[A/N] Introducing the Review Shop!

☼ Summertime! - Graphics & Review Shop ♥




Poster: /5 [OPTIONAL]

Is your story visually appealing? How well your poster is able to capture the main storyline and characters. If you don't have a poster, this section will not affect your overall score.


Title: /5

Does your story sound appealing? If I were to click on a relevant tag, and scroll along the page, would your title catch my eye and pique my interest? Cliche and unoriginal titles will not receive full points unless I can think of no better title.


Description & Forward:/ 10

After I the title, this is the next tidbit of the story the reader comes across. Does it contain enough of the plot to keep your interest? Again, cliche sayings and plot revelations will not earn high marks.


Grammar: /15

This includes punctuation and spelling as well. This includes punctuation and spelling as well. Sentences must be coherent and grammatically correct on most, if not all aspects. If you score high on this section, well done. I'm usually exceptionally picky on small things like this since it annoys me to no end when people use bad grammar. T_T


Writing Style: /15

This includes vocabulary and flow. Good stories usually have a wide variety of diction and fluid scenes.  Symbolism and other rhetorical devices are rare (and thus, impressive!), so they will earn you big points!


Plot Development: /20

How well does each chapter (or scene) connect to the next? Again, this section deals with flow, but to a greater extent. The plot must be unraveled slow enough so the reader doesn't miss out on important details yet fast enough so boredom is avoided.


Characterization: /15

Every character should all have their own defining point that identifies with their strengths and weaknesses. I hate cliche characters the most.


Originality: /10

This is pretty self explanatory. Anything even remotely new is greatly welcomed.


Overall Enjoyment: /5

I just want to read nice stories since I have no life ~ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* \(◕ω◕✿)/ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧




Hello everyone!

So I've finally gotten around to creating a rubric for the review portion of my shop. Later on, I'll probably find time to seperate the two portions so you guys are spammed with updates all the time T_T


Please request some reviews from me! I really don't have a life and I all want to do is find some good stories! All my favorites are completed and now only the half-interesting, fluffy ones are left. Please, I'm begging you! I promise I won't rip you story to shreds! As a bonus, I'll even put anyone who already requested a graphic to the top of the pending list. So what are you waiting for? GO GO GO! 


✧・゚: *✧・゚:* \(◕‿◕✿)/ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ And here's some more sparkles for whoever decides to support the review shop!



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Can someone please sumbit a request for a B1A4 or Kris centered fanfic ~


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I requested yesterday! Lol I forgot to comment ><
@aimee2304 : I'll hopefully be opening a new shop in a month or two, after I've gotten used to my senior year workload. Until then, I hope you'll keep supporting me ~
I requested for a poster :) really excited since your first one was amazing! :D
Hi! I request again for the same story that I request before, it because I changed the title..so.. I guess I should change the poster to, right? hehe..
Hi! Just letting you know, I didn't delete my story. It just got lost when they were running maintenance. I hope I get to use the poster soon! I love it!
InYourHeart #6
just submitted an application again :) erm, i have two guitar pictures .... IT THAT OK? I've post that guitar pictures in your character box .... I hope it's ok. I need to have guitar on the poster ...
chanbaek__ #7
Thank you for the wonderful poster. It's really pretty..