Worst Love

Hello wonderful people that subscribed to this story months ago!

I have good news and bad news for you today. The bad news is I don't have an adequate reason for not having updated this story in forever.

I had written an update awhile back and it was deleted. I think I just wasn't able  to get over the loss of that chapter.

So I'm very sorry for that. /____\

But the GOOD NEWS is that I've decided that I want to rewrite this story better and try everything again.

I've had ideas on what I'd do for this story sicne the beginning, but I started noticing that my characters were kind of dead and lacking.

And I honestly think they deserve better characterization. So that will be major goal of the rewrite. 

And since I'm on summer vacation and my best friend is ditching me for Korea for six weeks, I should be able to update regularly [I will hit the 'SAVE' button after every paragraph].

Also, I'll be changing the title because it could be better.

Expect the rewrite to come out in the near future.

 Til then, keep calm and AWOOO~ Listen to "Wolf."

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Nothing's happened yet. Just exposition at the moment. It'll get interesting soon I promise. :)


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Nomichui #1
Hey, just wanted to say that the story is really interesting and I like your writing ^^ Looking forward to your next chapters and reading about Sehun"s secret crush (: