
Royal Arrogance {All Day Long Series* 6}

As you arrived to Star Empire, you felt very confident. You knew that when Heechul will see you, he will drop dead love you. The driver parked the limo and then William stepped out to open your door, bowing as you stepped out. You looked at the tall building and then the front door. You didn't feel like having your hair pulled by security so you took out your phone and you dialed Myunghee's number. You pushed the call button and pressed the phone to your ear gently. It took quite a while for her to pick up, but she picked up on the fourth ring.

"H-Hello?" She spoke into the phone.

"Come out." You ordered.

"Eh?" She sounded confused.

"Aren't you at Star Empire? Come out, and bring Heechul with you." You ordered once more.

"A-Ah...Sorry, but I'm not at Star Empire. It's my vacation and I'm at the beach with my friends." She explained.

"Is Heechul there?" You narrowed your eyes and tried to listen very closely for any hint of him.

"N-No, sorry, he's not with me right now...It's just an all-girls thing. Goodbye." She defended and was eager to go, but she knew she had to follow your order. "T-Then, I guess I'll get going?" She stuttered.

"Wait a minute!" You shouted into the phone. It stayed quiet between the two of you, because you tried to hear the voices in her background. 

"Oppa! Stop! It's cold!" you heard a girl squeal and then followed by this weird laughter. Myunghee tried to cover over the girl and guy by coughing a bit.

"All girls thing, huh? Pathetic." You rolled your eyes and then hung up. You opened a new text and attached the photo of Kevin and Myunghee kissing and then captioned it, "Mwuah~♥ -BCP." and then sent it to them. Myunghee tried to call you afterwards, but you just turned off your phone. To be honest, you kind of wanted to join them because it sounded like they were having fun, but none of them saw you as a friend, and you sort of felt the same. But who cares! Myunghee lied to you! Hmph, you guess they don't care about the picture at all.

You ran back to the limo and sat in the back seat as usual.

"Where to my lady?" William asks.

"Home. No events for today I suppose." You scoffed and crossed your arms. Who were those people laughing in the back? Hmph, you'll find out soon!

"Who was that?" Kevin asked Myunghee.

"O-Oh~ N-No one~" Myunghee laughed awkwardly. Kevin gave her a look and then pulled her aside. They walked far away together to a large boulder on the shore. Heechul started to secretly follow, because he thought it was about Victoria.

"Was it Victoria?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, and she wanted to see Heechul right now, but we're far away here, and I'm just so worried." Myunghee looked really troubled Kevin rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.

"It's okay, we'll find the answer soon." He reassured. Heechul was behind them, but they were oblivious to his presence. Heechul felt guilty that his friends had to deal with someone so mean just because they wanted to go out with him and marry him. Heechul silently sighed and snuck away back to the group. He looked around for Myunghee's phone, and then saw it under an umbrella stabbed in the sand. He flipped it open and saw a new text message from Victoria. He opens it and sees the picture with wide-eyes. 

"Ugh, crap, she took a really good picture." He silently groaned, and then took the number and saved it into his phone. Taking one more look at the photo, he read the caption. "Be...See...Pee? What does BCP stand for? I thought her name was Victoria?" He asked himself in an almost inaudible voice. He looked back and saw Myunghee and Kevin coming back, so he puts the phone just where it was before and then walks away with his phone. He started to think what he should do with the number and a lot of mean things came in mind. Instead, he just opened a blank text message to you and was at a loss of words to say to you in the text message. 

"Large waterfountain at the grand park at 9 PM. Go alone. -Arrogant Rapper" he sent to you. He thought about what he was doing and he concluded it was the best solution.

That afternoon, you recieved a text from an unknown number when you your phone. "Arrogant rapper? Arrogant...Heechul? He ask my number now?" You smiled. "Finally! Took forever! But why does he want to meet me...?" You tried to think of many reasons, and the reason of him liking you popped in your head. You smiled. "Of course that's it!" You smiled and then closed your phone. You thought of what to wear when you're going to meet him, and many cute outfits popped in your head. The weather did feel nice and breezy, which is perfect for showing some skin. You ordered the maids to pick out something cute and to help you look cute as well for the meeting later.

"What is the occasion?" The head maid asked.

"I'm meeting someone special." You slyly smirked. The head maid gently smiled.

"Should this outfit you want us to prepare be a formal outfit?" 

"No, it could be casual. I do feel like wearing shorts tonight. Be sure to include a long-sleeved cardigan just in case it does get a bit windy." 

"As you wish, my lady." The head maid bowed before she left. You walked to the bathroom to take a bath, since your other maids prepared you one. You stripped off your clothes and took a step in your bathtub filled with bubbly water.

