no you’re not!!”

Seungri:”yes I am!! You need to get treaded, you might have broken something.”

You:”I’m not going to the hospital!!”

Seungri:”give me one good reason not to take you there.”

You: *quietly* “because I can’t pay for it.” *facing the ground*

Seungri:”then I’ll pay for it, you have to go.”

You:”no, I don’t want to have debts with you.”

You yanked your wrist away from his grip, you didn’t care that it hurted, and walked away. You heard Seungri yell your name but you refused to listen to him. You kept on walking when suddenly everything went black. When you woke up you found yourself lying on a hospital bed.

You:”ah… where am I??”

Seungri:”hey, you’re awake. Had a nice sleep??”

You:”I guess. *realizes that you’re in the hospital*  Yah!! I told you I didn’t want to go to the hospital!!”

Seungri:”you fainted. What else was I supposed to do??”

You: [I fainted??] “… I want to go home.”

Seungri:” we need to wait for the result of the x-rays, then I’ll take you home.”

Luckily nothing was broken. You got some painkillers and something for your bruises. As promised, Seungri took you home. Apparently his driver waited outside the hospital the whole time. You got into the backseat next to Seungri.



You:”… thanks…”

Seungri:”it’s okay.”

You:”so… how do you want me to pay you back?? You know I can’t with money.”

Seungri:”you don’t have to pay me back.”

You:”sorry, but I can’t stand the feeling of having debts with someone.”

Seungri:”fine, I’ll think of something.”

After a while the car stopped in front of your house. You thanked Seungri and he said goodnight. When you got inside you found worried (grand)parents (no cell phone and all). You told them that you were at school, studying, and when you wanted to go home you tripped down the stairs. You had to convince them that you were okay and after that they sent you to bed (‘rest is the best medicine’). The next day, before going to school, you mentally prepared yourself. When that was done you got off to school. There wasn’t any change with yesterday, they still hit and pushed you. Then lunchtime came. They first started with the mean comments. Then the food comment came and everyone started to throw food at you. Suddenly a loud whistle was heard through the cafeteria. Everyone went quiet. You tried to find the whistler and saw Seungri walking over to you.

Seungri:”you will all stop the bullying, right now!! Anyone who is hurting this girl ever again is going to regret it.”

Everyone stared at Seungri, including you and your friends. Then everyone turned around and started eating their food.

You:”why did you do that??”

Seungri:”you’re welcome.”

You:”oh, yeah, thanks. But why did you do that??”

Seungri:”because I like you.”

You: [O_O] “… but I don’t like you!!”

Seungri:”I know that. But listen carefully…”

Seungri keeps comes closer to you until his mouth is next to your ear.

Seungri: *whisper* “I’m going to make you fall for me.”

And with that he left you behind, all stunned. After what happened in the cafeteria, everything went back to normal. Everyone was back to ignoring you and no one dared to touch you. At the end of the day you walked past your locker. Who knows, maybe someone kicked the door completely out so you can get to your stuff again. When you reached your locker you saw that it was fixed. A complete new door. You opened your locker and found a note. –‘thought I’d fix the locker for my future girlfriend.  Don’t forget: I’m going to make you fall for me. Loves, your future boyfriend.’- you got goosebumps all over, it was so cheesy!! But you did start thinking about his words. What did he mean by that?? How is he going to do that?? Who does he think he is? Who does he think you are?? I’m not going to one of those girls.
It started the next day. You came out of your house and there you saw Seungri waiting outside, leaning against a wall.

Seungri:”good morning, my darling, did you have a nice sleep??”

You:”why are you here??”

Seungri:”to walk with you to school.”

You looked around and there was, indeed, no car.


Seungri:”because I’m going to make you fall for me, remember??”

You:”not that it’s going to happen, but how were you planning on doing that??”

Seungri:”I’m going to show you how it would be if I was your boyfriend. I’m going to make you feel like a princess, make you feel safe, hug you when you need comforting, take care of you, surprise you. I’m going to be your ideal boyfriend.”

You hate to admit it, but he caught you off guard. My ideal boyfriend. How is he going to be my ideal boyfriend when I myself am not even sure how my ideal boyfriend should be.??

