Simply in L.O.V.E

My Love Waltz

Chapter 20

At dusk Jaejoong’s car made it entrance into the Kim’s compound and stop in front of the mansion’s entrance. They immediately greeted by the sights of Kim’s family butler waiting patiently at their young master arrival. Jaejoong step out of the car and unbuckle the sleeping Yoonmin from his seat. He carefully took his baby out of the car without waking him up and handed him to the butler together with his supply bag.

“Send him to his room, I will help him clean up later.” said Jaejoong in soft tone.

The butler nods and he bowed before he re-entered the mansion with Jaejoong’s little joy. Now he moves his gaze towards the man that just reclaimed his love. Yunho stood at the other side of the car smiling at the sight of the mother and son as comforting feeling creeps in his heart. Jaejoong walks toward the other side of the car where Yunho stood.

“What are you smiling at? Is there something on my face?” Jaejoong touch his cheek checking if something stuck around his face that makes Yunho grinning at him right now.

“Nope nothing on your face...” Yunho brought his hand up and caresses the other soft white cheeks.

“You’re beautiful...” Yunho stated dreamingly.The expressive doe eyes looking straight into his brown orbs, Jaejoong could see his reflections in Yunho’s eyes. As realization hits Jaejoong, red tints spread across his face and making his pale cheek blushed which is very obvious to Yunho because of his fair skin.

Yunho pulled Jaejoong into his embrace.

“I don’t want to let you go.” He whispered near to Jaejoong’s temple.

“Me too” Jaejoong answered truthfully

You don’t have to go. This is your home too, me and Yoonmin is your family.” Jaejoong whispered in his heart. But he buried the thoughts deep inside instead he tighten his fist on Yunho’s chest while the other on Yunho’s shoulder closing any inch of distance between their bodies.

“I should go now. You better have your rest.” Yunho kissed Jaejoong’s forehead while the cheeks using his thumb. 

Yunho's beautiful fingers buried inside Jaejoong's soft locks, Jaejoong’s gaze as if telling him to stay. Still reluctant to leave and seeing that Jaejoong slowly closes his eyes as if welcoming him. Yunho closes the distance between their lips placing his bow tie lips against the red plumped one, locking their lips together for only god knows how long. The sweetness of Jaejoong’s scent and the softness of his lips make Yunho feels dizzy and nearly clouded by his desires. Eventually Yunho manage to pulls himself up without embarrassing himself.  They walk hand in hand to Yunho’s car and by the time Yunho get into his car, he gives another peck on Jaejoong’s lips before flashes his mischievous smile. He waves Jaejoong his good bye after he ignites his car engines and drives away, leaving the mansion with his heart already in Jaejoong’s possession.

Jaejoong’s gaze follows Yunho’s car until it no longer can be seen. He wrapped his arm around his body with mixed feeling of happiness and sadness swelling in his heart. He groans in frustrations as Changmin definitely will whine at his stupidity especially right now he owes the other some serious explanations. He walks back into the mansion in his heavy steps while looking at the empty streets.



 Yunho made his entrance into the Jung’s mansion. Tiredly he makes his way to upstairs into his room. He sat on the fluffy bed of his and laid him-self with arms spread wide on his bed. He let out a relieving sigh as his muscle was relaxed from his fatigue activity today. Smile slowly creeps over his face the moment he recalls back his confession moment and his lovey-dovey good bye moment with Jaejoong. He can’t believe that he’s so dense not confirming with Jaejoong first but directly assumes that they’re dating just because Jaejoong responded to his touch. Maybe Jaejoong was trying to take things slow unlike him, he tend to rush especially when he’s nervous. But then he glad that he did because they made their relationship official after that with help from Kangin, his big bulky buddy is being the cupid today. Chuckled by his sudden imagination of Kangin wearing a Greek Gods chiton with an arrow in his hand and wreaths of vines on Kangin’s hair, he decided his friend is not suitable with that image. He was about to stand up when something clicked in his mind.

