Dream an impossible dream

Dream an Impossible dream

Sungmin wake up with dried tears on his smooth cheeks. I did it again, he thought.

It's been a week now. Lee Sungmin had a dream. no, not a nightmare. and why the hell if it's not a nightmare he always end up waking with tears ? because it's so sad. so sad that he must awake just in time no matter he never want it. Can I just sleep forever ? so I can dream forever?

But reality hit him. he just a 20 years old man who study in music major. so after he can breath calmly, slowly he get up from the bed and going to bathroom. he have aa morning class today. but in the middle of his way to shower, he can't help but notice the person on the photo frame beside his door. he smile to the man in photo, "Good morning" he greeted.

And it passed five minutes for Sungmin just standing there, eyes never leaving the man, smile never faded. he always love to see the man face, the man smile, and the man stare. His smile...Just like last night.., Sungmin thought, keep remembering the man has the same smile like he used to smile when they meet. In Sungmin dream.


10 days passed and Sungmin still thinking it would be perfect if he just lived his 'real' life in his dream instead of here. In his definetely real life. The man keep show up in his dream and he can't be more happier. Because hell, even if it's just a dream, he will never ever waste his chance to talking, going out, holding hands, and doing every 'closest friend' do, with the man he fallin in love with. eventhought he can't be the man lover, but still he will do everything to be close to the said man. even it just a dream. it's okay. cause he know, in his real life, It's impossible just to talk to him.


"Min hyung! look! look! that's your flower boy! Oh he'll release new album!" Donghae once shouted to Sungmin while they on cafe, pointing on the television.

"Yaah.. Hae-ah.. you're too loud. you're embrassed me!" He said shyly, but still looking to where Donghae pointed. A smile came from Sungmin. He just can't stop smiling everytime he sees the man face.

"But it's true! I swear you really fall for Cho Kyuhyun guy, you even dream about him!" Yes, Lee Sungmin, an ordinary college boy, lately, maybe for being a cute looking and good boy, God give him a gift, a gift to dream about the man he fallin in love with.

"It's just a dream Hae.. beside, I don't really get it too, you know, dream about him.. it's not like I'm begging for it." He shrugged.

"Hm.. Hyung, please don't think about him too much okay ? for me ? You know hm... he.. and you... it's not like you two not good.. but yo-"

"I know Hae, I know. We are in different world. He's a big star, while me just a cute fan of him, right ? my feeling for him not that strong" he lied. the feeling is so strong, and his self don't know why either. but he give Donghae a cheerfull smile, answer by a hug.

"Good! and I don't remember I calling you a cute fan, hyung ?! but it's okay, you really are"


"Min, you know what ? You should really come to my musical, I'll be waiting"

"Well, I'm not sure Kyu, you know.. it's not easy as like that.."

"I'll still waiting for you" and then Kyuhyun smile, the smile that always bring warm to Sungmin heart, forced him to return the smile.

That's the last talk Sungmin had with Kyuhyun, in his dream. After 2 weeks, saddly, the dream about Kyuhyun is stopped. And Sungmin can be seen as a dead figure after that, he always find a time to sleep, hope that Kyuhyun can comeback again to his dream. heck, he didn't even get a chance to confess, but no. Kyuhyun never comeback again. And that's why he always end up crying harder at middle of night till morning. It just like reality slap him on his face, hard. it's hurt so badly.

"K-kyuh.. Kyuhyun...I-I miss y-you........" he sobs everynight.


No matter what happen, life must go on, and that's what Sungmin do. He still a fan of Kyuhyun, and he still love him. But now he tried to distract his self from too much thinking about the latter. He hanging out more often with his friend, doing a lot of project, study more and he even accepted to student exchange program to Japan. He feel happy, at least he tried to. the last thing he heard news about Kyuhyun is, the man already finish his musical.


"Hyukjae! hurry up! or we gonna passed the flight!!"

"woooohoo slow down Min, I know you so excited because we're going to Japan, but we have one month till we comeback!" Hyukjae panting, trying to catch Sungmin, the said man is now running in the airport gate like a five years old boy in the center of disneyland.

"I can't waste a second in Japan. I love Japan hyuk!"

"Yeah, you are, cutie." now Hyukjae standing beside him, twhile catching his breath, pinching Sungmin cheeks.

After they already in the waiting room, Sungmin can't hide his nervousness. He reaaly excited to be in Japan. and now he like to vomit because there's so much thing he want to do in Japan.

