Revealed Truth

My Love Waltz

Chapter 22- Revealed Truth



He shoved the locket to the other fronts. “When can I get it?” he sounded a bit impatient. The other man took the locket and examines the content. He shook his head and lifted his gaze up to meet the almond ones.

“One month the most…” he answered. “Sooner…” the almond eyes questioned. “Two weeks the fastest.”

“Make it two weeks then…” he said in firmly.

“Can’t promise you Mr. Jung, I have other customers that rushing me to finish theirs too, I’ll give you a call as soon as I fixed yours,” the man gives his word.

Yunho reluctantly nods. “I understand… thank you, Park-sshi.” He know there’s no point of rushing the man, he have jobs and customer satisfaction to entertain like he does. “I’ll take my leave Mr. Jung, have a nice day.” the man left him in the silence of his own office.

Flashback End


A pair of almond eyes fixed on the calendar, counting days for the mysterious person standing beside him to be revealed. Having the unknown person picture probably the only way to retrieve his missing eight months maybe he could remember something when he see the person.

Ever since the first memory flashback he had when he first saw the locket, he never had another. Yunho referred to his doctor, but the man said, the result is very dubious, the flashback could mean anything… and don’t bring his hope up too high.

Quite disturbed by his thoughts, his eyes find its tranquillity on the only picture of him, Jaejoong and Yoonmin. A warm smile spreads on his lips. He took the frame into his hand and caresses the picture, wiping the invisible dusts while scanning every single feature in the picture.

The balloons, the sign boards, mascots, children, adults, Jaejoong, him and finally the happily smiling Yoonmin when something in the picture caught his attentions; Yunho narrowed his eyes on Yoonmin’s chest. The silver locket that he saw on Yoonmin when he is asleep was identical with the one he received from Kyuhyun. He tried to remember the details of Yoonmin’s locket; the texture, thickness of the object, weight, the intricate carvings and the feeling of the locket against his skin… somehow seems very similar.  

He frowned, very hard… could it be a coincidence?




Jaejoong read the document carefully. It contains his outstation schedule with Yunho in Jeju Island in two weeks from today at the newly build hotel site. The hotel is already at the final phase of its construction and the interior teams already start with their job. He needs to confirm the materials and costs of production before he sends the full statement to Jung’s corp. For another confirmation, the week after the outstation is Yoonmin’s third birthday, he still have loads of planning to do and needs to think of a present for Yoonmin. He laid his eyes on his phone, staring at the empty screen as the thoughts ran in his mind, he hadn’t received anything but few text messages from Yunho since their last date. It seems that Yunho had been distracted.

He only could think of that particular problem that could be bothering Yunho. Could it be… Yunho is slowly learning the truth and that’s why the others was not contacting him? The anxiousness slowly dawned into him, he feels scared of his insecurities. Jaejoong bits his lips, swallowing the bile in his throat. He doesn’t want things to be such a mess… he wants to explain and had bitterly swallowed the truth few times. A huge slam of his door pushed him out from his thought. His eyes widened seeing his unexpected guest as relieved washed over his feelings.

“Hi Joongie!!!” the man that brought tranquillity to his mind practically flew towards him after his dramatic entrance, embracing him in a tight hug.

“Chullie! Nice to meet you…” Jaejoong managed to squeak from the tight squeeze.

“That’s all? For your long time no see Very Best Friend on Earth? ‘Nice to meet you?’ Come on Joongie, at least ‘I miss you’ won’t cost you a piece of meat right?” Heechul pouts.

Jaejoong laughed heartedly, “I miss you,” said Jaejoong. Heechul’s lips broke into a smile “Aww~! I miss you too!” he once again engulfed the other in hug. Seunghyun that just recovered from his shock closed the door and let his current employer and ex-employer have their privacy.

“So where’s Siwonnie?” Jaejoong served a cup of café au lait for Heechul and a few pineapple shortcakes, a gift from his client.

“I ditched him in Japan…” Heechul simply replied. Jaejoong surprised by the other answer. Could this be another of their yearly quarrel? Jaejoong was about to ask why when Heechul gave him a piercing stare. “Don’t ask.” Heechul voice thundered making Jaejoong swallows his question back. It seems that Heechul won’t tell him anything until he decided to do so.

Used to the two having arguments, Jaejoong just made a mental note to inform Siwon about Heechul whereabouts.

“So how about you and your man?” Heechul questioned. He know how slow Jaejoong could be if he is not there to push the other.

Jaejoong paused before giving a sad smile to Heechul. Heechul simply sighed and rolled his eyes heavenwards. “You haven’t changed at all aren’t you? Even though you change your hair style, add some makeup and wear more fashionable clothes… some small part in you still Jaejoong that I know for almost all of my lifetime,” Heechul sound friendlier than before.

“Is it bad?” said Jaejoong uncertainly. Heechul silenced while sipping his coffee before shaking his head. “It’s good… at least it’s still Jaejoong that I know…” Heechul smiles to him.

Somehow relieved by his friend’s comment, Jaejoong let out a relieving sigh that makes him earned Heechul’s teasing laugh. “What is that about?” He chuckled.

“Nothing… just thinking that maybe changing my appearances was a bad idea to begin with…” Jaejoong answered. “It’s not trust me. Instead it boost up your confidence and courage… you’re braver than the Jaejoong that I know years ago,” said Heechul being truthful making Jaejoong smiles appreciatively.

“So…” Heechul starts “How’s the thing again? Between you and him?” said Heechul while popping one of the shortcakes into his mouth.

Jaejoong shrugs as his lips tighten to a thin line. Sadness clearly pictured in his action which earns him Heechul’s attention. “Tell me…” Heechul urged, expressing his concerns in his tone.

“Well… things were going on well at the beginning but recently Yunho seems to be quite distracted. He asked what if I had an accident and lost my memory, lived with someone and had a relationship and then I lost my memory again… it’s like… sound like he know something…” Jaejoong sounded upset to Heechul and obviously disturbed by the matter.

“He hasn’t recovered?” Heechul narrowed his eyes on Jaejoong. Jaejoong answered by shaking his head. “Haven’t you told him what happened that eight months and who are you exactly to him?” Heechul demanded yet received another negative answer. Heechul sighed helplessly yet it’s the answer that he expected from Jaejoong. He thought it would be okay to leave Jaejoong alone to settle the things since the other had assured him.

“Hopeless I know… save the critics later, I already got enough from Changmin. I tried my best but things gets further out of control. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m don’t care if he couldn’t remember about our memories anymore... I just want Yoonmin could get the chance to call him father. I wanted to tell him… thousand times until I lost count... but his smile made me stopped. I don’t want that smile to disappear once he sees me again and he to think that I’m toying his emotions… being inconsiderate for hiding the real story from him.” Jaejoong cried. The dam that has been holding his pool of emotion broken at last… spilling all the dreadful feeling that he had suppress long time.

“Sometimes… very deep in my heart, I wished that Yunho and I didn’t meet each other… it’s too painful for me…” Jaejoong’s tears fall as he whispered his darkest thought.

“Shhh… don’t say that…” Heechul shushed him. The other walked to Jaejoong’s side and kneeled in front of him. He cupped the other teary face and wiped off the tears. “Yoonminnie is your greatest gifts ever… don’t ever think that you and Yunho is a mistake. I told you that I had a bad feeling about your relationship with him BUT you… Jaejoong, you convinced me… you said that you love him… you want him more than anything else in this world. Don’t you ever tell me that you’ve regretted your decision… use that same strength and get your man back. Yoonmin needs his father and I believed you can do it,” said Heechul lovingly. Jaejoong nods profusely.

Heechul figured that these will be too hard for Jaejoong to handle. Jaejoong had kept himself isolated from society for long time. It already took all his mental effort to speak with more unknown people other than the maids, butler, his father, siblings, Heechul and Siwon… Yunho is the first person outside the family circle that manage to take Jaejoong out of his self built fortress.