 He pulls the drawer of nightstand beside his bed. A beautiful blue velvet box immediately came into his sight, he took the blue velvet box into his hand while remain sit on his bed. Something that he brought together with him after he back from his “death”, he slowly opens the box and a shiny golden ring emerged itself, he took a good care of it since it’s the only thing that holds his missing memories of eight long months. He consulted with his doctor whether there’s a chance for his lost portion of memories to be back. And the answer is quite disappointing him, there are possibilities but the chances is too thin barely 0.00001% of chance and they can’t gives any medication or treatments to Yunho as they’re also clueless. The only way is to hope it would come back naturally to him. He places the box back into its place; he hopes one day he will find the owner of other half of the ring to say his apology and gratitude for saving him when he lost his memory.

He pulls him-self up for real this time and ed his shirts, he emptied his pocket and on his phone. He places his belongings on the nightstand but the phone suddenly vibrated, telling him that he got 59missed calls and 30 messages, all from Hyulrin except the last one a missed call from HyulRin’s father. He doesn’t have the heart to ignore the old man so he presses the call button. The line rings for a few times until an old man voice answers it.

“Yeoboseyo? Yunho-ah is that you?” a hoarse voice questioned.

Yunho gulps his saliva before continues speaking.

“Yes it’s me, is there something important that you call me ajusshi?” Yunho sat back on his bed.

“...Y-yes...I do...” The old man silenced for a while before sounds of the other taking in a deep breath could be heard through the phone.

“Yunho-ah listens to me please... I know that I’m nowhere in the position to ask for your help anymore because you have done much for me. But today, HyulRin took another stupid path, she tried to commit suicide and I’m glad that my servants acted fast by sending her to hospital when she sensed something fishy about her. Yunho, could you please stay by her side until her feds up? Truthfully, I’m clueless on how to handle my girl at this moment. This is the only solving way that I could think off.” The old man begs ignoring his dignity as a business tycoon because of his only daughter.

Yunho sighed contemplating, “Ajusshi as much as I willing to help. Until now even I don’t know how to handle her anymore and sorry to say ajusshi, I’m already in a relationship. I couldn’t accompany her in her games anymore. I’ll try to help her to get over with me as long as I could but this won’t last forever. I have my responsibility to my love ones.” Yunho message his temple.

Why within 7over billions total of populations in the world that girl must choose him to be her prey?  The other line silenced for a while, he still could hear the breathing but Hong Do doesn’t speak.

“Yes, I understand...thank you for willing to help me while I’m thinking of a way to make her understand. I owed you too much of your kindness my son and I want to congratulate you for finding your love. I hope that both of you will be happy.” The old man congratulates him. Hong Do had treated him like his own son as he only has a child.

“Thank you ajusshi and I will help as much as I could about HyulRin.” The old man ended their call, Yunho punch the end call button and toss his phone on bed before walking into the bathroom to clean him-self.



At the Kim mansion as usual sounds of laughter echoed all around the mansion, Yoonmin, the little sunshine of Kim’s mansion running around energetically while Jaejoong preparing dinner in the kitchen with their maids. As usual the babysitter in charge is CHANGMIN.

“Yoonminnie, please stop running...we need to get you clean before dinner~!” Changmin exhaustedly tries to catch up with the little energizer bunny.

“ajusshi can’t catch me~” Yoonmin giggled away into the kitchen to find his umma.

Sighing tiredly, Changmin follows him. He doesn’t want him-self to be killed by Jaejoong for letting Yoonmin entered the kitchen.

“Umma!!” A shriek came from below hugging his leg.

Jaejoong moves his gaze down and found a sparkling innocent doe eyes that gazing up at him.

“Yoonminnie, we’ll start dinner soon so NO sweets and cakes.” Jaejoong sternly, he crouched down and picked his son up to his chest.

Then Changmin entered the kitchen. “Minnie~! I told you not to let Yoonmin get into kitchen. There are lots of hot pots and knives here.” Jaejoong softly scold Changmin.

Changmin eyes rolled heavenwards “...and I always to be blamed because of his energetic son” he complained to him-self.