You:”you don’t have to walk me to school. I’m fine on my own.”

Seungri:”but isn’t that what a boyfriend should do?? Make sure his girlfriend gets to her destination safely?? Besides, this way I can ask what your ideal boyfriend should have, except for good looks, because I already have those.”

You:”wua, prince disease much?? And no way am I going to tell you about my ideal type. You have to find that out on your own.” [aish, why did I say that?? I don’t want him to find out what  my ideal boyfriend looks like. I’m doomed]

Seungri:”fine. Then I’m going to find it out on my own by trying out everything. Be prepared.”

You: [so doomed]

You two walked to school together. While walking to school, Seungri kept asking questions like ‘do you like flowers?? Is your ideal type romantic or a bad boy?? Should he be smart?? Do you like surprises??’. At some point you couldn’t take it anymore and yelled at him to shut it, but he just refused and kept asking stuff. When you arrived at school you saw Baekjin standing near the gate with wide open. You said bye to Seungri and ran to Baekjin.


Baekjin:”why were you walking with that player??”

You:”today he started with trying to make me fall for him. Really annoying. Now he’s gonna keep bugging me. All the way here he kept on asking me questions.”

Seungri:”I was not annoying, I was showing interest.”

You: [does he follow me now??] ”interest my . You were being lazy. If you really want to know what my ideal type is then you have to go and find it out yourself, like I said before.”

Seungri:”you know, it starts to sound like a challenge. *looks amused* challenge accepted.”

You: [Stupid me, where did my brain go?? why do I keep saying  that he has to find it out on his own?? WHY??]

You walked inside the school. You noticed that Seungri kept following you. You decided to ignore him and moved on to your locker. You opened your locker and there you saw the cutest stuffed bunny. You grabbed the bunny and noticed a little red card which read –‘this bunny is nothing compared to your cuteness’- Oww so cheesy, it made you spaz, but it was a little cute. Wait, no. I’m not thinking like this!! How did he get into my locker anyway??

Seungri:”do you like it??”

You didn’t want to let him know that you actually liked cute things, so you said no. Then Seungri did something that gave you a feeling that you couldn’t place.

Seungri:”you don’t have to lie to me. I know you better than you think. I happen to know that you like cute things. Aww, you look so cute when you’re surprised. Bye~”

He gave you a kiss on your forehead and left. What was that?? How dare he give you a kiss on your forehead!! But why do I keep feeling his lips on my forehead?? And what is this feeling in my tummy?? What did he do to me??

Minrah:”that was not Seungri who gave you a kiss on your forehead just now… right??”


Baekjin:”yes it was. He’s really trying everything, isn’t he..”


Minrah:”what?? That ‘I’m going to make you fall for me’ thing?? For real?? Then you should be prepared. He’s known to be a great boyfriend.”

Baekjin:”you’re not really helping you know. *to you* Don’t worry, we’ll help you through this.”

Minrah:”wait. I’m sorry but I really want to see this.”


Minrah:”I said sorry already!! But aren’t you curious?? Not even a tiny little bit?? We’ve hated him so much, he really needs to do A LOT to make her heart even flutter.”

Baekjin:”alright. I have to admit that I am a little curious at how he’s going to do it. Although I think that he’s made a good start. HELLO.” *waves hand in front of your eyes*

You:”I need new friends.”

Baekjin:”haha, you’re funny. Welcome back to earth by the way. Now let’s go.”

You sat in your classroom when suddenly a couple of guys came to you and started to ask questions about things that you might like. No may, did Seungri ask them to do that?? Well, apparently he did. And not just them, but it seems to be the whole school. Everyone asked you questions. And when you finally answered one, they wrote it down!! Eventually you were sick of it. When it was lunchtime you searched up Seungri.

You:”ya, Seungri!!”

Seungri:”hey cutie, how’s it going??”

You:”you said that you would find it out on your own, and not by asking questions!!”

Seungri:”what?? Oh, your ideal type. Well, I said that I would find it out on my own and that is what I’m doing now, aren’t I??”

You:”no!! You told everyone in this school to ask me questions.”