Jaejoong sniffed. He gazed up to his friend. “Besides… I’m here with you…” Heechul continues. Jaejoong nods, though knowing that he is being too childish and immature to let Heechul help him like in the past. But the stress is too huge for him to handle… the burden of the secret wasn’t that much at the beginning but as time passes and Yunho started to questioning his missing past. Jaejoong feared that he couldn’t handle the situation. 

“Okay, wipe all your tears… your employees will kill me if they see your bloated eyes,” Heechul chuckled at his own comment, followed by Jaejoong’s.

“By the way… can I stay at your place? I prefer to have someone to talk to… and… I want to meet with Yunho sometime soon, to see if that guy really can’t remember me,” Heechul add on.

“Chullie!” Jaejoong panicked. He knows how terrible things will be if Heechul meddle with it.

“What!?” Heechul scrunched his face at Jaejoong. “Whatever you have in mind, it’s a bad idea… please just stay with me and let me handle this. All I want is a shoulder for me to cry… if this is okay with you…” said Jaejoong while trying his best not to cry again.

“Of course… you’re my very best friend on Earth… no one can take your place….” Heechul assured the other. “Well… unless you kicked yourself out, I don’t think there’s any other way not to be one…” Heechul joked.




Toot… toot… toot… the dialed line beeped, Yunho waited patiently for his lover to pick his phone up. There’s something important that he wants to talk Jaejoong with. He gazed anxiously… nervously at the picture again. Confirming what he saw is right. His eyes aren’t making any tricks.

“Yeoboseyo…” the line picked up.

Yunho gulped his saliva as words rushing into his mind. “Hi…” he started while he arranged his words, picking the right words to say, “Jaejoong-ah… are you free tonight?” Yunho asks in as normal tone as he could.

“Sorry? Who is this?” the voice questioned. Yunho paused and looked at his screen making sure that he dialed the right person, which he is.

“Hello who are you? Why do you have Jaejoong’s phone?” said Yunho clearly disturbed. He heard the other line gasped and then followed by sounds of the other clearing his throat.

“Hello… Hi… Jaejoong, he’s gone to washroom and will be back in few minutes. And if you are wondering who I am. I’m Jaejoong’s very best friend, don’t worry we will get introduced sooner or later,” Heechul ends.

“O-oh…” said Yunho. Apparently calmer than before he knew who is speaking using his lover’s phone, he clears his throat.

“By the way… Jaejoong’s free tonight…I’ll make sure of that, just set the place and time. I’ll drag him there.” said Heechul being helpful.

“O-okay… tells him to meet at our usual place around 7...”

“Will do, is that all? Don’t you want to wait for him? I’m sure he’ll return any second by now…” Heechul glued his eyes at the door waiting for Jaejoong.

“It’s okay. Thank you.” Yunho ends their conversation.

Heechul shrugs after Yunho hung up. A few moments after that Jaejoong re-entered his office looking refreshed. “Oh! Your ‘husband’ called.” Heechul made a call gestured with his left hand.

“Yunho?” Jaejoong narrowed his eyes. Heechul just nod eagerly “He said meet you at your usual place today, around 7,” he continues as he crossed his legs and continues flipping the magazine.

“That’s all?” Jaejoong wondered.

Heechul shrugs with one brow arched. “Just that…” Heechul simply answered.

Jaejoong walks back to his seat. He wrinkled his nose as he scans the documents laid on his table. Then he glanced to his watch showing 6.p.m. sharp. He turns to Heechul. “I think I would send you back to mansion first.” Jaejoong tidy his bag, ready to leave. It’s too late to continue his work.

“Aww, can’t I join you both? Beside it’s quite long time since I met Yunho… well... it’s the first for him… but for me his like an old friend of mine,” Heechul pouts.

“B-but…” Jaejoong stammered while contemplating to reject his idea. Thinking that Yunho might dislike another company again… he is afraid that Yunho will be asking the same question, maybe bringing Heechul might be not a bad idea at all.