“Okay...okay I’ll try my best.” Changmin goes to Jaejoong and pick Yoonmin out from his embrace.

“Let’s go to bath little guy, you’re a stinky energetic balls at the moment.” Changmin walks out the kitchen and climb the stairs. He got himself and Yoonmin into a bathtub full of bubbles as Yoonmin requested. It’s easier for him to let Yoonmin have a bath with him instead of bathing separately; at least he won’t afraid of getting wet.

Yoonmin pick up the bubbles and trying to shapes it. He sat on Changmin’s lap while Changmin busy shampooing his and Yoonmin’s hair. Then suddenly Yoonmin reminded of what the huge bulky ajusshi told him today.

“Changminnie-ah...” Yoonmin calls Changmin mimicking his mother.

“Hmm?” Changmin closes his eyes while massaging his own scalp.

“What does “dating” means? Today-ne Yoonminnie asked an ajusshi ‘what is dating?’ He said that “dating” means umma will give Yoonminnie a new friend if Yoonminnie gives Yoonminnie’s support to Yunho ajusshi.” Yoonmin shows his toothy smile while Changmin widened his eyes in horror not realizing that he letting the shampoo in.

“OUCH!!! My eyes!!!” Changmin jumped out of the bathtub trying to get clean water to rinse his eyes. But he slipped on the slippery floor and landed on the ground with a loud thud.

“Owh!!!” Changmin groaned in pain again. Yoonmin just watched the drama by his uncle, silently. And he wondered why Changmin reacted like that to his question? Yoonmin tilted his head cutely while Changmin manage to get him-self under the shower. With few struggles, hardships and a huge bump on his head, Changmin manage to get both of him and Yoonmin clean.

But the energetic ball won’t stop, after Changmin dressed him, Yoonmin sprinted out of the room and get him-self to downstairs in spilt second. Changmin sat down on his bed, half soul stuck out from his mouth. Which man taught Yoonmin that blue jokes? This just adding more misery to his miseries, he drags his feet and dressed up, following Yoonmin to downstairs, absolutely drain of energy. He needs Jaejoong’s cooked food to refill his energy bar so that he could handle the energetic little monster.


They all return to their respective room after finished their dinner. Changmin let Yoonmin plays with his playstation while he went to Jaejoong’s room trying to be busybody. He knocks on Jaejoong’s room and received a soft “yes” in reply. Carefully scanning at his surroundings before entering the room, he immediately greeted by the sight of his hyung reading piles of document on his bed.

“And you’re just recovered from your fever, now you start stressing yourself.” Changmin’s hand on his waist as disapproving mismatched eyes decorating his face.

“The files won’t read and sign themselves Minnie, someone has to do it.” Jaejoong closes the files and arrange it in orders before placing it on his nightstands.

“Yeah...but I thought that the doctor gave you warning about getting rest.” He walks toward Jaejoong’s bed and sits on it without waiting for the others approval.

Jaejoong sighed “I will get my rest after everything is deal and no flaws or holes in the contract”

“Well before that I need you to do some explanations about this Yunho guy” Changmin being his snarky self.

“I really can’t get away from this, didn’t I?” Jaejoong sighed again.

“Well like it or not that little monster of yours starts to look like Yunho’s exact copy, we will aware of the similarities between the two even though you didn’t mention it” said Changmin as matter-factly making Jaejoong groaned in defeat at his smartass cousin.

“So...Yunho is Yoonminnie’s father?” said Changmin not bothering to beat around the bush. Jaejoong nods as his answer.

“Did he know about Yoonminnie then?” Changmin asks again. Jaejoong paused for a while and shook his head.

“Why? Uggh!! Before that, is he the one you married to two years and half ago?” Changmin reconstruct his question, there’s too much things that he curious of and he’s sure that he don’t have another chance to have Jaejoong opens to him like this. Jaejoong nods again.

Changmin sighed then he continues “Then why he didn’t recognize you as his spouse?” Jaejoong shrugs. “I heard he involved in an accidents the day he went disappeared from my side. I tried to look for him but my conditions didn’t allow me. Things got complicated because I wasn’t bothered to know more about him that time and so do Yunho. Both of us lived a new life there, nothing like the situation we’re in right now crossed our mind even though Yunho did fear that he will forget about me.”

“That sounds not good, then how do you know about him being here?” Changmin insisting wants to know every single detail and Jaejoong couldn’t help but answering the other as he feels maybe...just maybe he could have Changmin to help him. At least by this way, he won’t be so stressful.

“So what do you intends to do hyung? By setting an interior design department in your own company and applied for a tender under Jung’s Corp so that you could get closer Yunho. After this, what you want to do? You did come out with a plan do you?”said Changmin while looking at Jaejoong quizzically. Jaejoong shrugs which earn him-self Changmin’s frustrated sigh. His hyung just gave the worst answer ever in history.

“Nothing?” Changmin reconfirmed and he receives the same answer plus with pouts, annoyed pouts to be exact because he feels intimidated by Changmin’s frustrations as if indicating him that he’s stupid.

“Hyung~what have you been thinking? How do you gonna get to him if he weren’t attracted to you like now? At least he did now so that is lucky of you, what if within that two years he already has someone or a wife by his side?” Changmin reads all the possibilities like he had wrote it on a paper and with every possibility that being mentioned.

Jaejoong’s expression turns paler. He didn’t think that much when approaching Yunho because all he has in his mind is getting Yunho back and giving Yoonmin his father’s love. Changmin stops when Jaejoong’s hand tightly gripped on his.

“What I’ve done Changmin-ah~, I didn’t thought any of the possibilities.” The beautiful doe eyes stricken by fear, his hyung really didn’t think of anything did he? Changmin sighed for he lost count how many times.

“Don’t worry, he haven’t married the last time I checked and not in relationships because he just fully recovered a year ago from the impact of his accidents. So practically at the moment you haven’t ruined anyone’s happiness.” Changmin comments, well knowing the opponents are what businessman’s do and that include their personal lives. Jaejoong let out a relieved sigh when he heard that from Changmin, he don’t want to ruin someone’s happiness for his own. The typical kind him that make anyone around him that cared for his happiness always sighs in desperations. The beauty is the most self-less human being that ever walk the earth and when Changmin mentioned ever it is EVER...but despite Jaejoong’s kind-hearted nature, his business succeeds thanks to the Devil in Pink named Heechul and Jaejoong’s own god-damn thing that people call as LUCK.

Changmin back to comfort his hyung, he try to sort things out to help the other, it’s his family member happiness he is talking about here and it is far more important than anything in this world.

“This is quite complicated, we don’t have solid evidence to tell him that both of you’re married, eye witness wouldn’t be sufficient besides we don’t know whether he could accept this fact very well.” Then Changmin paused and seems to be in deep thought.

“Hyung, try to do what both of you have did before or maybe bring him back to the beach house where you lived, do anything...maybe it will trigger his memory, oh and don’t forget wear your wedding band maybe he will find it looks familiar. Anything will do want to get your family back right?” said Changmin giving all the “good” idea he could think of. Jaejoong’s face brightens with smiles again, he glad that he has Changmin to talk to; at least his smartass brain is not exclusive to bully Junsu only.

“Thank you Minnie-ah!” Jaejoong wraps his arm around Changmin’s neck, hugging the other tightly until the younger one screams for air.

“Opps sorry...” Jaejoong released the younger one from his bear hug.

Changmin pants for air then he moves his gaze to the older one and harshly hit the other on his upper arm. “Ouch!” Jaejoong covers his stinging in pain upper arm and pouts at Changmin.

“You’re evil.” Jaejoong complains but the younger one laughed his signature laugh in his usual evil tone “hahahahaha”



“That is the MOST unromantic confession I ever heard…” his life time once favourite friend remarked after listening to his tell.

Yunho groaned in annoyance “I know! And you no need to remind me again.” He waved at his best friend.

“Seriously no flowers? No sweet kiss?” “Hey! We did the kisses part.” Yunho pointed in defence at Yoochun that starts blabbing like a mother teaching her son on how to do his love confession properly. Then he blushed at his own words.

“Okay you got the kiss part checked but no flowers? Seriously you need the flowers Yunho~ they’re the sacred items for every confession, proposal, engagement and weddings. See? They unite everyone.” Yoochun once again exaggerates with his explanations and reasoning his logics to Yunho.

“Okay! Okay I got it. I will give a bouquet every time I go date with him to make up with the one that I didn’t prepare during my big confession okay?” Yunho tries to stop his hysteric friend.

Since when this Casanova becomes so devoted with love, he thought Yoochun always thinks that a person who is enslaved to love is foolish. That reminds him again, his friend changed ever since he told him about his love towards certain beauty that he still wasn’t able to introduce to Yunho until now.

“How about you? Did you give this Junsu flowers when you first confessed to him?” Yunho raised his eyebrow, trying to be as intimidating as he could to squeeze something out of Yoochun for him to laugh of.  Yoochun scrunched his face after hearing the other’s question but he quickly caught the other trick.

“Nah ha~! Don’t think that I will be caught in your trap.” He pointed accusingly at Yunho making the other clicked his tongue.

“Well you caught me…” Yunho put both hand in the air.

“Actually Yoochun, don’t you have any court hearings or cases to think of? I don’t want your secretary to suddenly barged into my door and dragging you out of this building because that will be an ugly view.” Yunho lifted his gaze up from the document he has been reading at.

“No worries I’m good in covering my trail” Yoochun winked and gives his thumb up to Yunho which makes the other chuckled.

“Well that was what you said to me when she suddenly barged into this office last time while flaming in red.”

“Ah…that was out of expectation, I didn’t know that she sewn a GPS on my coat.” Yoochun shrugs.

“A GPS…on your coat? wow! she’s the most efficient secretary your father ever hired for you” Yunho’s jaw dropped.

“…yeah the most efficient and the most deadly one, he picked a girl with 3rd dan black belt in Karate for me, hell Yunho! You should see her black belt there’s three damn lines on its end telling  you how deadly she is if you angered her.” Yoochun scowled but then Yunho could sense the other fear towards his new secretary.

“Well that telling you to do your work seriously…” Yunho murmured. “Hey! I heard that…” Yoochun punched lightly on Yunho shoulder. “Hahaha…” Yunho let out a heartfelt laugh.


“How was Hyulrin? Did her condition improved?” Yoochun changed their topic; this was his main reason breach into Yunho’s office at 10 in the morning, confirming his friend feeling to calm his panicking boyfriend down before the other jumped on Yunho to strangle him. Yunho stoned for a while, he peeks at Yoochun and then back at his documents.

“I don’t know. I didn’t visit her. I just call her dad and that’s all.” Yunho flips to the next page.

“Really?” Yoochun asks again to confirm. Yunho nods, then he place the documents on the table looking sternly back to Yoochun.

“Of course, I have someone that I love so much now and I can’t visit her just like that, adding more to her misunderstanding. She’s interpreting all my concerns to her as love while for me it’s just an act of caring and kindness to a little sister that I never had, but since she keeps misunderstood and creating never ending problems then ignoring her is the best way that I could think of.” said Yunho with a serious expression.

“Well good to hear that then, at least you won’t have a cannibal dolphin jumping on you next time.” Yoochun slumps his back into the leather seat.

“Cannibal dolphin?” Yunho raised his eyebrows at the weird term Yoochun using.

“Ah, I forgot to mention. My boyfriend Junsu is your Jaejoong’s younger brother and he’s been worried after you came to their mansion picking his brother and his son out for a family date.” Yoochun relaxed in his seat.

“He did?” Yunho tries to recall who he met during his last visit in Kim’s mansion but couldn’t remember anyone aside from Uncle Kim himself, the maids, Jaejoong and Yoonmin.

“And…?” Yunho a little bit curious of Junsu’s perceptions towards him.

“And what?” Yoochun raised his eyebrow couldn’t understand his friend questions.

