Chapter 16. The real battle begins



From the corner of my eye I was a group move towards us, pushing through the crowd. Shin suddenly played a stronger instrumental song and the battle began. Junhyung positioned himself in front of me. The others positioned themselves next to him, three on each side. There were seven of them, against five of us. We were waiting for them to make the first move. Junhyung answered my expectations. He started himself, challenging me. His moved were impressive, very smooth, but also still a bit under his level. He wasn’t showing his all.


The crowd yelled in excitement with this twist in the performance. Junhyung walked back, annoyingly happy with his performance. I exchanged a glance with Sujin and Nana, who were right behind me, they nodded. The three of us moved forward, like one we performed. The opposite crew seemed surprised. They hadn’t expected us to keep dancing together. Like I had guessed, most of them were individual dancers, only united by the street battles. I smirked at Junhyung’s face. “Show me what you got, babe.” I yelled to him while we retreated to give them space, this seemed to enrage him even more. One of the guys behind him said something, he snapped back, but didn’t lose his eye contact with me.


I noticed Jinea and Yumi laughing and making fun of them too, they had caught on my intentions. This was their line, and a cute looking guy with reddish hair stepped forward. His face was clenched from contained anger. He spun forward, moving so fast and precise, I couldn’t contain a light whistle from between my teeth. Luckily he didn’t notice, his act ended with a forceful movement towards us. I  didn’t hesitate and reacted on this. While he turned around, and started to make his way back, I spun around him, and prevented him. He looked surprised and annoyed. I smiled sweetly. I seducely danced around him, not coming as close for him to push me a way, but close enough to keep him from moving back to his crew. I knew he was at the verge of outburst, I turned around him once more, and whispered in his ear, “You know” my glance drifted to Junhyungs face “your leader doesn’t really look happy with our little time together. ” He turned around to repay me for his disgrace, but I was already back with my members, starting our next move.


We moved forward with the five of us. Getting as close as possible to the crew in front of us. When my nose almost hit Junhyung’s chest, we divided, moving through them. This surprised them, and they quickly turned around, they were unprepared. I grabbed the cap of Junhyun, and hurried back to our side of the dance floor. Before the battle started we had compromised on this. All our moved were meant to disgrace and anger them, this would divide them and make them lose control. Once this happened, it was only a piece of cake to grab victory. And grabbing and wearing their cap’s was a very big part of it. I secured Junhyung’s cap on my head tightly. Only one of the guys still had his cap. Jinea had managed to grab two caps, of which she was wearing one now, and the other she was throwing in the air, victorious.


I smiled at Junhyung’s face, which was indescribable. It was a mix of anger, surprise and something more, was it interest? “Are you done yet?” I asked in my sweetest voice. He opened his mouth, when we heard a distant sirene. “Holy !” Shin called out from behind us. He hurriedly threw his stuff in his bag, and picked up the speaker. We were frozen, I looked at Sujin, not knowing what to do. Junhyung ran towards us, “Run, Idiot, Run!” He grabbed my hand, and one of Nana, he pulled us with him, and we all ran off.


My breath quickened, the adrenaline of being on the run for something, I didn’t even feel pain when I tripped and Junhyung pulled me up on my arm. We just stupidly followed him and the other guys. They seemed to know the way. I was unable to look back to see if Jinea and Sujin were behind us. I saw Yumi run in front of us, together with Nina and Shin. Suddenly we took a sharp turn and stood in a crowded street. Shopping people pushed trough us, and Nana was separated from us. I tried to follow her, but Junhyung prevented me, he pulled me with him. “Let me go, I have to go after Nana!” I yelled to him. “Calm down princess, Kibum is already after her, we have to stay low and blend in with the crowd.” He looked deep in my eyes. His eyes stood determined, and it felt like an order. Unwillingly I let him lead me through the crowd. I hoped the others were alright. He took another turn and we were in a small alley. Alone.


