In Heaven

My Love Waltz

Chapter 2~In Heaven


On Shore…

Yoochun, take a rest you have been awake since yesterday.’

Kangin, how I will explain to his parents that their only son is nowhere to be found’ said Yoochun with tears on his eyes looking at the coast guard doing their mission searching for Yunho.

Don’t worry, its Yunho the one we’re talking about. You know how many times he’s been back and forth in front of Heaven’s Gate. Just trust on his luck maybe someday he will pops out in front of us bringing an angel with him, Ok?’

More to kidnapping an angel perhaps’ correct Yoochun with a sad laugh

The search for Yunho continues for a week but there is no track of him whether alive or dead. His fate at the vast sea is unknown. His parents facing break down, his mother cry endlessly day and night. His father just keeps silence while comforting his wife but in his heart, it torn apart bit by bit thinking his son is nowhere to be found.


 On the other side…

The morning breeze is refreshing maybe I should go for a walk’ thought Jaejoong. Jaejoong wears a white long sleeve shirt leaving two buttons top ed revealing his fair skin and white long pants which is contrast with his black raven hair. He gone downstairs and told Mr. Lee the butler just before goes out for his morning walk.

The morning breeze blows through his hair. Since born he was gifted with natural scent of flowers from his body, his mother realize his gift when butterflies always flew around his baby cribs if the windows are opened and they seems to be protecting him from any harm. The peace in the air reminding him of the past after the incident. He lost his voice due the traumatic experience; it causes changes to the entire household. His family, maids, butlers and himself learned sign language in order for communicate even though he wasn’t deaf but he needs to convey his messages in sign language for others to understand. The thought of him burdening his family and others who are close to him killing him inside, sometime he wish that he would never be born then his mother would still survive, Junsu and Younha wouldn’t lost their mother and his father wouldn’t lost his wife.

As he continues his walk along the shore, he catches glimpse of human body. He fastens his steps while wishing that is not human body and his eyes are just making tricks to him. Well he proven was right when he found an unconscious man, he quickly drag him out of water and checks on his pulse. He relieved when his pulse still moving even though it’s weak. He tries to get the man conscious by shaking his body and sometimes slaps gently on his face but none working. He decided to bring the man back to his house, with all his strength he tries to lift the man and drag him all the way to his house. As Jaejoong arrived at home, Mr. Lee coincidently saw him struggling dragging a man with him when he was watering garden. Mr. Lee rushed out from the garden to aid Jaejoong.

Young master! Who is he?’ ask Mr. Lee while helping Jaejoong and getting the man hand over to his shoulder.

Jaejoong just shrug his shoulder.

Hmm~ it’s ok explain to me later, just bring him into house I will contact doctor after this’ continue Mr. Lee again

They bring the man and lay him on the couch in the living room. Mr. Lee orders the maids to prepare the guest room for the man while he contact Dr. Chan, a Chinese doctor that stayed there for his research and aid the villagers if there any emergency cases.

Elisa, wouldn’t you mind to prepare new shirts and trousers for this man? I think Siwon wouldn’t mind if I take one of his shirts and trousers.’ ask Jaejoong using his sign language to one of the maid.

Ok, I will get it young master’ Elisa nod her head and dash to Siwon's room to get the clothes that Jaejoong requests for. Using a big bowl, warm water and a towel Jaejoong try to get the man clean, he found few scratches and bruises on his legs, arms, back and on his head which could brings bad news for them. The maid handed Jaejoong the clothes and leaved Jaejoong to change the man clothes to a clean one. Jaejoong remove the man clothes and looking for anything that can show the man ID from his body and he found a wallet and a  driving licence that shows the man’s name… ‘Jung Yunho’.  After he finished changing the Yunho clothes, just in time Mr. Lee a middle age man around 45 enters the room.

‘Young master Jaejoong, Dr. Chan is here.’

‘Could both of you leave this room a moment for me to inspect him’ ask Dr. Chan to Jaejoong and Mr. Lee.

‘Let’s go Jaejoong, let he do his job’ Jaejoong nod his head. Jaejoong and Mr. Lee exits the room

15 minutes Dr. Chan exited from the guest room. Jaejoong leave Mr. Lee to talk with Dr. Chan while he went to the guest room to check on Yunho's condition.

