Chapter 30. Unnoticed



I opened my eyes as my timer went off. It was four in the morning. Today was our day, the day we had all been waiting for, our debut stage. I still remained in my bed, thinking over the past weeks. It had all gone by so fast, and now, today, we would make our debut showcase with the fan’s of SMTOWN. The venue had place for about 500 fans, it was quite small and cozy, which would make it easier for us to interact with our fans. About 10 percent of the tickets had been given away to lucky fans through a contest. The remaining 450 had been partly sold directly to fans, and partly been given away to sponsors of us, who had the opportunity to give them away again under their clients. Concluding, from about the 300 tickets for normal sale, 200 had been sold in the first day, which was not a bad thing since we were completely new.


The day progressed steadily, we were all calm and more silent than usual. I clearly noticed change in behavior as the hours passed, and the concert crept closer. At some point we all burst out in hysterical laughter, and a second after we were all silent again. The nerves were rising and it was uncontrollable. I felt like the whole day passed by in a daze. It felt like a dream, so unreal. How was it possible, the dream we had all dreamt for the past years, finally coming true.


I just let the stylists have their way with me and my hair, while I tried my best to relax and listen to some music, B.A.P of course. I couldn’t not really ease all my tension, but soon I felt some was lifted from my shoulders. Right now we were all done with the make-up and we only needed to be dressed after our last sound check. “Lian?” Jinae called my name, I shifted my eyes from my game on my phone to her. “Yes?” She smiled, “Let’s play some card’s” I frowned, “I’m not really that good…” “That’s Okay, just play with me and distract me!” She looked at me, pleading. “Well, okay than.” “Great, the rules are simple…” Her voice drifter off, and I listened to her. I was glad to be able to distract my thoughts too. Somehow my mind was never still, and if I was sitting only one minute still, my mind would be spinning off, miles and miles away. This had been so tiring the last weeks, cause every time I had a bit free, I would be reminded of our upcoming showcase. Maybe that’s why I was less nervous. This was nothing compared to the very first variety show, probably also because I had experienced all the disaster scenario’s of our showcase already in my dreams, or nightmares. I smiled bitterly as this thought flashed past my mind, at this point I knew how to handle every accident imaginable, my imagination had taken well care of that.


I was in the game until Sujin interrupted all our individual activities. “Let’s head up stairs and inspect the stage. In a few minutes we will do the sound check anyway. Better make sure the floor is okay, and check if it is slippery or anything.” Sujin stood at the door, while we passed her and walked in the direction of the stage. As we passed she pinched our arms lovingly. It made me realize this was really happening, and I felt like I finally woke up a bit, and unfortunately so did my nerves.


The sound check and the stage inspection went pretty well. The stage was a bit slippery, but we hadn’t had any problems with our choreography so we only needed to keep it in mind, but no real worry. The stage had been lid very well, and I had noticed I hadn’t been able to see the seats for the audience at all. It almost had seemed like the real stage, minus the fact we were all dresses casually. Also since the sound check we had a girl with a camera walk after us. She was taking pictures of our every move, and when we asked what she was doing she looked surprised we didn’t know. “You don’t know? Of course I am taking pictures for your future photo album. We will probably release a special limited edition of your album with an extra photo book. Which includes your showcase and pre-debut photo’s” She finally paused to take a breath but immediately continued again. “That’s why I will follow you from now on until the end of the concert. I will mainly be shooting you backstage.” She looked around our blank faces, “It creates a good relationship with the fans. So let’s work hard together.” She extended her hand to Sujin the first. Still a bit shocked Sujin shook her hand, damn this girl takes fast, was the only thought that repeated in our minds.


Once we returned to the backstage room, Jinae and I continued our card game for a little while longer, the camera girl happily taking pictures of our exited faces during the game. After I finished about four more games with Jinae I said I wanted to relax some more. “Wae?!” She said with her best pouty face. “Because you are too good. If you always win it is no fun.” Her lips turned in an evil smirk, and in her most angelic voice she responded, “If you want to I can let you win on purpose?” I glared back at her, “No thanks, I will keep my dignity.” I walked away, exaggerating my hurt pride. I acted to be very offended, and when I looked at Jinae from the corners of my eyes, I met hers. We burst out in laughter. I looked back at my phone, popping in my earphones. While I hummed at bit to the music I checked up on my facebook and twitter. I had yet to make a me2day. I was not so known with it, but it was very popular here, so soon I would have to make one, a official one for Lian from HANA. Luckely right now I was still allowed to have my private facebook and twitter, though I also had a official twitter. I had chosen for this way, so I would be able to still communicate with my friends from the US and the Netherlands without any problems. I just decided I would also check up on my twitter, Lian_Hana, and maybe post something, when I received a text from a unknown contact. I couldn’t recall naming one of my contacts Gukkie-oppa, also I didn’t remember the photo linked.