Seungri:”yes, and I did that on my own. I’m not the one asking questions so you can’t blame me.” *evil smirk*

You:”that’s not… you can’t… it’s… arg!!”

Seungri:”you hate it that much?? I’m sorry. I think I just wanted to show you how much I can do. Can you forgive me??”

You:”I don’t—“

Seungri:”please??” *puppy/panda eyes*

You:”fine, okay. Just quit with the puppy eyes already. It creeps me out!!”

Seungri:”don’t you think it’s cute??”

You:”it is. And that is exactly why it creeps me out.”

Seungri:”YOU THINK I’M CUTE!!”

You:”that’s not the point, it’s—“

Seungri: *singing*  “you think I’m cute. You think I’m cute. You think I’m cute.”

You:”you’re such a child!! I’m out of here.”

Seungri: *grabs your wrist*  “Wait, I have something for you. I made you a lunchbox.”

You”: a lunchbox… why??

Seungri:”a lot of girls like it when their boyfriend cooks for them. And by the look of it, you do to.”

You:”I don’t… you know, never mind.”

Seungri:”here. *puts lunchbox on table* sit down.”

You:”I’m not hungry.” *stomach growls*

Seungri:”yeah, right. *pulls you next to him*  say: ah.”

You:”you don’t have to— *gets food in mouth* [wow, this is delicious!!] *finished food in mouth* I didn’t know you could cook.”

Seungri:”there is a lot you don’t know about me. Do you like my food??”

You: *nod*

Seungri:”good girl. Here, finish up. I don’t think you’d like it when I’d feed you.”

You finished his lunchbox. You can’t believe that he made it himself. You decided to stop lying to him. He’d know it when you lie to him anyway. There was one thing though that kept bugging you: while you were eating he kept starring at you. When you said something about it he reacted with: ’I can’t look away, you’re just too cute’. Your friends made gag noises, but it gave you that weird feeling in your tummy again.
This kept going on for days. He hold the doors open for you, carried your books, walked you to your classes, gave you lots of compliments and treated you like a princess. And at the end of every school day he asked you if you had fallen for him witch you always replied with a ‘no’. After a month you decided that it all should stop. You told Seungri that it should stop, that it’s never going to happen, you two just don’t fit. At first Seungri wouldn’t listen. But when you said that you would hate him if he kept going on he stopped. He seemed shocked and stayed quiet for the rest of the day. The next day he didn’t show up, not at your house nor at school. You asked around and they said that he was too busy with Big Bang to come to school. At first you was really happy, but then you got the feeling of being lonely. You couldn’t believe it but you actually missed him.

Winter came and somewhere in the middle you got a phone call from your school. It had frozen so hard that it was not humane to let the classes go on, causing you to have a week free of school. But another effect of the freezing was your mother coming down with a cold. Because you really needed the money you decided to do the work for your mom. After some arguing (‘you don’t have to go working for me.’ ‘Mom, I have a week off.’) You got the address and went over to the house. You ring the doorbell and a woman opens the door.

Women:”welcome~ you must have come to replace your mother. Come in.”

You walk inside and introduce yourself.

Women:”ah, so you’re the girl Seunghyun was talking about. This is going to be interesting.”


Women:”yes, my son, Seunghyun. Maybe you know him better by his other name, Seungri.”

You:”Seungri is your son??” [ Now that I think about it, he never said something about his family ]


You:”I am sorry. It’s just that I didn’t expect to work for the mother of Seungri. But, eh, he talked about me??”

Miss Lee:”well, yes. A couple of months ago we’ve received a bill from the hospital. Because no one from this house got to the hospital I called Seunghyun and he told me that he took you to the hospital after you’ve fainted.”

You:”I am so, so sorry. I’ve asked Seungri, I mean Seunghyun, to let me pay off my debts by doing something for him.”

Miss Lee:”doing something… for him????”

You:”yes. Because I, eh, can’t… pay with money.”

Miss Lee:”oh, never mind that. I’m glad Seunghyun took you to the hospital. I hereby declare you debt free. You know what, you wait in the living room for Seunghyun to come home  and then he can show you around the house.”

You:”there is no need for that. If you would tell me what my job is, what I have to do, then I can start working.”