“And what did he said? About me?” Yunho pointed to him-self.

Yoochun hummed and shook his head “a very not good first impression you made Jung, you know that your engagement to Hyulrin is a not so secret among businessman and with her spreading it like she’s already married to you, he was a bit panicky learning that you and his brother is into a relationship.” Yoochun explains “…and” he continues “don’t think your relationship will be an easy one, Junsu is really protective about his hyung and I received a lot of bruises because wrong choice of word when mentioning his hyung in front of him.” Yoochun rubs his arms remembering the blue bruise that mostly healed by now.

“He dislikes me?” Yunho felt a bit down.

“Nope he didn’t say that, but he is being cautious of you so treat his brother with care or you will have a fly kick onto your face without your knowing.” Yoochun warns him.

“Tell him I will take care of his brother more than I care to myself.” Yunho telling his friend, Jaejoong is his precious the moment he laid his eyes on the others and he always hope only to see the other happy smiles but never tears falling from the other eyes.



The next day Chrysalis is shocked by their beautiful boss’s bright and glowing aura. Every employee greeted him along his ways to his temporary office because the renovation for Yoonmin’s playroom in his office has started during his sick leave. Soon he is seated in his office, he tidied the area a bit for his comfort and then a knock was heard from his door. “Come in…” he welcomes his usual morning guest.

“Good morning Mr. Kim, here is your schedule for today.” Seunghyun places a piece of printed paper on Jaejoong’s table. Jaejoong have a brief look at the paper before moving his gaze back to his secretary.

“Thank you, I believe that’s all. You may continue your work.” Jaejoong places the piece of paper on his paper rack but Seunghyun froze on his spot. His boss is being extraordinarily glowing today making him stunned in his spot.

“Seunghyun, are you okay?” Jaejoong gazes at the other using his concerns huge doe eyes making Seunghyun forgot how to breathe.

“Seunghyun” Jaejoong called louder and manage to wake the other from his trance. “Y-yes Mr. Kim…” Seunghyun blinks his eyes numerous times.

“Are you okay? Do you need a day off?” Jaejoong concerns of his employee wellbeing.

“Yes, I’m perfectly fine Mr. Kim, lack of sleep I think.” He lied to Jaejoong. “Okay…if you say so, you may leave now.” Jaejoong waved the other. Seunghyun bowed and moved to leave the room, and then he was stopped by Jaejoong again.”

“Seunghyun please if you don’t feel well feel free to tell me, I don’t want my employee sick while on their duty.” said Jaejoong sternly in his boss tone.

“Yes Mr. Kim and I assuring you that I’m perfectly fine.” He threw an assuring smile to Jaejoong. Jaejoong smiles in reply “okay, you may leave now.”


“Hello, I’m from Cupid’s Florist. May I know where I can find Mr. Kim…Jaejoong.” The despatch boy reads the name of the receiver out loud. “I have something for him.” The despatch boy threw his friendly smile to the receptionist.

The ladies at the receptions gasped when the name of their beautiful boss was mentioned. “He’s at the 9th floor, asks around if you can’t find his office.” One of the girls provides the information.

“Thank you.” The boy leaves to accomplish his duty meanwhile the girls squealed in excitements wishing that they’re the receiver of the beautiful bouquet.

The ladies dreamt to be the receiver of the bouquet while the guys know that one bouquet will cost them half of their monthly salary so the giver must be someone rich. Their head follows the bouquet until it stops in front of the office door belonged to their boss.

“Come in.” Jaejoong welcome the one who knocked on his door while his eyes still fixed on his document. “Good afternoon Mr. Kim Jaejoong, there’s something for you requested by our clients.” The despatch boy took his cap and nods his head a bit.

Jaejoong moves his gaze from the paper and surprised by a huge bouquet of pink flowers. “Excuse me for my manners. I thought you’re my employees.” He walks towards the boy and signed the receipt handed to him. Jaejoong carefully cradle the flower into his arm and couldn’t resist himself from sniffing the bouquet.