Curious who it was I opened the text and read it. “Good luck with your showcase. Fighting, you will do great. Say hi to the other members for me. And don’t forget to enjoy it~! BYG” My heart jumped, and I quickly enlarged the picture at the top of my screen. And indeed, Yongguk was smiling his goofy cute smile, while looking at the camera. I stared at my phone, shocked and amused. Shocked at the fact that somehow he had gotten hold of my phone and he had added himself to my contacts, and also me to his. And amused by the way he was trying to lift our moods, but still what amused me the most was his dorky self shot. I smiled as I replied his text. “OMO, how did you get my number, and I yours? XD thanks though, I think my nerves calmed down a bit thanks to you. We will do our best! They say hi back. xLian.” While I was still pondering about the x at the end I found my fingers press the send button. Wait… No! What will he think of me? That I am a stupid over attached fan? Maybe he will think me rude? I banged my head on the table, I had ruined everything. While I was having my little moment the others just ignored me, by now they were used to my little silent outrages.


My phone vibrated again, my heart jumped, and I quickly glanced. I calmed down again, a bit disappointed to see the text was from Baekhyun, though I immediately slapped myself in my thoughts. He was my best friend, how could I be disappointed seeing he texted me. “Hey Romy, how are you? Preparing for your showcase. I’m sorry I can’t be there T^T. But good luck to you all! ~Bacon” I smiled at the last part. We had always with the nickname Bacon, and eventually even the fans called him like that. He didn’t really like it, but he used it to make us laugh and I smiled at his gentleness.


“Baekhyun wishes us luck!” I yelled to no one in particular. “Great, of course we do have the pride of SM to keep up.” Nana joked. Sujin just looked at her, “we’ll do fine.” She smiled warmly. “I know this is exiting but we haven’t been chosen without a reason, so we just need to trust on Lee So Man, and put our best effort in it. No need to worry.”  She glanced at the clock on the side. “Let’s get ready and go to the stage. We are going to start in 10 minutes I think. Better be there on time.” Nana giggled, “Yes, it would be very unlucky to be late to our own showcase.” I rose from my chair, and as I just wanted to put down my phone, it vibrated again. Without thinking I hurriedly checked, my heart jumped again. “omo how did hyung get noona’s number? I want to know too O^O, leave it to me, I’ll find out somehow… kekeke. Good luck from me and the others too! xxxxx Zelo~” I smiled, the members of B.A.P were probably torturing Yongguk now, and actually I didn’t really feel sorry for him. Just imagining the boys all over Yongguk while pinching and annoying him, his face, only the thought made me laugh already. I put my phone down, and followed after the others. I grabbed the hand of Jinae as I walked past, “aren’t you exited?” I asked, somehow I wasn’t nervous anymore, only excited and happy to be able to perform. She nodded and smiled widely. “Fighting~!”


The lights went out, and the crowd yelled out their lunges. As soon as the first tones started the lights popped on and revealed 5 girls standing at the stage. The stage exploded with energy, and the girls only exhibited a attitude of experience and love for music. One could not watch them without feeling the energy and happiness the girls emitted. The show ended after they had performed for about two hours, this including their own songs and covers of others. The show ended in a fireworks show, which the girls watched together with the audience while singing their title song again. This created a relaxed and nice atmosphere. The girls were just having fun, connecting to the audience and receiving flowers. They were so natural on stage, you wouldn’t be able to tell this was their debut showcase. They did pretty good, you can entrust them with everything, I believe they will be able to grab  anything they reach for. You can be happy with their performance, Lee So Man.



Lolz, this is turning out to be a longer story than expected.

Lately I have been getting so many idea’s for this story.

I have so much to tell you all xD

Please let me know if you still like the amount of details. And if you mind the time jumps.


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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D