My life... Everyday...

The Handsome VS The Pretty

At school cafeteria~


Hyeo Ji/ Your P.O.V 

You walks to the cafe. From your place you can see your group were there waving to you. You smiled and waving back to them. 

Besides your group table theres a boys group calling their group with Exo-K. The boy kingka group at SM High School. Actually i don't really like them. They too hot and have many girl around them.

Someone in the group wave to you. Its Chanyeol who waving to you with big smile on his face. Yeah i have admit he nice, funny and happy go lucky but i don't like any of them especially....

Someone hit you from the other side. "Ouch!" You look at him. Yes, especially this boy that i don't know which planet that he coming from and always seaking a problem with me. GOSH!

"! Don't you have eyes?! Watch where you're going!" He yelled to you.

Aissh this boy really can't talk nicely to me. That why i don't really nice to him. Meet him everywhere just give me a big trouble.

"Excuse me, you're the ONE who hitting me. Okay!" You look at him confidently.

He smirked. "What? Me? I'm the one who hitting you first? Oh my Lord. Did you realized what actually happen?! You the one hitting me in the first!" He pushed you back on your shoulder by his index finger.

You shocked. "Hey!! Don't you ever touch me with your hand!!" You wipe your shoulder that he touched.

"Why would me?" He touch and touch you on shoulder over and over.

"Kyaaa you!! Oh Se.. No i mean.. Ugh, i mean froggy!" You calling him with that nickname that you give to him when he start to call you a penguin cause i walk like them. Ugh!


"Nahh nahh penguin, penguin." He started teased you. You face turn to red.

"Oh Se Hun!!!" 

"AHHHHH!! Kyahh penguin! Why did you kick my leg. Aww." He scrub his hurt leg. All your friend that watching he laughing to him.

"I told you don't messed with me. Okay, bye Oh Se... No i mean froggy! Aww so cute. Oppss, i sorry if that too hurt. Hahaha." You walks to you friend leave him at the back. All your friend high five with you.

While Baekhyun help Sehun walk to their seat. Sehun just look at you not satisfied. You having fun talking to your friends and just don't care to him.


P.O.V Sehun table.

This penguin seriously different to others penguin. How can she kick me! Aissh, i really can't let she go peacefully.

You just look to Do Hyeo Ji that really happy talking to her friends.

"Sehun ah? Sehun ah?" D.O waving to your face.

Your imagination stop. "Uh?" You look at D.O face. He look like have something to say.

"Why you look at her?" D.O asked.

"Nae? I'm not looking at her. Why would i? She just like a UGLY PENGUIN EVER TO ME!" You yelled the word penguin louder so she can hear.

"Hyo Jin ah, i don't why that person always looking trouble with me. Its just like he doesn't have other girl to fight with." Hyo Jin just giggling hearing you said that while others do too.

All the Exo-K members laugh a little but they cover it when Sehun stared sharped to them.

He hit the table then get up from his seat and walks away.

Once he diassapeared from their view. All of them started laughing.

"He lose with a girl again!" Kai laughing really hard but stop when Shin Young look at him.

He cough. "Guys-guys stop it. Its not funny." Everyone start to stop laughing but end with laughing again.


P.O.V Sehun in the class.

Omo, that so embarrassing. Why you do this?! You lay your head on table and keep hitting it on your table.

You stop doing it when you hear a group of girl talking & laughing outside the class.

That must be them, U-Girl.

You take your book out and pretend that you were reading.

Hyeo Ji stopped her friend from talking and walks sit besides Sehun.

"OMO! Oppa so handsome when reading book." You laughed on what you said.

"What? Oppa?" Jung Hye Won yelled and bursts into laughed with others.

"Can't you guys shut up please?!" Sehun look uneasy with it.

"Kyaah, look oppa has mad at us." You make pout face.

He just look at you with scary eyes.

"Omo oppa, why you stared at me like that! Make my cutie cheek blushed." You cover your cheek shyly then laugh again with your friend.

"This girl really can't stop making fun of him." said Da Hyun followed with laugh.


Someone coughed in front of the class door. There at the door standing is Exo-K members.

"Hyeo Ji ah, can't you stop teasing him?" Said Suho that looking at you with others.

Hyeo Ji just shut up and walks to her friends. She afraid when someone talk serious to her accept Sehun. 

"Kyaah Suho why did you scold her?!" Da Hyun started to backup Hyeo Ji.

"I'm not mad but just talking like usual." Suho said innocently.

Both of them keep fight while Hyeo Ji just sit at her seat and play game on her phone. Sehun watching her. 

Why she shut suddenly? If in other time she will fight back or backup her friends.

Someone knocked the door make everyone looking at the person.

"Teacher Kim?" Everyone quickly sit at their seat.

"Wow, what happened? Did you guys fighting again? Sehun and Hyeo Ji come here." Teacher Kim calling them to come in front.

"Nae." Both of them answered then walk to Teacher Kim.

"I want both of you guys to sit there besides each other. NOW!!" Asked Teacher Kim cause she know they always fight and hope can be a friend when sitting together.

"WHAT?!!" They answered in the same time.

"BESIDES THIS PERSON?!" They pointed each other.

"And don't dare to change it. Understand? And remember it. Go now!" Teacher Kim warns them.

"But Teacher Kim..." Teacher Kim cut their word.

"No excuses are allowed or calling your parents to come. Choose it?

"WHAT?! PARENTS?! Oh gosh i rather die if that happen". Sehun. 

PARENTS?! Of course not! Appa will kill me if know im fight again! Hyeo Ji.

They both turning back without saying and stared at their friends unsatisfied.


"You guys too! Choose your partner. I want to keep this position until you end your school year. Arasso?!" Teacher Kim pointed others to change seat too. There only your group and Exo-K group in the class. 

Everyone choose their own partner.

Kai with Shin Young.

D.O with Hye Won.

Chanyeol with Ah Ri.


Baekhyun with Hyo Jin.

Suho with Da Hyun.

Sehun and Hyeo Ji can't choose their partner cause they have been choosed to be a partner and can't change it.




sorry i changed the story line. <(_ _)> Miaaan! -BOWS-

sorry for great grammar mistake. 

my engrish !


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