Night life

Please, Lee Gikwang. Say you love me, too.

The rest of the day sped by. After a quick lecture from Gikwang and Yoseob about the water temperature of my showers, the brownies were ready. We all just lounged around snacking and talking. Yoseob really was hyper. I made a mental note to never give him sugar. Eventually Yoseob left and it was just Gikwang and I. 

"Yah, HyunJae." Gikwang yelled from the living room while I was cleaning up my brownie dishes.


"Would you like to go out tonight?" Gikwang asked. Going on to tell me about a great club that he knows.

Go out? I've never been much of a partier. The only time I ever went out was on my eighteenth birthday which ended up being a drunken mistake. Worst hangover ever. 

"Ummm. I guess."

"Great!" His eyes lit up and he seems waaayyy too excited. How often does this guy get out?

I followed him upstairs and when we reached our rooms we went different ways. I don't even know if I have any clothes to wear to a club. I mean, I don't want to look too y. But then again, I don't want to seem like a lost school girl.

"GIKWANG!" I yelled. Shortly after my yell for him, Gikwang pokes his head through my door.


"I don't know what to wear." I pout. 

"Ahhh, Okay. Umm, lay out some of your choices and I'm going to go brush my teeth. Neh?" 

With that he leaves the room. I dig through my bags and get out a hot pink, lacey tank top with a black, tight skirt and some black sandals. I don't want to tower over Gikwang, now do I? Next is a back tank top with skinny jeans. And lastly a light blue, ruffle tank top with skinnies. I look over my choices. I really need to get some more clothes.

GIkwang's point of view.

I've decided against being rude to HyunJae. I mean, it's not like this whole marraige thing was her idea. Plus, she and I are both young. We are both attractive. And we are rich. Why not try to enjoy one another's company?

When I get done cleaning myself up in the bathroom, I go back to HyunJae's room to help her pick out what she wants to wear. 

I'm in a black v-neck with some dark jeans. Simple and comfortable. I look at her choices next to her. 

"A definite no the outfit with the shorts. Hardly anybody there will be wearing shorts." I say.

She grabs that outfit and throws it on top of her suitcase.

"I personally like the hot pink tank with the shirt."

"Of course you do. ert."

"Yah! I'm not a ert!"

"Okay... Whatever. Now get out. I gotta change."

I don't move.

"YAH! See. You are a ert!" She starts trying to push me back but to no avail. It's actually pretty cute watching her strugle so much to push me.

Finally I comply and leave the room while she gets dressed. I decide to go downstairs and watch tv while she finishes getting ready. I flipped the tv to Adventure Time. I love those kids. They are freaking awesome. 

After one episode, I hear HyunJae coming down the stairs. I turn to face. And just... Wow.

She looks amazing. The tank top and skirt compliment her body so well, I can't even describe how amazing it looks. He face has light makeup, but her pink and black eye shadow design make her eyes pop. He hair is curled falls gorgeously. I don't realize that my mouth is hanging open until she clears .

"Oh u-um ri-right. Let's g-go." I say grabbing my keys. I open the door to my car for her.

HyunJae's Point of view

Sitting in the car with Gikwang was fun. We listened to music, sang, and danced in our seats. I realized that he had a really great voice. It ws different. Child like almost, but still beautiful. When we arrived at the club, there was a long line wrapping around the building. 

"Wahhh. We are never going to get in!" I pout.

Gikwang gets out of the car and opens my door for me. 

"Trust me." Gikwang says grabbing my hand. We walk to the fron of the line despite the complaints from the people waiting.

The bouncer takes on look at us and lets us in without a word.

The people in line start complaining about how that isn't fair and how they had reservations.

"How did you do that?" I spoke over the music.

"All of the bouncers here have worked for my dad at one point or another. So I can get in whenever I want."

"Ahh, well don't you have the life?" I say sarcastically.

I blush when I realize that he and I are still holding hands. 

"Would you like a drink?" Gikwang asked.

"Yes please."

Gikwang orders us each a drink. I don't know what it was, but it slid down my throat easily. I start to feel myself relax. I sway to the music in my chair.

"Would you like to dance?" Gikwang asks me.

I nod. Whatever was in that drink. It was strong. And I'm already feeling th effects. Gikwang leads me to the floor and we begin to dance. Losing ourselves to the music just like all of the other unfamiliar faces. I can feel the heat of Gikwang's body against mine as we move together. The feeling of his skin is undescribable. I forget that I barely know him and focus on the fact that we will be together for a long time and wrap my arms around his neck. Whatever feeling, whatever connection I am feeling with him, he obviously feels it too because he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. Out bodies are in perfect unison as we lose ourselves in one another. I feel Gikwang started to lean in to kiss me when somebody bumps into us and we fall apart.

I blush and look around, Gikwang grabs my hand and brings me back towards the bar, ordering another drink. Drink after drink, I feel my mind getting hazier. I stood up, trying to move back towards the dance floor without success. I stumble and start to fall before Gikwang catches me.

"I think it's time we get you home."

"B-but we are hav-having soooooo mu-much fun!" I slur out to him.

"Yes we are." He laughs. I try to make out his face, but right when it comes into focus, it's gone again. I feel myself being leaded towards the exit. I clutch onto Gikwang as he guides me to his car. He sets me in the car before getting in and driving towards the house.

"I-I have-haven't been th-this wasted si-since my-y eighteenth b-birthd-day. Th-at wa-was the w-orst nigh-night ev-ever." I laugh out the window, thinking about that night's events.

"Why was that the worst night ever?"

"I g-got reeeaaalllyyy dru-drunk. A-nd my boy-boy frie-friend di-did some stufff." I slurred.

"What kind of stuff?" I feel Gikwang's eyes on me.

"N-nothing that ma-matters. He-e broke up w-with me-e the nex-next day anyways." 

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Hey gorgeous! (Although I am a girl but still your cute with your Kwangie~~) keke, nice chapter here! Enjoy your trip and do update soon!
update soon!
update soon..okay??it's daebak story!!^_^...really like it... :pp
updatteeeee!! gikwang! <3
dancelovelybird #5
woaaaaaahhhhh! why do i like your story so much??
plz update soon author-ssi! fighting!!!
It was good, really. Just that it was a little, a little short :p Do make it longer so as to grab on the attention of the readers'

Awaiting for the next chapter! Do read up mine as well, thanks!
DO upload the chapter soon!