"Hyuk, I'm going to restroom" Sungmin sat up, Hyukjae just nodded to him, busy with his phone.

And so when Sungmin on his way to distract his nervousness, curses the restroom too far from the sitting place, suddenly he sees four people with black suit, ans shades, they all have anice body, standing on near of restroom. The waiting room suddenly become more noisy, just noisy, no one move except their mouth. He wondering why, but decide won't think it anyway.

So he keep going, there's a two girls and a man standing no so far from restroom, but by their doing, he sure they're not going inside. they carry so much luggage, Are they  going to move abroad ? Sungmin thought, he keep walking, passes them, who giving him a look but he could careless, walking, just a few step more to the door, the door immeadiately open. Show A tall man, wearing a blue shirt, but he top it with black cardigan, matching with his black jeans. His hair is dark brown, and it keep moving, prove that it must be really soft. But he wearing a shade so Sungmin can't really see the latter face. He have a good figure, just like...

Sungmin couldnt finish his thought when the said man stop in front of him, staring straight to him, block his way to reach the door. The shocked man expression shocked him too. Why he really shock to see me ? Who is he ? Sungmin thought, but his question answered by the man who standing 5 step from him, when the latter take off his shades.

And everything arounds like mute.

He can't hear everything. He can't see everything but the man. He even forget to breath for a moment.

Cho Kyuhyun

The man in front of him now, who look straight into his eyes, make Sungmin do the mutual thing, is Cho Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun, he is the man who uninvited come to Sungmin dream and mess with his life, he is the man face who can be found in every corner of Sungmin room, he is the man that caused he choose music major for college beside he love music too, he is the man who have the voice that Sungmin always hear before and after sleep, and he is the man, the reason why is he here now, going to Japan, after srudy hard to distract him for Kyuhyun. He is the man.

The memory where Kyuhyun come to his dream replay in his mind, just like watching sad story movie. The latter smile, the latter laughed, when they accidentally brush each other shoulder, when Kyuhyun take a hold in his hand, walking to Ice cream store, hugging to warm each other. He miss his dream.

They both didn't realize that it's already passed 3 minutes, standing in front of restroom, staring each other, checking each other face as if affraid something lost. so much thing to say but don't know how to start and awkward to say something. Until finally one of the girls behind Sungmin yell Kyuhyun name, and that's it. reality slap him, hard, rightf on the face. punch him, hard, in his stomach.

Sungmin didn't realize that he already have a tears run down his face, he blink twice, and finally broke the staring contest. he looked down for a moment. trying to control his self. trying to remind his self who really him. Impossible... It's just a dream.. enough for embrassed yourself hey a poor fan.. Sungmin spell it like a mantra in his mind. the nervousness and the feeling of vomit dissapear no where and he just want to go to anywhere far from Kyuhyun, to distract himself.

Just when he about to turn around, stay away from Kyuhyun, the said man,

"Mm...Min ?"

Surprised with what he heard, Sungmin stop, but not dare to look up.

"Is that you Sungmin ?"

Again. Sungmin shock. how the hell this guy now about him. but then he feels so worried, and scared, what if it's just another dream ? No. he won't let Kyuhyun come again to his dream whenever he want. he don't wanna get his hopes high.

So Sungmin turn around, ready to leave the man, ready to wake up, never mind he end up crying again, he just get enough for this stupid dream. he want to back to the reality cause it hurt when it slap you.

But a hand grip on  Sungmin right hand, stop him from any move he planed. the grip not hard, but so pessesive. and then the latter who have his hand ask,

"Why don't you come to my musical ? I was waiting for you everyday"







so, how is it ? need a sequel or not ?

if you find horrible words with grammartical error, free to comment ^^

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Alice_K26 #1
Chapter 1: Oh my god...
why you did it to me???
U mmust make a sekuel for ittt.... >_<
little-dreamer #2
Chapter 1: sequelllll
venzsuju #3
Chapter 1: oh gosh!! sequel pleaseeee!! thankss XD
nana_17 #4
Chapter 1: It's good. I'll go the sequel.
Make a sequel please~ pretty please~~ with a cherry on top~ :D
Please make a sequel I'm begging you...
rizzorin #6
Chapter 1: wahhhh!~ like it~
CrazyELFlove #7
Sequeall!!! PLEASEEEEEE!
waaaah....i love your ur story...
sequel pleaseee....i wanna see kyumin happy together...
kyu_addict #9
Sequel pls!!!! :D
Silver-Soul #10