Control Loss

Worst Love


          I walked down the fairly empty school hallway toward the bathroom; I didn't have to use it or anything but lately I haven't been able to stand the close proximity of my best friend/seat partner, Luhan. That, and calculus was about as interesting as watching paint dry, if I sat there for the full fifty minutes, I would have gone insane.‘But I am insane,' I thought with a heavy heart. Did he have to wear a v-neck today? That section of pale skin was just begging to be ravished. Just like his ice-cream last night...


          Ice-cream has never looked so tempting, "Hey man, you've got your own icecream. Stop starin' at mine," he said playfully and I came out of my reverie. I returned my attention to my dessert to find it had melted into a minty soup, I frowned a bit, 'How long was I staring at him?' Pushing away the dish, I sighed and closed my eyes.

          When I opened them again, there was a pink spoon in front of my face. I followed the hand and arm back to their owner, who was looking at me expectantly.


           "Say 'ah'." He commanded, l was visually startled by the unusual mandate but after a second of consideration, I accepted his indirect kiss. Something in me inwardly cheered at that thought, but the second after I pulled away from his spoon, I could see an unsettled and slightly perturbed look etched across his face. 

         "Is it that good?" He asked me, disbelief clung tightly to his voice, then he added, "You looked like you were having an for a second there..."

          Momentary silence, "Fanservice," I replied and gestured with my head to a blushing teenage girl sitting with her friends across the shop. Her friends were giggling, but she seemed both shocked and intrigued by the scene. I could feel the heat of embarrassment quickly creeping up my neck, but keeping my act going, I winked at her and watched her jump and turn to just her red face. Luhan watched their table a little longer and I took back my previously rejected soup and slurped nervously while my friend looked back at me. 

         I tried to stay cool my burning skin and his critical stare, he finally cracked a lopsided grin and scooped some of his ice-cream into the spoon that had been in my mouth a few moments ago and said something about me being me being a lady-killer; I couldn't hear him while I watched intently that spoon ghost passed his pink lips and into his mouth. 'He kissed me back...' I thought in the back of my mind.

        "Yah! You've been gone from class for fifteen minutes; the class thinks you're takin' a dump. “I nearly screamed at Luhan’s sudden appearance in the bathroom, "Jesus Christ, you scared me! I'll go back in a second. I need to actually use the bathroom."

           He looked me in the eye, “You’ve been in here all this time and you haven't used it yet?" He continued to stare, "You sick or somethin'?" Luhan grabbed my wrist and pressed his ear to it, "Omo! Your heart is beating too quickly, you must have a fever!"

           I pulled my arm away from his grip, and tried to laugh but it sounded dry to me, "That is not how you check for a fever, idiot. You check foreheads, not wrists..." Luhan took a step forward and placed his hands on my shoulders and leaned in; I couldn't think. His face kept getting closer. My eyes flitted back and forth between his lips and his slightly exposed chest. My breath went shallow. The staccato intakes of air matched the accelerating beat of my heart. But then everything stopped.

            I felt an ear on my forehead and it listened there for a minute. My mind stayed blank for just as long, "Yup, definitely a fever." I snapped out of my trance and pushed him away laughing, "That's not what I meant you troll--" he closed the gap between us, my smile vanished, then I felt his forehead against mine.

          "If you aren't sick, then what were you doing in here?" He retreated until he was at arms' length and gave me that same look from earlier. 

          "I just didn't want to be in class and lost track of time. You should go back to class; I still have to go."

           I could see concern and worry swimming in those eyes,

          "Whatever, just hurry it up. I'll see you back in class," that same look flashed again, "Yeah man," he turned to exit the restroom; I saw him open the door but its slam was inaudible over the pounding in my ears

           "Dammit," I swear and sink to kneeling position and my hand is clutching the cloth of my uniform directly over my heart, Why?         


Annyeong again~

How was this first chapter?? Other than the fact it was short |beep|.
I think this is the cutest little scene~ the forehead-ear thing. Keke I could see Luhan doing it. Heehee :D

Another update comin' at you!

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PS~ Sehun is beautiful. If ya didn't know, now ya know.

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Nothing's happened yet. Just exposition at the moment. It'll get interesting soon I promise. :)


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Nomichui #1
Hey, just wanted to say that the story is really interesting and I like your writing ^^ Looking forward to your next chapters and reading about Sehun"s secret crush (: