

            “Why is Kris friends with you when he could obviously do better?” sneers one of his many admirers after I refused to give her his phone number. She's tall, lean, and beautiful. She's everything a guy wants in a girl, but her demanding attitude drove Kris away. When he saw her approching, he ran in the other direction, throwing me a threatening look before disappearing around the corner. Unintentionally ignoring her, I begin to wonder myself. Why does he have so many damn fan girls? Everytime they swarm over to him, he hides behind my small stature. Well, attempts to hide. But my thoughts wander to the answer: his hypnotizing eyes. They shine and twinkle even when he’s exhausted. They’re a perfect shade of hazel brown and incredibly clear, making it impossible for you to not lose yourself when staring into them.

            I distinctly remember falling into those eyes the first time we met. They were so distant and cold, yet so lonely. They were the first trait I noticed about him. They had a magnetic pull, drawing in everyone around him. When those cat-like eyes find your, try not to melt.

            “C’mon, Min. We’re going to the library,” states Kris as he tugs the back of my hoodie. I’m pulled out of my trance and realize that that girl from earlier has disappeared. Where did she go?

            "Uh... where did she go?" I ask, scratching the back of my head as I sit down on the comfortable leather seat.

            “Seatbelt,” he says in monotone, paying no attention to my question as the engine roars to life. Pulling the seatbelt over my body, I glance over at him in curiosity. Why are they all interested in you? And the more I thought about it, the more I understood. My best friend is a total hunk.   

            If there is one word to describe Wu Fan, it’s perfection. I might sound like I’m in love with my best friend, but I’m merely stating facts. I’ve always believed that his face was sculpted by the gods themselves. His sharp jawline sends girls into a frenzy whenever he turns his head. His high and rounded cheekbones bring shame to all the wealthy women who had paid a fortune to obtain what he was given naturally. But not only did they grace him with undeniable good looks, they gave him the personality of a lazy gentleman and the life of monetary ease. I seem to be the cursed one when I’m standing next to him.

            His hair, which is always being experimented with, shines even when there’s no light source. Its current hue is dark auburn, although I prefer his natural jet black. Every time he flips his hair, you’d expect a camera man to step out with a director yelling “CUT!” Every straight strand falls back into place even when the wind blows furiously. His hair styles itself when he wakes up in the morning, giving him a natural alluring aura.

            We make small talk in the car, which ends with him laughing at my abnormality. His plump lips pull upwards and I poke his cheeks several times, causing him to smile, showing his flawless pearls. That smile. Girls would kill to see that smile since he’s always busy masking himself with his face in public.

            The wind blows towards us as we walk into the small library and it carries his familiar fragrance.  I can identify his scent from anywhere. “I don’t wear cologne,” he confessed once, but I have my suspicions. Green apples and spearmint.  It’s a tempting aroma that invites people to sniff him from time to time, even guys.

            “Hurry up,” he calls behind him in his deep musical voice. Then I realize another reason to why people are drawn to him. His voice drips with honey and a simple” hello” could weaken the average girl’s knees. It matches with the front that he puts up in public, scaring some people, but nonetheless captivates the girls.      

            Aside from his good looks, he’s a total bum. He may be 6’0, but he whines constantly like a child who has been refused candy.  Sure, he can be chivalrous in the spotlight, but the majority of the time, he is too laid-back to do anything correctly. His apartment reminds me of a pigsty and I sympathize with his germ phobic roommate Luhan.

            "Clean up, Wu Fan!" shouts Luhan from the front door of the apartment. "Why can't you clean up the apartment as well as you do your body?!" True. Kris cared more about his complexion than anything else in the world. He was lost without his face creams and daily moisturizers. The outcome was ugly when they ran out. I still shudder at the memory of the fanatic Kris running around the department store like an apocolypse was coming.      

            “What are you looking at?” Kris muses as I observe him carefully. Why is everyone so in love with him? All I see is a big dork.

            “People are extremely shallow these days,” I mysteriously conclude with a nod. His soft and melodious chuckle tinkles through the silent library, earning a few glares from the people studying around us.

            With his signature smirk and a ruffle of my hair, he says, “That’s why I’m with you.”


kekeke. Daniel will be angry when I tell him I posted this! Exposing his face cream ways. >:)

Thanks for reading and have a great day! God Bless! :) 

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Hehe, this is cute~ Kris, why must you be so perfect >//o//<
awwwww... so cute~ very well written.
This should be like, a full out fanfic. I wish there was
more :3.
Oh that was the cutest and i honestly hope you continue this, if not it still was beautiful!!!

Thank you!!!
inlovewitkpop96 #5
Haha lol poor Luhan haha I absolutely love it! Its so cute haha and I can totaly relate :)
"His high and rounded cheekbones bring shame to all the wealthy women who had paid a fortune to obtain what he was given naturally." omg.
byeolin #7
Sequel! <3 Loved this ^^