Miss Lee:”don’t be silly. It’s your first day and it’s okay to relay the work for one day. Seunghyun should be here any minute. Would you like something to drink?? Tea maybe??”

You: *sigh* “yes, tea please.”

You gave in. your sitting on the couch waiting for Seungri to come home while sipping from your tea. After a couple of minutes you hear the front door being opened and closed.

Miss Lee:”hey honey, welcome home.”

Guy:”hey mom.”

Miss Lee:”it’s so nice of you to come see your mom once in a while. But aren’t you busy with schedules and stuff??”

Seungri:”no, it’s actually a school week, so I’m off from schedules. But since our school is closed for the week I thought: ‘hé, let’s visit my mom’. I’m sorry I only called an hour ago, I didn’t want to trouble you..”

Miss Lee:”not at all. Your room is always available and prepared. You can just put your stuff there.”

Seungri:”thanks mom.”

Miss Lee:”ah yes, I’ve got a surprise for you. You remember that girl from the hospital bill??”


Miss Lee:”well, her mom works here as a cleaner but she’s caught a cold so her daughter is replacing her.”

Seungri:”for real??”

Miss Lee:”she’s in the living room.”

Seungri runs to the living room with his mom walking behind him.


Miss Lee:”okay. I’ve got some work left to do so if you would show her the house, that would be great. Bye~”

And with that she left.

You: [ is she insane?? How could she leave her son alone in a house with a girl?? Does she trust him that much?? This is so awkward]

Seungri:”I’m sorry for my mom. She’d love to see me with a real girlfriend. Well, let me show you my house.”

He starts with the kitchen (he’s hungry) and then showed you the rest of the below floor. After that he takes you upstairs to see the bath- and bedrooms. The whole time you stayed quiet. Why does he act like nothing happened?? Did he really give up?? Why do I feel sad thinking about that?? I don’t like him. Do I??

Seungri:”someone home??” *waves hand in front of your eyes*


Seungri:”ah, come on. You still hate me??”


Seungri:”not?? So the way you think of me has changed??”

You:”no. I still think you’re a player.”

After saying that he pins you to the wall. Your faces are really close.

Seungri:”I told you before, that name hurts me.”

He looks you straight in the eyes.

Seungri:”I’m going to make you pay for that. I’m going to make sure you’re my personal maid. You still got some debts with me anyway.”


Miss Lee:”I’m back.”

Seungri let go of you. You run away and down the stairs. You greeted miss Lee and asked her what she’d like to have for dinner so you could go grocery shopping. She gave you a list and said to Seungri that he should go with you, but he said he didn’t want to, so you went alone. While you searched for the stuff on the list you kept thinking about what Seungri said to you, again. How does he do that?? Make you think about the things he said. When you came back to Seungri’s house he opened the door all happily, took the groceries and winked at you. You thought of it as weird and when you walked inside you found out why he was so happy.

Miss Lee:”Seunghyun had a great idea. Because it’s not really normal to let a girl do all the heavy work we decided that we, the tree of us, should divide the work among us and that in compensation you could help Seunghyun with his school work. Seunghyun said that you’re the best at the university.”

Seungri:”you always get A’s. And I could really use your help.” *looks meaningfully at you*

You: *got what he meant*  “ah, yes. I’ll help him. I own him something.”

Seungri:”let’s start right away.”

You:”but I need to make dinner.”

Miss Lee:”no, I’ll do it. You just go help Seunghyun. He really needs your help.”

Seungri:”thanks mom.”

You go upstairs. You expected him to make you do stuff like clean his room or something. But apparently he really needed your help. He kept giving the wrong answers and kept asking questions so you had to correct him. But when you were busy writhing something down, he came really close to your face.

You:”what are you doing??”

Seungri:”I’m reading what you wrote.”

You:”do you have to get so close to my face?? It makes me nerves.”

Seungri:”why does it make you nerves?? I’m only trying to study. Or does it make you nerves because you secretly like me and you’re afraid that you can’t control yourself??”

You:”fine, whatever, do what you want if you can study better that way. But to make things clear: I don’t like you!!”

Seungri:”you smell nice.”

You:”waah, stop it. Don’t come close to me!!”

