
Fire and Ice

                                                                                        So dazzeling,
                                                                                         So beautiful!

                                                                           A wonderful thing of wonders...


Jiyong stared up at the castle in front of him, it was huge, it was immense, it was....

"Made of ice"

Jiyong glanced at Daesung, the younger man stared up at the ice castle in awe "The entire thing" He continued "It's all ice.."

Jiyong smiled, this was not his first time to the north, but this was his first time seeing the castle. He'd heard stories during his travels, of the great ice fortress, tall and imposing, virtually impossible to breach. From here the land of the north was ruled by four sisters, the eldest; Bom, Lady spring, wife to his elder brother. Second was Dara; the rabbit, skilled hunter in the tundra. Third would be Chaerin, or CL as she was called, she was the ruling sister; declared heir to the throne when she was quite young. Last but not least was Minji; better known as Minzy, the youngest, she had just come of age and already had suiters lining up to woo her. Not much was known about her, she was kept hidden away in the castle, only apearing when it was required, even less so, now that she was of age.

Jiyong was snapped out of his thoughts by the approach of what appeared to be a hunting party, leading them was a slim figured woman. As the woman neared he recognized her to be Dara; the second eldest.

Grinning he waved "Lady Dara, lovely to see you again!"

The huntress smiled back "Lord Jiyong, I haven't seen you since the wedding, how have you been?"

The red haired Lord smirked "I am well, and your sisters?"

"Why don't you come in and ask them yourselves"

The door's to the castle opened, revealing Lord Seunghyun and his lovely wife Lady Bom.

"Ji!" the older man called out to his brother


Seunghyun decended the stairs quickly, meeting his brother at the bottom, the two men grinned, exchanging some handshake known only to the five brothers. Laughing, the other three brothers joined them from where the had been talking with Lady Dara.

"Group hug!!" Called out the youngest brother, Seungri

The older three groaned good-naturedly as the younger two enforced it. Laughing and hugging the five men (CoughboysCough) collapsed on the ground in a pile

"Yah, Tabi, not in your dinner clothes!!" Lady Bom cried, glaring disprovingly at the boys on the ground

Youngbae laughed "Ah come on Bom noona, we haven't seen him in forever!"

"Yeah, we just got here!"

"We haven't seen him since he got hitched!!"

"Let us have our fun!!"

Bom's lips twitched

Seungri looked up at her pleadingly "Please noona??"

Bom rolled her eyes "Aish, fine..."


Bom turned to her sister, who was openly smiling, and shook her head at the boys childishness, smiling in amusement


Minzy watched the brothers roll on the ground, she wished she could join them, but Chaerin wouldn't let her, saying she couldn't ruin her pretty dress.

Minzy sighed, what she hungered for was adventure, freedom, not trapped in a ice sculpture. The boys soon got up and brushed the snow off their coats, as they entered the palace Minzy could hear their voices echoing off the walls.

Turning to Luna she sighed "I guess it's time to go down and meet them, eh Luna?" she said wryly

The wolf groaned before heaving itself to it's feet

As they made their way down to the main hall Minzy chattered to Luna about the visitors "What do you suppose they'll be like?" she asked "Anything like Seunghyun oppa?"

Luna just looked at her, clearly bored

"Seunghyun oppa is strange though, maybe their like the traders that come up from the south?" Minzy said either missing, or not caring that her wolf was not listening

"But their lords, why would they act like traders?" the young lady said to herself

"Woof." was all Luna said

As they reached the doors leading to the main hall Minzy relized she was nervous, why though, she didn't know. She supposed it was because she had never met these Lords before, she didn't know how they would react to her. Oh well, she thought as she opened the door and walked through, Luna following close behind.


I'm gonna end it here for now mi amigos, hope you're enjoying this little side project^^

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-Min :3

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mizzm29 #1
Chapter 10: Oh no!!! Why?! I was getting drawn into the story ;(. Your gifs for your rant was pretty hilarious haha. I would love to save this story, but I don't know if you'd like my attempt LOL! It was fun while it lasted though. Thanks for tryin!
springtempo #2
Chapter 4: let me refer to that little ran of yours..minji and ji have known less than the other 3 members...minji joined yg at 12 years old..that was in has been with yg the longest then chae and dara..chae has been in yg since late 2005...for your info...and no cl doesn't have more fans than bom and dara..especially not bom in korea...and dara internationally...she has more fans among the usa fans..that's it..minzy sadly has the least and she deserves more b/c she's awesome but please stop being so butthurt about it...the time will come when people recognize minzy..and no almost no sane person would ship mindragoon coz ji loves that little girl like a sister...he loves them all as sisters but minzy especially b/c she's been w/ them since she was a 12 kid...he saw her grow up...stop coming at chae and her fans for no reason..yeah she has more fans than minzy but so do the other 2 and i don't see you writing and essay on daralings bombshells or even applers and gbom fans on every single 2ne1 or 2ne1/bb video...oh and one more thing out of all the 2ne1 members both ji and tabi are the closest w/ chae..ji and her are really really good friends...both stated they're the most comfortable w/ each other on various occasions...and tabi is very comfortable with her what you see as awkward doesn't mean it could just mean you wanna see it as awkward..
audioxlife #3
Chapter 10: Don't give up! *demands* haha. I would take it from you if I could, buttttttttt I can barely keep a handle on the two that I'm already writing (I'm not a great multitasker).
What a teaser!!!and Im loving the gifs!!x)
TinyInsanity #5
Awkward moment when you are the YouTuber whose username is TinyInsanity and reading this... ^^ THANK YOU! YOU ARE SO PERFECT.
Ooh! what is she gonna wear??? can't wait for the ball and Ji looking at baby Minki in awe! The Maknae Dancing Machine FTW!! :)
New reader! ^^ Uwah~ this story is amazing! :D update soon!