How is his condition?’

Sorry, I’m not sure but he only experience small injuries his body but his head I’m really not sure. We need better facilities to check on his head injuries, I suggest that you bring him to the hospitals. Sorry if I’m being rude but where did you found this guy?

I don’t know sir, young master Jaejoong said that he found him stranded on the shore this morning when he gone for his walk.

Hmm~ ok, I take my leave now contact me if something goes wrong with him ok?

Yes, I understand sir and here for your payment, thank you once again


In the room…

Jaejoong stared at the man face, he have small face, a heart shape lips with a mole on top of it, tanned skin which is contrast of his skin color and masculine body features. He blushed as he replayed th images of Yunho's masculine body in his mind and he playfully slap his own forehead.

'y, Joongie' -Jaejoong bit his lower lips while eyeing the unconscious man.


Yunho P.O.V

Where am I? Why it’s so dark here. Am I dead? Uhh, its really cold here… am I in Hell or Heaven’ Umma and appa definitely gonna be sad…

Huh~*sigh*… umma appa I’m so sorry that I died before both of you and sorry for not giving both of you grandchildren to play with.

‘What is this smell? It’s smelled like flowers but I feel some warmth emits from the source, I wonder? Hmm? Voices’

‘Young master ………. Chan is here.’

‘Wouldn’t both of you mind to leave this room ……….. him’

‘Let’s go ………………. job’

 The fragrance it back again…

Then Yunho awake from his unconsciousness, the moment he opens his eyes he saw the most beautiful creatures he ever met on the earth or may be in his life time. An angel with white skin complexion, silky dark hair, large dark doe eyes, bloody red pouty lips, pointy nose with a very feminine body figure with matching white attire adding the effects on the beautiful angel and the first word that come out from Yunho lips is….

‘Am I dead?’ the angel widened his eyes and burst to a silent laugh after hearing Yunho’s first word to him. Jaejoong reached for his pen and note book and scribbled something on the paper after few scribbles he lifted the book up for Yunho.

No, you’re not dead…and very much still alive I presume’ said Jaejoong

Oh I see…’…silent moment…then Yunho continue his question again

Who are you?’ Then Jaejoong scribbled something on his note

Jaejoong…call me Jaejoong’

Oh…Jaejoong-shii, there is something that I want to ask you again


Who am I’….both of them droped into silence suddenly Jaejoong jump off his chair and dash out to look for Mr. Lee leaving Yunho dumbfounded.

Did I say something wrong??’said Yunho



To Be Continued


A/N: Reminder, Jaejoong is mute any dialogue said by him either is through monologue, written on paper(for those who aren't able to use sign language) or sign language(to all Kim's household). Sorry for the severe or major english grammar mistake and typos as i'm headache to fix it and i'm looking for a beta-reader if any of you willing to.

Thank you to my readers and subscriber, i really appreciate the support that you all gave to me by saying its interesting and to tell you the truth I'm still in learning process and a very much rookies in writing fics so forgive me for my mistakes and please do comments so that i know what you think and feel of it...from critiques to compliments all are welcome^ ^


Sincerely-Lacie^ ^



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yo_yunjae #1
Chapter 22: Please,, if u have the time.. please update this story again ne ^^ please ?
huhuhuhuhuhu update?
liiloo #3
Chapter 22: Seems there won't be a happy ending :D
Kosame04 #4
I wish an update huhuhuhuhu T.T
Chapter 22: I worry also about jaejoongs condition, i hope he was not sick or anything...i really will appreciate if you update soon :-D
Chapter 22: Omg....phew...oh no....yunho...hhhnmm i wish hyulrin will stop pestering you in the future...and i just hope yunho can sort everything soon or he will hurt jaejoong again
Im afraid if jae will hurt again he will break down..i love this fic so much i hope one day author-san you'll update this...i hope yunho will fullfill his promise to protect jae not to hurt him again
Chapter 19: Ahahaha yunho doesnt remember but his heart will only love i wish jae will tell him the truth...they are still married
Chapter 17: Oh my...yunho taking good care of him like that im so touch...i wish jae will tell him
Chapter 16: Oh my...i kinda feel crying...i cried with the reunion...i wish yunho will remember huhuhuhu T.T