turning point

Wonderful him


She hated it when she had to be so busy to just talking to him. She missed him so much but she couldn’t do anything to meet him. She had a lot of schedules she had to do, and her manager didn’t let her to pick any phone from anyone, she also moved to an apartment near her studio to make it easy to make recording. She felt so bad for ignoring all of his messages and calls; she did want to meet him so much. She planned to have a day off this week to just meet him and see stars together just like year ago. Her manager received the message and read it in a glance. She didn’t tell her about it, so she didn’t know that he was waiting for her. She had recording all day today; she couldn’t go everywhere, stuck in the music studio. She suddenly remembered him, her wonderful star, her heart felt like it was stabbed by thousand of daggers, couldn’t breathe and felt so hurt. She didn’t know why she felt that way, she just felt it. The ring of her phone brought her back to her mind. He picked it up and heard a voice telling her to come quickly to one of hospitals in the city. Her heartbeat was rushing; her mind was so messed up right now. She couldn’t think of anything, she just knew that she had to be in the hospital as fast as she can. She took her car’s key and headed to the hospital. She drove her car in the maximum speed, as fast as her beat. The other call was come, she pulled her car aside and picked it up fast, hoped that everything would be fine. Her own life suddenly stopped when hearing the sound, didn’t move even for an inch. This was the end of her life. She arrived at the hospital with a very messed up look, heavy walk, and blank mind. She was greeted by someone she knew from her past, he gave me a letter, stars-shaped letter with her name on it. She opened it with her shaky hands.

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soorinchoi #1
thank you yoora-im :DDD
i thought he was her boyfriend. nice story ^.^