Seungri:”don’t come close, do come close, don’t come close. I’m confused, what if it?? You know what, I’ll just give you a hug.” *stretches his arms towards you*

You:”DON’T TOUCH ME!!” *backs to the other side of the room*

Seungri:”aw come on, it’s just a hug.  *walks over to you* Don’t you like hugs??”

You:”no I don’t. So stay away from me.” *dodges his next hugging attempt*

Seungri:”no one hates hugs. If you hate it that means that you never had one.”

Miss Lee:”dinner’s ready. Can you guys come down??”


Yes!! Saved by…eh…food?? How ironically… You started to walk to the door when suddenly you feel two arms wrapping around your waist.

Seungri:”got ya~”

Whah, he bag hugged you. You couldn’t do anything, you just stood there.

Seungri:”are you that shocked?? I already let go of you. Come on, let’s go downstairs, I’m hungry.”


He grabbed your wrist and took you downstairs. When in the kitchen he pulled out the chair for you, put you on the chair and sat down on his own chair.

Miss Lee:”ehm, do you guys have to tell me something??”


Seungri:”ah, yes. Mom, meet your soon-to-be daughter-in-law.”

You:”ya!! What are you saying!! I don’t even—“

Seungri:”welcome back. *smirk* you spaced out again. I figured that this was the most effective way to get you back.”

Miss Lee:”just as I thought. You two make an interesting couple.”

You:”we’re not a couple.”

Miss Lee:”not yet. *giggle* but you’ll have a lot of time to get to know each other better. While you two were upstairs it started to snow, really hard. So hard even that we’re snowed in now. It’s impossible to open the doors. I’m sorry but you have no choice but to spend the night here.”

You:”but I can’t possibly stay. My parents will be worried sick and I didn’t bring anything needed for a stay over.

Miss Lee:”don’t you worry about that. I already called your parents and they're fine with you staying here for the night. About your stuff, I think you have the same measurements as Hana, don’t you think Seunghyun??”

Seungri:”hmm, let me see.” *looks you up from head to toe*

You:”who is Hana?? *to Seungri* would you stop that!!”

Miss Lee:”Hana is Seunghyun’s sister. She’s also with YG entertainment. That’s why she isn’t home now. But now you can use her room and clothes. We have some extra toothbrushes so you can use one of those. And of course you’re free to use the shower. The towels are in the cabinet next to the sink. I don’t see any other problems.”

You:”thank you so much. I didn’t want to be such a burden for you.”

Miss Lee:”not at all. Besides, it will be more then worth it. Especially when Seunghyun’s grades will get better. I’m actually very glad, a girl at my side again.”

Seungri:”and I’m also very happy with you staying here for the night.” *smirk*

After you helped clean up they showed you your room. After you took a shower you changed into pajamas. You were reading some magazine that lay in the room. You were dozing off when suddenly the door opened.

You:”Seungri!! Can’t you knock? You scared me.”

Seungri:”I guess I could knock, but I won’t.” *grin*

You:*sigh* “what do you want??”

Seungri:”I want you to make me a sandwich.”


Seungri:”because I’m hungry.”

You:”I mean, why do I have to make you a sandwich?? Do it yourself.”

Seungri:”you’re my personal maid. I am your master and as your master I wish for you to make me a sandwich.”

You:”how did it get into your stupid mind that I… *gets an idea* Fine, I’ll make you a sandwich. Go wait in your room.”

You walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. When you’ve finally found all your needed ingredients you begin. First: bread. Then: a whole lot of butter, some lettuce, mustard, peanut butter, some tomato slices, wasabi and so on. You were so busy creating your evil sandwich that you didn’t hear that someone walked into the kitchen. Suddenly you felt two arms wrapping around your shoulders.

Seungri:”what ya doing~??”

You quickly put on the top bread.

You:”making you a sandwich, like you ordered me to. Here, all done. Enjoy”

Seungri:”I have no idea what that is but it’s definitely not a sandwich.” *lets go of you*

You:”yes it is. Here, eat it. Say: ah~”

Seungri:”you take a bite first.”

You:”b-but it will get drool all over it.”

Seungri:”I don’t mind. I’m not scared of your drool.”

