
Prohibited (One-shot)


I love you.

Three words he wanted to tell his friend since a long time.

But that wasn’t easy, of course.


Chanyeol has been in love with Baekhyun for many years  since the first time he saw him, to be more specific. 

He loved everything about the little guy: his beautiful hands and his long fingers, his straight dark hair, his big brown eyes, his red lips, his smile and his white, brilliant teeths.

He wanted to try to be with him, but the unnecessary and stupid law from his planet, EXO, made things hard. There were a lot of laws about relationships that caused many people to be unhappy, but the one that upset Chanyeol the most was the one that prohibited the community to date persons of the same group, in this case the K.

EXO-K was one of those groups that always practiced hard and were respected by everyone, because they had powers. Baekhyun controlled light, and Chanyeol fire.

Returning to the subject, the feeling has always been mutual.

Both, along with their other 4 mates, defeated every enemy that invaded the EXOPlanet, always winning the fight.

Baekhyun was one of the Exotics that most put effort into training, getting to create discussions between the citizens saying that he should be the leader of EXO-K, but then they realized that Suho was made for that spot.

The incredible abilities from the guy to manage weapons always left Chanyeol amazed, and that became another one of the reasons why he was in love with him.

And he wouldn't give up until being with Byun Baekhyun.


It was a cold afternoon at EXOPlanet and Baekhyun had taken a break from training to watch the blue sky, now with gray spots.

Lately, he wasn't feeling the same way than before. He didn’t focus on anything; he ignored everyone and barely talked.

He couldn’t get out from his head the conversation he had with his father, Byun Jaehyun, the leader from EXO planet.


‘‘You have something with that guy in your group, don’t you? Chanyeol, right?’’

‘‘Father, I told you to not pay attention to what people says.’’

‘’It’s hard to ignore the EXO-K members.’’


Yeah, it was obvious.

His teammates weren't reliable and he didn't get along with any of them, only with Chanyeol.

He was the only one that could cheer him up and make him smile on the darkest times. They played and trained together since they were kids and nothing has changed.

He has never planned stopping their friendship, but his father’s words were much stronger.


‘‘If someone, doesn’t matter who, tells me something like that again, you’ll be in trouble.’’

‘‘Sunbaenim! Do you trust more to a group of strangers that in your own son?’’

‘‘Baekhyun, look at my eyes and tell me there is nothing between you two.’’


At not being capable of doing it, he received a slap.  

Sad, he touched his left cheek, still sore from last week.

His own father hit him. That person that always has been there to support him in every decision he made since he was born, left a mark in his face.

Since that day, every person, especially Chanyeol, cared about him. They asked what happened to him, but he always denied giving an answer and ended up changing the subject. Some people were smart enough to ask him if the mark was made by his father, but he flatly refused that conclusion and said that his father would never do something like that.

Yeah, right. Baekhyun hated to lie because he was really bad at that.

But everyone actually believed what he said and they didn’t ask anything else.


Yah, Chanyeol. If we weren't in the same group everything would be so much easier.

Baekhyun stopped looking at the sky and watched how the couples walked happily, even Sehun, the maknae of his group, had someone to whom he could confess all his secrets: Luhan from EXO-M.

Lucky maknae, I envy you so much.

He let out a sigh while he observed how they both laughed and drank milkshakes together; he really wanted to do that with Chanyeol.

He was so absorbed in his fantasies that he didn't realize when Chanyeol stood on his side and started speaking.


Awesome, now I imagine his voice. I'm going crazy.


‘‘Hey’’ He saw a hand shaking in front of his eyes and spun around to see who it was.

‘‘Y-Yeol’’ It seems like I'm not imagining anything.

‘‘Are you okay? You seem different, I talked to you a couple seconds ago and you didn’t even move’’ Baekhyun didn’t answer ‘‘Baek, you know you can tell me anything, what’s the problem?’’


You are the problem.

He wanted to answer that, but it might cause more problems with his father and he didn't want to face his wrath again.


‘‘I’m okay.’’

‘‘And here we go again’’ The tall guy rolled his eyes. ‘‘I’m tired of that answer.’’

‘‘What do you want me to say?’’ he spun around again and started walking really fast, while Chanyeol followed him.

‘‘Something that is true, or something that you feel.’’

‘‘What’s going on with my life is not your problem.’’

‘‘Let’s be honest, I’m your only friend. I know that you have something, Baekhyun, are you sure it has nothing to do with your…?

‘‘No!’’ he suddenly exploded, provoking everyone to do silence and stare at them. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun, not being able to move, while the short one breathed heavily, asking for forgiveness with his gaze. ‘‘I-I…’’ He panicked when he saw that his father was watching them and he started to walk faster, his friend followed him again.

‘‘Byun Baekhyun, stop!’’ he yelled, not caring about the looks that were on them.

‘‘Leave me alone’’ He said quietly, but he was sure that he heard him, because an arm stopped him. ‘‘W-what are you doing?’’His face was only centimeters away from his friend’s neck, and that made him awkward, not to mention all the things that the citizens were saying: ‘‘Wow, he’s really small’’ or ‘‘Are they dating?’’ and ‘‘Isn’t dating with your partners prohibited?’’

