The Unexpected First Date

An Elegy Of Love


I stared at Nichkun as he gently allowed my cellphone to sway back and forth in front of my eyes, holding it at the edge with his fingers, like he was using it as something that could eventually hypnotize me. Little did I know that was the start of my unfortunate luck; it was the beginning of being under his spell. "Poor little thing, now it's broken."

"Though I'm actually glad it happened." He said as he slowly leaned his body closer to the counter. How dare he say something so ridiculous like this?!

"Why did you even bother calling? If it weren't because of you, my phone wouldn't be broken!" I wrinkled my nose as I pouted my lips while I let my hands hang loosely.

"I'd rather have that broken rather than having to see you lying on a hospital bed broken and smashed up." He let out a gentle chuckle then I noticed something on his lips. A band aid. He must've noticed that I was staring so he immediately turned around. "I'll be going now."  He waved his hands at me which was a little weird because he wasn't even facing me.

He started walking away, then when he was about to open the exit door, he looked back at me and smiled. "Don't forget to check my cup over there." He winked as he motioned toward his table, I only looked at him then that was it, he was out of my sight as soon as the little bell hanging on the exit door rang like a faint little voice. I couldn't resist but let my eyes wander on his table.

"Alright, alright, I'll take care of this you go and read his note, hurry!" Amber immediately pushed me away the counter then she gave me this, you-go-girl look. I admit, I kinda liked this feeling. You know, this kind of feeling that someone visits you every now and then, giving you stupid cheesy notes, calling you every night before you go to sleep just to wish you sweet dreams. I can't help but feel something fluttery inside my stomach, or maybe it's just because I'm a little hungry today?

I quickly went to the table, yes I am that excited; and then I read his note.

See you in that Mandarin Cuisine across the street at seven in the evening. =)

He used a freakin' smiley! How can he not use a heart to end such note instead?! Hehe. Just kidding. You know how hideous my thoughts are. (: But wait a minute, what is this? He's asking me to meet him at seven? He's asking me to eat with him later? "Oh my god, Vic! He asked you out, seriously you should go home now! It's going to be your first date!"

"What first date are you talking about?"

She held my arm then I swear I saw her eyes turn from shining diamonds into beating crimson deep hearts! "He just asked you out on a date, how naive can you be?! Go now, go, go, go! I'll be kicking you out if you become that lazy slowpoke if you won't leave the shop in ten counts!"

TEN COUNTS?! Is she crazy?! No! She's retarded! "But what if the boss finds out?!"

"SONG VIC!!! Just do what I say!!" She pointed at me like she was the vice principal of a certain private school. I threw my hands up in the air while surrendering to her command.

"Alright, alright... I... I'll be going now, huh?" I slowly moved backwards towards the door, while throwing my apron at her; but then I forgot, I had the best BAD luck in the world. When something good's about to happen, bad luck enters the scenario like it's some kind of that black-colored cat with nine lives! Easy to kill but hard to get rid of!

"Vic, where are you going?" It was our beloved boss. I froze on my feet, I can even picture out my apron freezing in action, and I swear I even felt my tongue freeze as I heard our boss' voice.

I looked at Amber while crossing my fingers, then I turned to our boss' direction, while I was trying to wish myself good luck, from there I took a deep breath. Before I could create a free flowing speech, Amber did it instantly for me. I forgot she took acting lessons before! "Mr. Won, I BEG YOU IN BEHALF OF Victoria Song!! Her aunt's dying, boss! She's in the hospital right now, please give Vic sometime! Her aunt could die any minute from now! I believe that you're not heartless, so please let her go." Amber bowed, it was as if we forgot that this place was public, everyone's eyes were on us now.

"I'll drive you to the hospital, then." He undoubtedly took my wrist then I stared at Amber, I was starting to panic when all of the sudden, she started screaming.

"OH MY STOMACH HURTS SO BADDDDD!!! BOSS!! I...bring...bring me to!"

"But how about her auntie---?"

"---JUST BRING ME TO THE HOSPITAL!!" Okay, that was scary! I wasn't expecting for things to turn out like this, worse is I didn't expect Amber to be this exaggerated! So what else happened? The stupid pushover --I mean, our beloved boss -- ran over the counter, forgetting about our stupid "Auntie act" and carried Amber all the way to the exit door. When he reached the exit door, where I was actually standing, he looked at me.

"What hospital is she in?"


"Your aunt. Where is she?"

Gotcha over there! I looked at Amber, who's head was hanging loosely on Mr. Won's shoulder -- I mean, can you even imagine that?! -- she mouthed the words, R U N .  "Oh, look!" I pointed at the unfamiliar face outside. "There's my cousin...uh, Wooyoung! I'll go with him instead! Take Amber to the hospital, she might be having a very bad stomach right now! Bye, thank you, boss!" I bowed and ran to the guy I named Wooyoung. "Pretend that we know each other." I whispered while I placed a hand on his shoulder.

