The very first.

I love you, baby I'm not a monster.

"Oppa, can we go and eat? I'm hungry~" Jigyeong pleaded. "Jjinjayo? Hmm, sure! Let's go and eat!" Hoya held her hand as they walk along th streets of Hongdae. "What do you want to eat?" He asked. "Chicken!" Jigyeong exclaimed. As they walk hand in hand to find a chicken restaurant, you were shopping for accesories. These few days you were feeling down, so you thought going shopping would be better. But you were wrong. 

After paying for the stuffs, you went out of the shop, clutching on to your handbag's handle. That was when you saw him. The guy you had a crush on for almost 5 years. Jigyeong was your childhood neighbour. Both of you used to play with each other but ever since she moved out of her old house, she stopped talking to you. You came to a stop a few distance away from them. Jigyeong's eyes landed on you. She pointed a finger at you. "You're.. _____ right?" Jigyeong looked at you with confusion. You slowly nodded your head. "Ah, it's been a long time since I met you. How are you doing?" She linked her arm through Hoya's. "I'm doing fine.." You looked away. "Glad to know. Oh well, see ya round. Jagi, let's go!" Jigyeong pulled Hoya along with her and away from you. Jigyeong knew you had a crush on Hoya. But when you were busy studying for the exams, she took advantage and seduce him with her voice. "It's okay.., it's okay.." You straightened up and began to walk back home.

"Who was that?" Hoya asked Jigyeong as they were eating their dinner. Jigyeong rolled her eyes. "She's my childhood neighbour.  Didn't really like her. She stole the guy that i like away from me. How dare she betrayed me, right oppa? Jigyeong pouted. "That's mean. If I were you I would have just slapped her on the face" Hoya said. "Oppa, the best!". Hoya pinched her on the nose, "I would do everything for my jagi." 



So uhm, it's short. Like my new hair, short. T.T I miss my long hair. Jigyeong's a right? God, why did I even created this character.

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OwO i love the new chappie!
i hope hoya and i will make a progress soon ^^
subscribing ^^
please update soon ne.
i really like this story
HyperGirl #3
Happy camping ! ^^