You:”…fine. It’s not really an edible sandwich. *throws the thing in the trashcan* Well, that was a waste. I didn’t even get some fun out of it.”

Seungri:”I did. *pats your head* You’re a good girl. Now go and make me a new sandwich. And to make sure that you won’t make something to poison me, I’ll stay here and watch you closely.”

You went and made him a new sandwich, a real, edible one this time. Not that he left you with much of a choice. You could practically feel him looking at you. When you were done you put the sandwich on the kitchen table.

Seungri:”now make me say: ah~ again.”

You:”say: ah~”

Seungri:”aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah… yah, you have to put the sandwich in my mouth.”

You:”do it yourself. As far as I have seen your hands work perfectly.”

Seungri gave up and started to eat. While he was eating you kept looking everywhere except at him. After he made you clean up the kitchen you two walked upstairs. You walked into your room and you noticed that Seungri followed you in.

You:”you’re NOT sleeping here. No way.”

Seungri:”but I reeaally want to.”

You:”I said no.”

Seungri:”fine. Then give me a hug as compensation.” *stretches arms to you*


Seungri:”pleeaase, please please please please please please please please” *still holding his arms towards you*

That was it. You’ve had it. You couldn’t take it anymore. You were tired. All you wanted to do was sleep. The least thing that you wanted right now was a whining Seungri. You were so sick of it, you snapped.

You:”I said no!! why won’t you just listen? Why do you have to do anything to annoy me?? Don’t you get it by now?? I don’t like players!! Leave me alone.”

Seungri looked down at the ground as he put his arms back down. Before he turned around he looked at you, straight in your eyes, and then walked away.

You:[no.. what did I just do?? I can’t do that. He let me stay in his house for this night. Aish, I told myself not to call him player anymore. Why can’t I hold my stupid mouth?? I have to apologize]   “wait!! Don’t go. I’m-I’m sorry.”

Seungri kept walking.

You:”wait.. Seunghyun!!”

He stopped.

You:”I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. *turns around to face the wall*  It’s just that I’m really tired and when you stared to whine I just snapped.”

You, again, felt arms wrapping around your waist and something heavy rested on your shoulder. His head??

Seungri”: say it again.”


Seungri:”my name. I want to hear you say my real name again.”

You could feel the warmth of his breath brush against your ear, giving you goosebumps. It felt good.


Seungri:”I like it when you say my real name. you should always call me that.”

You tried to get out of his embrace, but he refused to let you go. Instead he leaded you to the bed, put you down and sat next to you.


Seungri:”I think I need to explain myself. I get why you would call me player. I would call myself a player as well if I would see it from your point of view. But believe me, I’m not. You once told me that I don’t have any respect for girls but that is not true at all. The reason why I’ve dated so many girls is because I couldn’t stand to disappoint them when they asked me out on a date and to be their boyfriend. I even tried my hardest to make it work out. But eventually the girl would realize that it’s not really me who they liked, but my fame. Some of them were even only using me to get to get to the other Big Bang members. I have to admit that I didn’t really hate all the dating and girls, but now it has ruined my chances with you. The master/maid thingy was just something I wanted to do so I could order you around, using your debt with me as an excuse. But you know, I could have been worse. I actually wanted to order you to kiss me on my forehead or something, or even lower.” *smirk*

You:”and you think that I’d do that??”

Seungri:”no, but I could try, right??”

You:”you’re helpless. But I’m sorry for saying mean stuff to you before. Now that I know that you never started it, but the girls did, I feel terrible for misjudging you. But it must to have girls, who were sometimes not even after you, around you all the time.”

Seungri:”it wasn’t that bad. But like I said before, it ruined my chances with you. But now that I’ve explained myself, will you forgive me and give me a chance?? I really do like you and if it would help, so does my mom. I checked and the doors aren’t that hard to open. You just have to push harder. She set you, us, up. I’m so sorry for that. Apparently she likes you so much that she wants you to be my girlfriend. That must be some sort of family thing.”