“What ‘bout your luggage?” Jaejoong eyes roamed around the room looking for one.

“Sent to your home…” said Heechul. Jaejoong surprised and awed at the same time. Now he wondered why Heechul bothered to ask permission from him to stay while the other never did so ever since they met each other.

“What!? I ran away… remember?” Heechul exclaimed, pointing to his own temple as if he could read what playing in Jaejoong’s mind.

“Yeah… and I going back to you for that.” Jae pointed to Heechul making the other groaned in frustrations and mumbled “Leave me alone…” at the end.




“Okay… Chullie, I need you to not say anything… just take your seat at another table after you finished your self-intro. Maybe there’s something that Yunho wants to talk me with,” Jaejoong warned his friend.

“Okay~*” he received a singsong reply from the other. They arrived earlier than they expected. The waiter guided them to their table.

“Would you like to order sir?” the waiter asked.

“No, thank you… there’s another coming on his way. Chullie?” Jaejoong raised both of his eyebrows. “Anything you want to order first?” he continued.

Heechul pursed his lips. “Mmmm… hot chocolate with one teaspoon of sugar.” Heechul ordered. He just couldn’t sit down in a restaurant and eat nothing. “Okay, sir.” The waiter lightly bowed and leave with Heechul’s order.

Jaejoong starts fidgeting in his seat, having a really not good feeling about everything, making him recently a puddle of anxiousness.

“Relax Joongie, your is going to catch on fire if you continue to move around like that,” Heechul commented.

“B-but… Chullie…” Jaejoong sounded whiny, “I’m afraid that his angry with me for hiding the truth.”

“He is not… probably grateful for having such a hot spouse without even trying!” Heechul scolded back. He rolled his eyes heavenwards and sighed at his uneasy friend. Jaejoong pouts.

“Don’t give me your ugly pout, you have better target to show those pouts of yours.” Heechul warns him. Jaejoong sulks as he pursed his lips not bother to hide his dissatisfaction towards Heechul. His eyes laid on the certain figure that just entered the restaurant. “He’s here…” he alerts.

Yunho lips curved into a smile at the sight of him. “Sorry I’m late…” Yunho greets them. He walks to Jaejoong and gives the other a peck on his plump lips.

“Late? N-no! No! No!” Heechul exclaimed. “We came too early… and I told you that I’ll drag him here.” Heechul correct him. Yunho threw a quizzical gaze to Jaejoong. Jaejoong was about to introduce Heechul when the latter cut his sentences again. “Kim Heechul, Jaejoong’s very, very best friend on this planet.”

Amusement flickered in Yunho eyes listening to Heechul’s ‘unique’ introduction. Yunho raised both his brow and lowered his gaze to Jae, which the other replied with a sheepish smile. “Jung Yunho… Jaejoong’s…” “Joongie’s boyfriend… I know.” Heechul cuts.

Jaejoong smiles apologetically to Yunho and mouthed “sorry” to him. “It’s okay…” Yunho mouthed back to him as they entwined their hand together. Jaejoong threw a piercing stare at Heechul which the other completely ignored.

“Oh!! Forgot the souvenir!” Heechul surprised both of them off their seat. “Jae, could you help me to get it in your car. Please?” Heechul bat his eyelids to Jaejoong.

“Chullie, you can distribute the souvenirs later at home.” said Jaejoong.

“No! It’s not for you, it’s for your boyfriend and I’m too tired to walk back to your car… you see I just flew back from France when I argued with that inconsiderate husband of mine. I didn’t get my rest and took direct flight here… so I’m already worn out. Please…” Heechul pouts.

“I’ll get it for you.” Yunho volunteered himself. “I said Jaejoong, not you!” Heechul raised his voice. Jaejoong glanced at Yunho guiltily and grip his lover’s hand comforting him. “I’ll get it...” Jaejoong whispered to Yunho as he stood from his seat and threw a warning stare to Heechul.

