
Fire and Ice

Jiyong watched the landscape pass by his window, ice, ice, and more ice, everything cold and barren, he was amazed anything could live up here, nothing grew, nothing that could keep a person alive that is, but this is where his brother chose to live with his wife, he supposed it made sense, his brothers wife was from this barren waste land, but to willingly move here? Jiyong couldn't comprehend it.


The man turned to see his brother standing in the doorway "Yes?"

His brother, Youngbae, motioned to the seat across from him "Mind if I join you?" he asked

Jiyong tilted his head in the direction of the seat "Have a seat"

"Thanks" he said as he sat down "I couldn't stand being out there for much longer, Seungri keeps whining about the cold"

Jiyong rolled his eyes "He's not wrong, it's way colder then any of us are used to"

"True" Youngbae agreed, nodding his head "But he doesn't shut up"

Jiyong brushed his dark red hair back "Does he ever shut up?"

Youngbae snickered "No"

The red haired man nodded "There you go then, the panda never shuts up, so it's pointless to complain about it, he'll never stop. Personally, I feel better when he is talking, at least we know he's all right, I'll start worrying if he stops talking."

Chuckling, Youngbae agreed

Standing up Jiyong streched his back "I'm going to go take a nap, try not to kill the panda while I'm gone?"

"No promises"



Dara stood on the cliff overlooking the valley, she inhaled a breath of cold air before turning to her men

"You" she said, pointing to one of them "Go back and tell Seunghyun that his brothers will be here this evening"

"Yes m'lady!" the man said bowing and then mounting a wolf he turned and rode back in the direction of the castle

"The rest of us will continue to hunt"

A chorus of "Yes m'lady's" rang out, and then the hunting party moved out ______________________________________________________________

Minzy stared out her window, she was bored, everyone was busy with the preparations for the visit, so there was no one to entertain her. Turning to her favorite wolf, Luna, she smiled "Let's go exploring"

The wolf didn't respond but she stood up and gave a "wolf grin" as Chaerin called it

Minzy ran out of the room, Luna at her heels, they ran down the hall, dodgeing servants carrying furniture and other things. Shouts followed her as she ran but she just giggled and ran faster. Minzy slowed down as she reached a door, she knew this door, it was Chaerin's door.

Minzy and Luna exchanged a look, neither of them had ever been inside this room, and Chaerin wasn't around, so maybe.....

The girl and the wolf crept closer to the door as Minzy tentively reached out a hand to turn the nob

"Minzy!!" Both the wolf and the girl jumped at the sound, Minzy turned to see who had spoken

"Oh dear" she whispered, Luna just whined

Chaerin did not look happy.

She stormed over to the pair, her face dark "And just what do you think you're doing?" she demanded

"Um.... Exploring?"

Chaerin glared "In my room?"

"Well technically we werent in your room...."

"That is besides the point, you were going to enter my room!"

Minzy sighed "Ok, we're sorry. Right Luna?"

Luna just grunted

Chaerin sighed "The visitors will be here in two hours, you need to start getting ready"

Minzy made a face "I don't need two hours to get ready!"

"Yes you do, now go"

Grumbling Minzy walked back to her room to get ready. ______________________________________________________________

So there you have it! The first chapter of this story!! I'm not sure how long I'm gonna make this story, we'll just have to see, but I hope you enjoyed it!! Comment and subscribe people's!! There like cookies, and I love cookies!! :D I'm on my iPod right now so if it looks a smushed together that's probably why, if it doesn't it's probably cause I fixed it, I'll try an fix it this evening, ok? :) -Min :3

Edit: When I first saw this on the computer: OH MY GOD, MY EYES!!!!!!! I had no idea it was that bad!! But I fixed it, it should be all good now, let me know if it's not ok?

-Min :3

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mizzm29 #1
Chapter 10: Oh no!!! Why?! I was getting drawn into the story ;(. Your gifs for your rant was pretty hilarious haha. I would love to save this story, but I don't know if you'd like my attempt LOL! It was fun while it lasted though. Thanks for tryin!
springtempo #2
Chapter 4: let me refer to that little ran of yours..minji and ji have known less than the other 3 members...minji joined yg at 12 years old..that was in has been with yg the longest then chae and dara..chae has been in yg since late 2005...for your info...and no cl doesn't have more fans than bom and dara..especially not bom in korea...and dara internationally...she has more fans among the usa fans..that's it..minzy sadly has the least and she deserves more b/c she's awesome but please stop being so butthurt about it...the time will come when people recognize minzy..and no almost no sane person would ship mindragoon coz ji loves that little girl like a sister...he loves them all as sisters but minzy especially b/c she's been w/ them since she was a 12 kid...he saw her grow up...stop coming at chae and her fans for no reason..yeah she has more fans than minzy but so do the other 2 and i don't see you writing and essay on daralings bombshells or even applers and gbom fans on every single 2ne1 or 2ne1/bb video...oh and one more thing out of all the 2ne1 members both ji and tabi are the closest w/ chae..ji and her are really really good friends...both stated they're the most comfortable w/ each other on various occasions...and tabi is very comfortable with her what you see as awkward doesn't mean it could just mean you wanna see it as awkward..
audioxlife #3
Chapter 10: Don't give up! *demands* haha. I would take it from you if I could, buttttttttt I can barely keep a handle on the two that I'm already writing (I'm not a great multitasker).
What a teaser!!!and Im loving the gifs!!x)
TinyInsanity #5
Awkward moment when you are the YouTuber whose username is TinyInsanity and reading this... ^^ THANK YOU! YOU ARE SO PERFECT.
Ooh! what is she gonna wear??? can't wait for the ball and Ji looking at baby Minki in awe! The Maknae Dancing Machine FTW!! :)
New reader! ^^ Uwah~ this story is amazing! :D update soon!