You listened to his words and it kind of made you laugh. You thought for a while. After hearing what Seungri said, you did start to see him in a different light. It’s actually his first time chasing a girl, and that girl was you. You kind of felt honored. Now that you think of it, Seungri’s pledge of giving him another chance, does he really actually need one?? If you’d be honest with yourself, is it really disgust and hatred that you feel for him?? And you have to admit, you do like his mom. Seungri looked at you.

Seungri:”and?? Do I get another chance??”


Seungri:”…oh…. Well, ok then…. I’ll..go to my room now then. Sorry for everything.”

You:”wait, I wasn’t finished. I said no because you don’t need another chance, you still have your first one. Wait, that sounded really weird… ok, I’ll try to explain myself. I just thought about it and I think I like you as well. I mean, now that you’ve told me all that. You kind of seem sweet now, trying to make the girls happy and not rejecting them, although some of them would deserve it. And maybe I even liked you before you told me your story. I actually don’t have any debts with you, your mom said so. And I actually do like it when you hug me, it feels so nice, and save. I didn’t want to admit it earlier, my liking you, because that would mean that you’d win. I didn’t like the thought of that. Kind of childish, but true.”

It was quiet for a while. You looked at Seungri’s face to see what he thought, but his face was blank. Then, slowly, the corners of his mouth curled up.

Seungri:”so that means that I have won.. ha, I’m not called Seungri for nothing. So, now we’re dating??”

You:”ehm, I just want to ask you first: what is it that you like about me?? I’m not as pretty as the other girls in school, I’m not rich and I was never nice to you.”

Seungri:”I think it’s because you interested me the first time I saw you. Normally girls won’t bump into me, by accident, and them run away after screaming “YOU” with a horrified face. You are different form all the girls I’ve met. That’s where the interest started. Because you interested me I started to observe you only to find out that you are adorable and hardworking. You may not be the prettiest girl I’ve ever met, you are amazingly pretty in my eyes and if anyone tells you something else he’s going to get it with me.”


Seungri:”what ‘yes’??”

You:”yes, I want to be your girlfriend.”

Seungri hugged you really tightly. He went to his room and you slept for the rest of the night, or what was left of it. Te next morning you got woken up by Seungri. He stood next to your bed with a tray with breakfast on it. You two eat breakfast on your bed and talked, actually getting to know each other, when Miss Lee came in, wondering what you were doing. When she saw you two she understood it, gave a smile and left the room apologizing. When you brought the tray back to the kitchen she asked, just to be sure, and Seungri confirmed it, you were officially an item. School started again and it was quit noticeable that you two were dating. It first you was scared of what Baekjin and Minrah would say but they were really happy for you. Seungri was the sweetest and really a good boyfriend. You two greeted each other with a hug and said goodbye with a hug, without failing. And he got great grades now. When it came out that you were dating Seungri it was quite a buzz. But everyone quickly accepted you as Seungri’s girlfriend, except for the haters that you’ve gained. After a couple of years Seungri gave you a ticket for Big Bangs concert, like he always does, in the front, a V.I.P. place. When almost at the end of the concert, there was suddenly a voice heard through the building.

Announcer:”and now, for a V.V.I.P. who is here with us, Big Bang prepared a special song. Here are they with a song from Bruno Mars- Marry Me.”

While the other members were singing towards the end of the song Seungri came up to you , took you by your hand and leaded you to the stage. Once the song was over Seungri kneeled down on one knee and asked you to marry him, presenting a beautiful ring. You said yes and a month later you two got married. Seungri bought your parents a new house. You were assigned the job as Big Bangs assistant, helping them with their schedules and going with them everywhere they’d go (Seungri’s idea). By the time that he retired, you two had created two beautiful kids who were both talented and smart. You lived a happy live, hugging each other every single day.



                                                                                                                         The End.



Yay, done. Sorry for taking so long to finish it. Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it as much is I did writing it ^^ 

(for those who didn't get it while reading it: seungri means victory in korean :P)

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ughbap #1
Chapter 1: omg soooooo ccuutte ee
Chapter 1: Okay. I fell In love more with seungri. KYAAAAAAAAH ≥_≤
awesome that was cute! (Once i found where i was xD) can'twait till next update! :3
hope this is updated soon I LOVE IT the way he is really determined. ;) update soon!
TalkingTaco17 #5
Nice story =D Update soon pls~