I mean, if you were with me when I said that, you'd go really insane after seeing his reaction! I eventually did some pocket-your-laughter thing when I saw his reaction! It was the most funniest thing I've ever seen in my whole life. It was like his eyes went hysterical and his nose got big and his mouth became a question mark. I hope you can imagine how much I put his face into detail.

"Who are you?!" He was about to scream when I suddenly covered his mouth. Mr. Won was still standing inside his Coffee shop and he was still carrying Amber. I waved at them while harassing the person I named Wooyoung. Amber had the weirdest expression ever, then I started dragging Wooyoung away from the Coffee Shop and there I -- explained. I even had the guts to explain, huh?!

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry for putting you into this mess, but I really thank you for saving my life today!" I bowed, several times, but his look was fierce; it pierced right straight into my soul.

"Who told you I'll let you get away just easy as this?"


He suddenly took out something from his pocket. God, don't tell me that I'm going to die today. Please let it be something different other than a knife.

"Here." He threw me a Meji chocolate bar and then he smiled. "I want to thank you for saving my life, too. I was almost hit by a car. Thanks for pulling me in." He smiled at me. Oh god, I've been meeting a lot of boys lately... does this usually happen after being asked out on a date?

Speaking of date. Gosh, what time is it? I don't have a watch! Spell FAIL!

Song Victoria.

"You have any idea what time is it?" I was in panic now, ah, my mind is going crazy! 

"It's 5:30 PM, why?"

"I need to go now, bye! Thanks again!" I bowed again, then I quickly hailed a cab -- the easiest way to go home fast!

I arrived at home, 5:45PM. Exactly 15 minutes after my misfortunes. I hope Amber's acting went well. Haha. I took a bath, then I blow dried my hair, fixed my self and got dressed. I shoved my feet in my flats then I quickly went to the Mandarin Cuisine restaurant.

I arrived earlier than usual, 06:57 PM. That's early, right? I've never been to a date before, so I don't know how to act; should I smile, or pretend that I'm not that please? Argh, there's so much fuss about this dating thing. Or are we even dating? Maybe Amber and I got it all wrong, maybe this is just something friendly. I mean it's impossible for him to like me, right?

15 minutes passed, I stood there like a joke.

Seriously, this is our first meeting in a Mandarin Cuisine like this, and now I'm outside the restaurant, waiting for his arrival.

After another minute passed, he came.

After seeing him, my heart started beating, instantaneously fast.

"Hi, sorry I'm late." He stood in front of me and smiled. "Are you cold?" He must've seen me putting and rubbing my hands together. "Here, this might work." Then he placed a jacket on top of me. "Let's go." He motioned me to follow after him, and then I did. My heart did too.

"Pleasant evening, I reserved a table for two for Mr. Nichkhun Horvejkul." Oh my gosh, he did? Whoa. The guy led us outside the restaurant where the setting was a garden. And from a far, I saw a table for two, it was set apart from the rest.

Candle lights, sweet music, lovely atmosphere.

"Do you like it here?" Khun asked as soon as we reached the table. He pulled the chair for me then he made me sit down. He sat down after I did, then he faced me. His face was lightened up by the candles.

I nodded. "Uhm yeah, but why did you ask me to meet up here?"

He smiled and then he took out a red rose from the waiter that was holding a tray. "Because I want to be with you tonight..." He handed me the rose and then I looked at it.

"Uhh, I'm sorry. Is that one for me?" Ah, I'm so innocent, please forgive me, but I've never received a rose in my whole life. Ever since.

Neo laughed gently then he leaned in closer. "Yes, it's for you..." He smiled, then he took something from the ground, it was a box wrapped in pink. "And this one's for you, too."

"What's this?" I asked, like a little child would.

He replied, "A...cellphone?"

"What?! You must be kidding me!"

"Do I look like I'm kidding? Of course I'm not. Seriously, I bought you one because yours broke. I just wanted to give you one... so I can... uh, call you, you know. Those stuffs." He was nervous. Does this mean he likes me now?

"Why do you want to call me?"

"Because, uh, I uh, I...I like talking to you." And after he said this, he smiled sweetly at me.

Little did I know that the reason he bought me a phone was because he got into a fight the day my phone broke. "You know, Vic. That day when I called you, I got into a fight... this one, the band aid, I got punched on the face. I glad your phone died that day, if not, maybe I'd go crazy if you got into my mess. I'd never forgive myself if something bad happens to you."

And from that night on, I started falling a little harder for Nichkhun every waking hour of my life.

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luv_chogifam #1
update soon please...
gummibear13 #2
Geez.. I've got chills after reading this & I can't help but tear up. Vic is amazing in this fic I love sad love story keep it up unnie. Let's chat up on facebook.
hunnierage17 #3
wow, this is a great story. I love how you wrote it in such a poetic way. I feel Vic's pain already. I'm excited for the next coming chapters.