Don't forget me, Bae.

Please, Lee Gikwang. Say you love me, too.


Gikwang's Point of view
“Yah! APPA! This isn’t fair to me. Why do I have to do this anyways?!” My dad is so unreasonable. Forcing me to marry someone I don’t even know. What’s the point in that?!
“Her father is the leader of a mob that got in a rumble with ours the other night. The deal was if they lost, we got their daughter. She is gorgeous. She doesn’t even like her family, so I say we are doing her a favor.” I hate the fact that my dad is a leader of a mob. I guess she and I have that in common.
“I still don’t see why I have to marry her.” I flex my jaw at my dad. He is obsessed with power. He has neglected me most of my life just so he can have power over people. He spends all of his time planning his mob’s next move. 
“Believe me, I am doing you a favor. Plus, I really want to piss her dad off.” Ahh, so all of this is to get back at her dad for the years of fighting. That’s bull. 
I storm out of his office he never vacates and run up the stairs to my over sized bed room. I have no chance of actually finding love on my own. I bet this girl is a little .
HyunJae’s Point of view.
“How could you appa?! How could you!? I’m your only daughter.”
“You think I don’t know that, huh?! You think I don’t regret my decision.” My father yells, his face getting redder and redder. No, I don’t think he regrets his decision. For if he did, he would do something about it. Negotiate. Anything.
“You have plenty of sons to replace me. I’m glad I’m leaving. Maybe they will actually respect me over there.” I run to my room full of boxes and suit cases. My cab will be here any minute now. I feel my heart ache at the fact that I will probably never see my father again, never see my brothers. I am leaving them with a fight, a fight I will never make peace with. I hope my father carries this burden his whole life. 
*Knock Knock* 
My youngest brother, Bae, pokes his head in. He is only 7. As bad as it sounds, he is the favorite of my 5 brothers. He is young and innocent. I am going to miss him most of all. But he doesn’t know what is going on. And in the future, I will be nothing but a memory to him. 
“Your cab is here.” I look into his big brown eyes and feel myself shed a tear. I wipe it quickly, refusing to let him see me upset. I have to be strong for him.
“Thank you, Bae.” I pick him up and rest his small body on my hips.
“Where are you going, HyunJae?” He asks in a small voice as our maids rush in and out of my room carrying my things down to the cab.
“Umm, I-I am being sent away somewhere.” I swallow the burn in my throat, threatening to burst through at any moment and leave me in tears.
“Wae?” He leans his head on my shoulder and I walk down the seemingly endless staircase.
“Because Appa made some bad decisions. And I have to leave so Appa can keep his word. But, I will do anything I can to get back to you, someday, somehow. I never want you to forget me. I love you so very much, Bae. And no matter what happens while I am gone, be strong. Can you do that for me?” 
He nods as he sheds a tear. He really doesn’t know anything that is going on. Only that I am leaving. He starts to cry and grip onto my shirt with the tightest grip his little hands could enforce. 
“Shhhh. Please don’t cry, Bae. You have to be strong. Listen, I will be back okay.” I feel myself beginning to cry as a maid has to take him from and another ushers me into the suffocating atmosphere of the cab. 
As I drive away, I see the maid struggling to keep Bae in her grasp.
“SARANGHAE!!!!” I hear him scream as he begins to give up on trying.
“Saranghae.” I whisper as I finally let the burning sensation in my throat take over as I continue to my new home of suspected hell.
Sorry for the depressing first chapter. But, I guess it’s better than boring, right? Anyways. The idea of the story has been building up for a while and tonight I finally got some more ideas to add to it and decided to start writing. I have another fic out but its quite a bit different from this one. Anyways, I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Please leave a comment and feel absolutely free to subscribe. I enjoy feedback as well!
Love you all:)
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Hey gorgeous! (Although I am a girl but still your cute with your Kwangie~~) keke, nice chapter here! Enjoy your trip and do update soon!
update soon!
update soon..okay??it's daebak story!!^_^...really like it... :pp
updatteeeee!! gikwang! <3
dancelovelybird #5
woaaaaaahhhhh! why do i like your story so much??
plz update soon author-ssi! fighting!!!
It was good, really. Just that it was a little, a little short :p Do make it longer so as to grab on the attention of the readers'

Awaiting for the next chapter! Do read up mine as well, thanks!
DO upload the chapter soon!