The boy equally mesmerized by Jaejoong’s appearance; tall figure, slim waist, fair complexion, plump pink lips, expressive huge eyes, dark wine coloured hair and pointy nose both masculine and feminine can’t be use to give full description of how Jaejoong looks like, he is unique and that’s all can be said.

“Thank you” Jaejoong thanks the boy. “Y-you’re welcome, my task finished then have a good day.” He bowed before leaving and closing the door behind him. He let out a relieved sigh and walks away.

Jaejoong sat back on his seat; he examines the flower and spotted a card in the midst of the bouquet. He took the card and places the flower on his table. He opens the card and reads the content before a sweet smile creeps across his lips.

He fetches his phone and slide through the screen looking for certain contact number. He pushes the call button on the screen and waited for the line to be connected. “Hello…Jung Yunho speaking.” Jaejoong smiles at the formal way of his boyfriend speaking. “Dinner tonight? From Jung Yunho…” Jaejoong reads the contents of the card.

Then Jaejoong heard rustled from the other side of line and then he heard Yunho clearing his throat. “Jaejoongie…it’s you.” Yunho straighten himself, he wasn’t prepared for Jaejoong’s phone call. “Jaejoongie?” Jaejoong puzzled at his familiar nickname picked by Yunho. “Your nickname…you don’t like it?” there’s tint of sadness in Yunho’s voice which Jaejoong manages to catch.

“Nope, I love it…” He let out a forceful smile; it’s the same nickname that Yunho picked for him when they were together during Yunho’s amnesia period.

“So the answer is…?” Yunho hesitantly asks

“…for?” asks Jaejoong teasing the other pretending that he has forgotten the other’s invitation.

“Tonight’s dinner...” Yunho felt like riding on roller coasters of emotion while talking with Jaejoong.

“Ah!! Now I remembered…the answer is “yes”. I do have the time but make sure return me to my son before nine or he will throws tantrum on Changmin again and Changmin throws his tantrum on me.” said Jaejoong jokingly but surely that will happen every time the two Minnie got into their grumpy mood.

“Of course I will return his mom right on time.” Yunho smiles contently when his dinner invitation is accepted by his love.

“…and Yunho-ah, thanks for the flower they’re beautiful and see you tonight.” Jaejoong puts a quick noisy peck on the phone.

Yunho stunned but he quick to catch that Jaejoong just gave him a peck through phone. He carefully places his phone back on his table and when the happiness slowly absorbed into his system. The Jung plastered a silly smile on his face showing to the world, he is the happiest man on earth.



To Be Continued




A/N: Un-betaed version because i'm in hurry to do my works, I didn't check or reread the whole chapter and I'm sure my grammar and typo will make some of you cry but i want to finish everything quickly. 

I make new Yunjae short stories inspired when I'm writing my thesis *crazy girl*, anyway this just shameless self-promotion feel free to check, subscribe and comment if you interested with my new short story. Click on the following link to the story : The Once Blue Sky

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yo_yunjae #1
Chapter 22: Please,, if u have the time.. please update this story again ne ^^ please ?
huhuhuhuhuhu update?
liiloo #3
Chapter 22: Seems there won't be a happy ending :D
Kosame04 #4
I wish an update huhuhuhuhu T.T
Chapter 22: I worry also about jaejoongs condition, i hope he was not sick or anything...i really will appreciate if you update soon :-D
Chapter 22: Omg....phew...oh no....yunho...hhhnmm i wish hyulrin will stop pestering you in the future...and i just hope yunho can sort everything soon or he will hurt jaejoong again
Im afraid if jae will hurt again he will break down..i love this fic so much i hope one day author-san you'll update this...i hope yunho will fullfill his promise to protect jae not to hurt him again
Chapter 19: Ahahaha yunho doesnt remember but his heart will only love i wish jae will tell him the truth...they are still married
Chapter 17: Oh my...yunho taking good care of him like that im so touch...i wish jae will tell him
Chapter 16: Oh my...i kinda feel crying...i cried with the reunion...i wish yunho will remember huhuhuhu T.T