“Thank you Joongie! And grab me some spring onion pancake on your way back okay?”

“Seriously? Chullie?” Jaejoong confirmed. “Yep! Seriously and don’t come back until you have it with you.” Heechul send him off. Jaejoong couldn’t reject Heechul’s ridiculous request because he was the one entertaining his strange night cravings when he was pregnant of Yoonmin.

“Okay… fine… and don’t say anything weird to Yunho.” Jaejoong warned him before he left. Heechul just smile and waved at him.

“Now! That will distract him long enough.” Heechul tidied his posture and his eye contact turns serious. Yunho wondered by Heechul’s words yet the other is giving him a penetrating stare. Heechul narrowed his eyes, giving Yunho an elevator look before focusing on the other face again.

“You really don’t remember anything don’t you…” Heechul starts the conversation.

Yunho froze in his seat, eyes widen like an owl. “W-what does that mean?” Yunho stuttered.

“Yunho or… I should call you Mr. Jung…I think I need to re-do my introductions.” Heechul took a sip of his chocolate and place the cup back on the table.

“It’s been a long time Mr. Jung. Glad to see that you’re very much alive… I thought you’re dead since you left Joongie that day.” Heechul didn’t bother to beat around the bush.

“Joongie? You mean Jaejoong?” Yunho confirmed.

“Yes… Kim Jaejoong… the person that you’ve promised to take very good care… then you disappeared… leaving him and the unborn Yoonmin… alone.” Heechul recalled the dreadful days. The miserable Jae, his unhealthy glow during his pregnancy period… none could describe how painful Heechul feel, looking at his dear friend… bathed in his own tears every time he dreamt of his missing husband.

“H-how do I know that you are not creating all these?” Yunho turns suspicious and slightly lost. Heechul digs into his bag and takes out a disc.

“Here… it’s your wedding video.” Heechul shoved the copy of dvd disc to Yunho’s front. “The only thing that I managed to save before Jaejoong burned them all.” Yunho bit his lips feeling uncertain while examining the disc. His instinct tells him to believe Heechul’s words while his mind said it’s might a lie… but for what reason? He couldn’t think any of it.

“Well not all of them… he keep the ring and the locket you bought and made another copy for Yoonmin to keep. And for your information, the lockets were custom made and there’s only a pair of it… one is with you and another is Jaejoong. So is this information enough to make you believe me?”

Yunho nod silently, now he found the answer to his question. It’s not merely a coincidence…

“B-but… h-he…he never told me… he didn’t tell me anything about it…” Yunho stuttered, pain starts creeping in his heart.

“Jae… he won’t… because he doesn’t have the courage to tell. He is scared… scared of losing you again. Mr. Jung… there’s something that you need to remember regarding Jae. He was mute when both of you met. Selective mutism, traumatized by his mother death, he didn’t talk to any of us since he is seven until you came into his life. Seeing your condition… he seemed to realize that he should continue his life, living a new life. Few months later he talked… because of you which makes me very annoyed,” Heechul retort in the end. “But… truthfully, I’m grateful for your presence in his life… giving him a new reason to live.” Heechul continues.

“I…I can’t remember anything about him… and about knowing you in the past…” Yunho scrunched, focusing his mind… looking for memories of him with Jaejoong aside the recent memory.

“You don’t have to… you lost your memory now you can make new ones with him… he doesn’t really need you remembering about him. What matter is… Yoonmin, your son… he needs you as his father… and Jaejoong, he needs your strength because my instinct tells me… he couldn’t hold the stress much longer… we nearly lost him once because of that….” said Heechul.

Yunho froze in his seat. The truth and what happened after his accident… it feels surreal… he failed to find the reality after being poured with so much information at a time. His heart clenched painfully imagining Jaejoong’s pain being left alone. He understand why it’s so hard for the other to tell everything… Jaejoong still unasserted after going through the pain. Jaejoong is still hiding behind his fortress, rejecting Yunho’s presence… the Yunho that lost his memory. Now Yunho realized the existence of a thin wall between him and Jaejoong and the reason why he always has a feeling that Jaejoong is hiding something from him which he always chose to be oblivious. It’s the secret of his lost memory.

