Fantasy? But it felt so real..
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"Congratulations on your engagement!!!"   "Thank you" My fiancee and I bowed  "Kai you sure are lucky to have Hana as your soon-to-be wife" one of the elders said "Yes I am" Kai nodded I looked at my fiancee He was wearing black shirt and pants "Ah! Since you guys are engaged... Why don't you two go on a trip?" Kai's mother, Mrs.Kim said "A trip?" I asked "Yes! Why don't you two go camping for 2 days and 1 night?" my mom smiled I looked at Kai and he smiled "I'm fine if Hana is fine with it.. Is it okay Hana?" Kai asked "Sure! Its been a while since I went camping!" I nodded "Then it's set! The stuff are ready.. You guys can start packing and go tomorrow afternoon so you can reached there in the evening" Kai's father, Mr.Kim said "Great!" Kai smiled -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thanks for sending me home" I smiled "Hey.. Its my job as your fiancee" Kai smiled "Good night" I kissed his cheek before getting out from the car "I'll pick you up at noon tomorrow" he said "Okay" I nodded  "Sweet dreams" he smiled "You too" I smiled before walking towards the entrance I took the elevator to my apartment floor I looked at my ring finger *I'm finally engaged huh?* The elevator door opened and I walked out and walked towards my apartment I pressed the code before the door made
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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 21: So sweet!!! At the end she got to be with the two people she loves most~ so cute~...!!!

Great job authornim! I really enjoyed the story ^^
normalgirl #2
Chapter 21: Awwww both of them had her ... yay live long happy life ^^
Chapter 21: finally a cute ending wohooo...oh and where's kai <3
Chapter 21: I really didn't expect that ending XD I really liked it though :D
I'm also wondering, What happened to Kai?
Chapter 21: Baekhyun is so sweet =^= i cannot!
so what happened to Kai then?
monixx #6
Chapter 21: wahh,,, i love the ending!!
good job author-nim..=)
Lame1211 #7
Chapter 21: Can i cry authornim? ㅠㅠ
What a sweet ending.. I love this story soooo much!!!!
sarang_sora #8
omg the ending is soooo sweet iam crying right now because of the ending sooo sweet iam spechless i cried omg i still cant believe that i cried :')
KPOP_survivor #9
omg i love this fic so good love the ending its touching and beautiful=^^=