You sit back and relax to the warm temparatured water. It was so soothing and stress-reliefing to your soul, you let go of all the negative thoughts and experiences you have encountered this week. You close your eyes and took a deep sigh, embracing the peace and quiet of the mansion. It kind of being alone and not having a mother and father at home a lot, but you remember that they're busy working to keep you happy.

After a while, you leave the bathtub, and you enter the shower, washing your hair. You'd like your hair to be nice and straight when you meet Heechul. You want to be beautiful for him, of course.

Once you finished your shower, you stepped into your room and dried your body with your towel. You looked at the oufit your maids set up for you. It was ripped polka dot stockings with shorts and a loose black top. The maids also set out black boots that matched with the outfit. Perfect. You started to put on each clothing item one by one and then left the boots for last. You walked to your mirror and removed the towel on your head. You towel dried your hair a bit before throwing the towel on the bed and calling for a maid to come and dry your hair. The maid walked in and you sat down in front of your mirror. She started to blowdry your hair and then decided that you will just leave your hair naturally wavy. You get your natural wavy hair from your father.

As your maid finished doing your hair, you sent her away so you could do your makeup. You lightly put on primer and foundation, then added mascara. You topped everything off with a panda hat and you walked out your room, heading downstairs.

"William! Bring out the limo." You called out. William walked out of the Butler's room and headed to the front door.

"The limo is already waiting out front. Where to my lady?" He asked.

"The grand park." You directed. He nodded and opened the front door for you. When you left the mansion, he opened the limo for you as well and you got in. He got in the limo and drove to the Grand Park.

"Would you like me to come with you my lady?" William asked. 

"No, I would like to go alone." You smiled and got out of the limo yourself. You walked away from the limo and you walked toward the fountain. You sat at the edge and looked up at the night sky. 

"Yah." A voice called out. You looked where it came from, and it was from a person standing near you. It was a tall man wearing a black hoodie and shades.

"May I help you?" You looked at him with disgust. Why is this guy talking to you?

"It's me." He said. Then it clicked. It must be Heechul.

"Oh! Oppa!" You stood up and smiled. He just stood there and crossed his arms.

"Do you know why I called you here?" He stared at you.

"Could it possibly be that you finally came to your senses and wanted to ask me out~?" You smiled and played with your hands. He scoffed and looked away.

"Exactly." He said. You stared at him and then hugged him. 

"I knew it!" You looked at him. "I knew you'd fall for me." 

"Yeah yeah. Anyways, give me your phone." He ordered. You blinked at him and then handed him your phone. He pressed a few buttons and then handed it back to you. "I deleted that picture of hyung and Myunghee-shi. Stop bothering them now okay? I also added my number." You stared at him and then looked at your phone. You had a copy of the photo on your computer, but you saw no merits from bothering them any longer since you now have Heechul. "Also," he spoke. "Don't tell anyone we're dating. This is a secret okay?" You nodded but then crossed your arms.

"But remember you're mine. That means, you have to attend to me, because I am your girlfriend." You tilted your head and smiled. He gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Of course honey." He said sarcastically, but you didn't notice. "Alright, I'm leaving."

"Wait! So suddenly?" You held onto him. "Don't you want to go on a date?"

"Not really. I'm tired and I'm not dressed for it."

"Then when will we go on a date?" You pouted.

"Someday. Alright. Bye." He waved and then jogged away. You stared at him as he left and you just sighed. That was easy! You took out your phone and texted Myunghee.

"Your job is done. You're not needed. -BCP" The text was sent. You walked to your limo and ordered William to drive you home. You giggled to yourself and smiled.

"I knew it would be easy."


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Prizmmylegends #1
Chapter 5: Tbh she's kind of a ?
Heechul doesn't deserve someone like her ??
So sad that he gave in to her demands for Kevin :(
AyeeKon #2
Chapter 5: This is so good ;;; I don't like the girl, but I hope she falls in love with him soon ;;
MissTae #3
Chapter 5: Yay Update!!!!
Sad that Heechul gave in to her demands... Be strong Agorrant Rapper!!!
Chapter 5: omg i really like this story. it's interesting. please update soon? :D
Ayyyy, I really don't like how she only likes Heechul only for his looks.... she better fall deep in love with him. orz. MIXED FEELINGS, OKAY?
Blackmail isn't nice thoughhhhhh. eeeeeeee-- err, meh. ;u;"
I really like this character. lewl xD /bricked
It's amazing how she says those thing so casually :)))
Can't wait for the next chapter~ xD
kekeke~ but her parents aren't home...? .... is that why she's so spoiled-like and arrogant? ;v;
Meep. But fdsghiohsdo; omg. "I have taken an interest in a man, and I shall make him mine." She says that so casually. fhdsoihgpsd;
Such arroganceeeeeee. lol, meep. o v o;;
i really really REALLY can't wait for the next chapter
update the next chapter soon please!