“Where are the others?” I asked him, still looking back at the large shopping street, trying to find my members or Minah. “They are probably hiding in another alley.” “What?!” I yelled at him, “How do we ever find them again, do you know how many alley’s there are in this part of the city?” I stared furiously at him. We would be in unimaginable trouble if one of us would be lost. He looked back, a bit taken back by my anger. “Calm down. My friends will probably take them to our dance room, once they are sure they are not followed anymore.” He remained calm, though I almost burst from anger. “Well, shouldn’t we go there too?” I asked him, while I turned to walk back to the main street, though I had no idea where their dance room was.


“Yah!” I heard him call after me, his steps quickened, and suddenly I felt his hands around my waist, pulling me back from the street which I had almost reached. “What the..?” I yelled out in surprise. He pulled me back in the shadows of the alley. “Idiot, don’t you see those police men?” “Pol-“, was all I could manage to bring out, before Junhyung blocked my mouth with his hand. “Yah,” he whispered furiously, “do you want to die? Why yell so hard if they are trying to find us? Who thought you to hide, cause he did a terrible job!” When I relaxed a bit more and didn’t fight his hold on me anymore, he loosened his grip on me. “Why are they searching for us, and why did they even come to the fountain square, and why did we run away?” My stream of questions didn’t allow Junhyung to interfere, though he didn’t try to. When I finally fell silent again he asked, “are you stupid?” “Huh?” I replied, a bit taken aback and offended. “Do you think they like it when all the students of the dance academy go around making a fuss and having dance battles on the central square?” I was surprised, “really? In America it was never a problem.” He snickered, “there are more things allowed there and forbid here.” He looked past me, “I think we have lost them, come! I’ll bring you back to your friends.”


We were walking in silence for a moment, passing and turning trough small and dark ally’s. Until he broke our silence, asking, “What is an American girl even doing in Korea?” I fired a question back at him, “why do you think I am American?” He turned back to look at my face with a mocking expression. “You really are stupid, firstly I assume you are American because you cursed in English and secondly because you compared Korea to America.” I smiled, warming up a bit, “point taken, but you are wrong. I am born and raised in the Netherlands, then when I was 14 I moved to America, and two years ago I moved to Korea.” He still looked at me, and I suddenly noticed we were standing still. “Well,” I started to explain further, a bit uncomfortable and with a small blush because of his intense look. “My father has Japanese blood, but is born in the Netherlands, and my mom has Korean blood but is born in the US. And I moved to America to be able to develop my dancing further, and there I…” I stopped, I was not allowed to reveal my true identity, but was I also prohibited to tell I am part of SM? Luckily he filled in on me, so I didn’t really need to lie. “And in America you got discovered by a Korean entertainment company? That’s a real journey you have been trough.” He looked back in front of him and continued walking. Still looking in front of him he added, “I prefer dancing like this. Being my own boss.”



Lol when I first wrote this chapter I let Junhyung and Lian instantly reach the dance practice room of the dance crew. But when I went to bed I thought this would be way more interesting, because of this the chapter became very long xD

I hope you like it!

Just so you know, this is not the Junhyung from beast of something, though you are free to imagine his face with the character xD. I just chose the name because I think it is a pretty common name in Korea…

Since there are several artists called Junhyun or alike, the same with Kibum.


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Wohoooo Almost reaching the end! I think this story will finish around 60 chapters! Please keep reading and commenting


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Solitario #1
Chapter 50: Oye! Big chapter, curious to see how you have yongguk deal with this new info XD
Solitario #2
Chapter 47: I hope she makes up with the boys of BAP soon! :) good update :D
Solitario #3
Chapter 45: I wanna hug Lian right now! Aw :/
haha! got curious about the title :3 "Lian" well it turned out to be the name of the girl. hehe! new reader here /popsout/
Leosaloner #5
Axdfvhnkhh more please!!! :D:D
Leosaloner #6
Love this story!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D