 “Jaejoong… he is still struggling… thinking of a way telling you the truth. But I think you will be harsh on him when you heard it for the first time. So I doing a favour here… telling you the truth and letting you managed your emotions first. By the time he tells you… you could take it calmer,” said Heechul. Yunho knows Heechul have his point. He couldn’t bear to imagine how he would react by the time Jaejoong told him. And Jaejoong’s hurt expression after listening to his harsh words. It will be too much for the delicate being to take by considering Jaejoong’s medical history.

“Go to this place if you’re interested… I think you should take a look around there… maybe it will help you.” Heechul shoved another piece of handwritten address to Yunho. He takes it with care, reading the address carefully before placing it together with the disc.

“I-I don’t know what to say… all these… it’s too much for me…” Yunho feel lost and dreadful… he feels like he is all over the place. “I’ll leave now…” Yunho leave his seat, emotionlessly.

“Wait! Don’t you wait for Joongie?” Heechul panicked, it seems that the other didn’t take it very well as he assumed.

“N-no… sorry, it’s just that I’m not sure… I need to calm myself down and think more... I’ll contact him later… b-bye.” Yunho walk away soullessly.

“Yah! Jaejoong will kill me if I let you left!” Heechul yelled. He is not in the condition to catch up with Yunho’s pace. All he can do is to watch the other walk away in his zombie like state. 


Outside in the cold wind of autumn, Jaejoong pouts. He practically digs every single corner of his car to find Heechul’s souvenir for Yunho but find none. After minutes of search he decided to let it be… thinking that Heechul might forgot the gift. He walks to the street hawker and bought two spring onion pancakes and blood sausages since he drooling for some too.

When he makes his way back it’s already half an hour since he left the restaurant. He rushed his feet only to meet Yunho’s leaving figure.

“Yunnie?” Yunho’s nickname slipped off his lips… it’s been a while since he said the nickname.

He fastens his feet to catch up with Yunho. “Yunho-ah!” his airy voice screamed through the crowd. Yunho stopped, knowing the voice of his love even through the busy crowd but keep still.

Jaejoong smiles contently, he fastens his speed trying to get to his lover side until he bumped onto someone, leaving his gaze from the other figure.

Yunho on the other hand is listening to the other foot step. He closed his eyes… thinking it’s not time for him to face Jaejoong. He needs everything to be sorted out first including his feeling. He continue to walk leaving the place, ignoring the fact Jaejoong is watching his leaving figure.

“Yunho-ah…” it’s all he could murmur.



To Be Continued


A/N: Sorry for the lack of update, here's the latest one. Thank you to all readers for the love I have received. Any comments or critiques? 

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yo_yunjae #1
Chapter 22: Please,, if u have the time.. please update this story again ne ^^ please ?
huhuhuhuhuhu update?
liiloo #3
Chapter 22: Seems there won't be a happy ending :D
Kosame04 #4
I wish an update huhuhuhuhu T.T
Chapter 22: I worry also about jaejoongs condition, i hope he was not sick or anything...i really will appreciate if you update soon :-D
Chapter 22: Omg....phew...oh no....yunho...hhhnmm i wish hyulrin will stop pestering you in the future...and i just hope yunho can sort everything soon or he will hurt jaejoong again
Im afraid if jae will hurt again he will break down..i love this fic so much i hope one day author-san you'll update this...i hope yunho will fullfill his promise to protect jae not to hurt him again
Chapter 19: Ahahaha yunho doesnt remember but his heart will only love i wish jae will tell him the truth...they are still married
Chapter 17: Oh my...yunho taking good care of him like that im so touch...i wish jae will tell him
Chapter 16: Oh my...i kinda feel crying...i cried with the reunion...i wish yunho will remember huhuhuhu T.T