‘‘It hurts me seeing you this way’’ He answered, simply.

‘‘Chanyeol, my father is looking at…’’ A push from the other one made him do silence, now they were even closer than before. The taller inclined himself and started whispering on his ear.

‘‘I know what your father did, and I won’t ever forget him for hurting you’’ Baekhyun’s eyes watered. ‘‘I'm also going to tell him some stuff’’

‘‘Park Chanyeol, get away from my son, now!’’

‘‘Oh, no’’ Baekhyun swallowed saliva and stepped away from his partner.

‘‘Sir…’’ Chanyeol tried to defend themselves, but the leader interrupted him.

‘‘Don’t even think about speaking’’ He looked at his son. ‘‘Baekhyun, we already talked about this, and you made a promise to me’’


Promise? What promise? Chanyeol asked himself quickly, he was afraid to have gotten worse the problems of his best and single friend, whom he loved.

He was busy deciphering what his leader said, but a scream made him shake his head.


‘‘Father, you have to understand that I don’t care what you think!’’ No one has ever saw Baekhyun annoyed, and screaming to his father. ‘‘Why don’t you let me be happy? I’m tired of doing what you say! I’m tired of your stupid relationship laws! I’m tired of you not letting me be happy!’’ He sighed to calm down. ‘‘It’s unbelievable that you don’t realize the pain you cause to so many people, including me.’’  

‘‘W-what are you talking about?’’ Baekhyun's father couldn't act like a leader right now, because his son's happiness will always be more important. He didn’t care looking weak against the words of his only familiar.

‘‘I think he’s talking about your stupid laws about the relationships Exotics should have.’’ Chanyeol stood next to Baekhyun. ‘‘Why can’t we date with persons of our same group? Huh? Tell me.’’ He swallowed saliva. ‘‘Sir, the first time I saw your son... I lost my mind, literally. Everything was in slow motion, except for him…’’ He closed his eyes and prepared himself. ‘‘I’ve always loved him’’ He confessed, shocking everyone, even his friend. ‘‘And I want to be with him, but I need your permission first. Remove the law, let everyone be happy. Most importantly, let your son be happy.’’

Jaehyun turned around to see Dongho. He was one of his best helpers and he always had the book of the laws in his hands, the assistant understood everything and opened the book on the relationships pages.

Whispers filled the place: ‘‘Do you think he’s going to do it?’’, ‘‘Omo! I never thought they liked each other’’, ‘‘I always knew’’, ‘‘It was so obvious’’ and ‘‘Finally I can be with him.’’ 

The most surprising thing was the sound that the book emitted when it was damaged by the same creator. The pages of the relationships laws were now on the fire of the center of the city, that caused many persons to drown their screams, smile and even start crying because of happiness.

Finally I can be with the person I truly love. That was what the majority thought, but Chanyeol stayed in his spot, too amazed to even move. He never thought Baekhyun’s father would do that and he actually considered that he was going to be sentenced to death for rebelling against the leader.

But there were no words to describe what he felt in that moment. Could he be with his friend now? Oh, he didn’t even ask him if he felt the same. Suddenly, the happiness went away.

Wait! He shouted in his mind while his eyes got brilliant again: Baekhyun helped him to end all the laws business.

Maybe I should try, maybe he feels the same.


‘‘Baek…’’ He got closer to him.

‘‘Yes?’’ Baekhyun smiled, waiting for him to talk.


‘‘Come on, say it. I didn’t yell to my father for nothing.’’

‘‘I love you.’’ The guy’s smile grew even more, what made Chanyeol imitate him. ‘‘I have felt this since I met you, and everyday it grows more. Baek… If you say yes, I promise that I’ll always take care of you, I will never get mad at you and I’ll make you happy, because you are the thing I most love in this planet. Everytime you smile I can’t help but do it too, like right now.’’ They both laughed. ‘‘I have never loved anyone like this before, and what I feel about you can’t be described with words. You’re the most beautiful person in this whole planet, and no one can deny that. So...’’ He kneeled. ‘‘Byun Baekhyun, do you want to be my…?’’

‘‘Yes!’’ The guy didn’t let him finish and hugged him, making everyone present starting to laugh and applause, even his father. ‘‘I love you too, Park Chanyeol. Yeollie. I was waiting for you to tell me that since we met, and now that you have done it…’’ His eyes got watered and Chanyeol started wiping his tears away. ‘‘I’m the happiest person of the world’’ He jumped into his arms again.


It’s time. Chanyeol thought while he was separating from Baekhyun.

They both looked at each other smiling. Looks that say more than a thousand words.

Since that moment, everyday at EXOPlanet will be different, they both could feel that.

Now that they were together, no one could make them get mad, because they knew they had each other and nothing else mattered.

Not realizing about it, they were kissing passionately, something they wanted to do since a long time ago. It was slow and affectionate; it expressed what they felt and they could feel each other smiles.


‘‘Finally I can taste your lips’’ Baekhyun cheeks got red and Chanyeol smiled. ‘‘You’re so beautiful…’’ He his cheek. ‘‘I love you, Baek.’’

‘‘I love you too, Yeol.’’


They sealed their words with another kiss longer than the last one, knowing that they will always be together.

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This is so...
Aaaaw... I love this! ^^