Fantasy? But it felt so real..
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>FLASHBACK<   4 years ago... When I was 14.. My parents were really busy and since I don't have any siblings.. I was always alone.. I hardly have friends since I home school so I'm usually alone.. and I got lonelier every second One day... I was reading some books under a tree in my garden Suddenly I had this weird feeling  I looked up from my book and looked around The feeling came again so I put aside my books and followed my legs where they will take me Suddenly I stopped in front of an Apple tree which is the biggest tree in the garden I looked around it and then.. I realized there was a door..  *I never seen that before..* Like they said.. Since curiosity kills a cat I opened the door and went inside I closed the door behind me and all I see is dark I kept walking to no where but then I realized it was a hallway and soon I saw the light  I ran towards the light and when I come out.. It was a forrest.. I walked a few metres when I saw a castle.. *Its like in the fantasy...* I smiled but I frozed when I heard a voice "STOP RIGHT THERE" a deep voice said I turned around and saw three guards "Grab her and take her to the castle" the lead guard ordered The two guards grabbed me I was too scared to move so I just followed them in silent I was thrown in the castle dungeon "Ergh... One second was peaceful and one second I was in the dungeon?" I sighed and looked out the window Suddenly the door unlocked and two
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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 21: So sweet!!! At the end she got to be with the two people she loves most~ so cute~...!!!

Great job authornim! I really enjoyed the story ^^
normalgirl #2
Chapter 21: Awwww both of them had her ... yay live long happy life ^^
Chapter 21: finally a cute ending wohooo...oh and where's kai <3
Chapter 21: I really didn't expect that ending XD I really liked it though :D
I'm also wondering, What happened to Kai?
Chapter 21: Baekhyun is so sweet =^= i cannot!
so what happened to Kai then?
monixx #6
Chapter 21: wahh,,, i love the ending!!
good job author-nim..=)
Lame1211 #7
Chapter 21: Can i cry authornim? ㅠㅠ
What a sweet ending.. I love this story soooo much!!!!
sarang_sora #8
omg the ending is soooo sweet iam crying right now because of the ending sooo sweet iam spechless i cried omg i still cant believe that i cried :')
KPOP_survivor #9
omg i love this fic so good love the ending its touching and beautiful=^^=