
Fire and Ice

The ice and the fire
a strange surge of desire
rushes over me
the fire,
the ice.

I don't know what it is about it,
mabye it's the danger
that intriques me so.
Or mabye it's the crazy
feeling I get when I'm around you.


Jiyong turned as the door opened, a foot entered first, followed by a person, more specifically, a young woman. His breath caught as she looked up, everything about her was beautiful, her dark brown eye's, her cute nose, her plump lips. Her cheeks turned pink when she realised everyone was looking at her, stepping forward she bowed "Annyeonghaseyo, Minzy imnida" she said shyly

Jiyong and his brothers, excluding Seunghyun, bowed and greeted her in return

"Minzy-ah!" Dara said "Where were you? I was expecting you to be outside with th rest of us"

Minzy bowed again "Sorry unnie, Chaerin-unnie wouldn't let me"

Bom shook her head "Aigoo, CL-roo is to strict sometimes"

Minzy just bit her lip and stayed silent

Something brushed againts Jiyong's leg, looking down he came face to face with a white wolf

"Yah! Luna!!" Minzy cried, rushing over to grab the wolf

"Haha, it's all right, she just being friendly" Jiyong reassured her "I have a dog at home, slightly different from a Ice Wolf, but still a canine, neh?"

The princess hesitated then relented

"Yeah, you're just being friendly, aren't you?" Jiyong said to the wolf, crouching down to her level and scratching behind her ears. Luna closed her eyes and sighed contentedly.

The doors to the throne room opened and Bom motioned for everyone to enter, inside was CL in a black and white fur dress, sitting regally on a throne of gold, possibly the only furniture in the house not made of ice. Bowing, Jiyong stepped forward, Luna following. "CL-ssi, you look lovely, as always"

CL looked at him cooly "G-Dragon-ssi, how nice to see you again. I see you've found a pet"

Jiyong felt Luna stiffen next to him "I've never really looked at them as pets, we don't really own them do we?" he said smiling stiffly

CL laughed "You'll get along well with my sister, G-Dragon-ssi" showing real emotion for the first time

Jiyong relaxed slightly, something about the ice queen set him on edge

CL rose from her throne "We'll part ways for now, the servants will show you to your rooms, when you are ready come down to the ballroom, we're throwing a party in your honor"

Bowing again the brothers left


Minzy ran after the visiting royalty, calling for Luna, she passed the one with the mohawk and he said "Ji" as he called him, was just down the hall. Reaching the door, she knocked, she entered when she heard a soft "Come in". Inside she saw Luna laying on the bed with Lord Jiyong, he sat up when he realiezed who it was "Lady Minzy!" he said "What are you-? Right, Luna"

Minzy nodded her head, smiling shyly "Sorry" she apoligized "We don't get to see many people from outside of the palace"

Jiyong looked shocked "Really?" he asked

She shook her head "Really, Chaerin-unnie says it's not safe for us to go out"

"Not safe? It isn't safe anywhere, but if we let that stop us we'll never see anything"

Minzy stepped closer, forgetting about getting Luna "Have you traveled?" she asked

He nodded "I have, I haven't been everywhere though"

"What's it like?"

"Well" he said, leaning forward "It's amazing, different people, food, music" he paused, looking at her, she was compeletly entranced "Some places are by the sea, and you can taste the salt in the air"


"Neh, and the deserts.."

"Oh! I've heard of those, in my books"

"Ah, really? Good! What do you know?"

"Well..." she said, thinking "It's dry, and almost no water"

Jiyong nodded "It's hot too, hotter then where I'm from" he continued "And the people, their skin is so brown from the sun"

"Don't they burn?"

"Nope, their skin protects them"


The door burst opened "Hey Ji, you almost ready...... What the hell?"

Both people looked over at Youngbae, then back at eachother and realiezed they were both sitting on the bed, Luna between them.

"Omo!" cried Minzy, standing up, "I have to get ready!!"

Bowing to Jiyong and Youngbae she ran out of the room, Luna at her heels

Youngbae stared at Jiyong

"What?" Jiyong finally said

"Nothing, just get ready.."

"Then get out"


Hello mi amigos!!! I'm back! I know CL was kind of y here and I apoligize to any hard core CL fans, I didn't intend for her to be that y but that's the way my fingers typed it, she'll probably be better later on.... maybe.... idk...

If you want to see what outfits they were all wearing just go look at this:

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mizzm29 #1
Chapter 10: Oh no!!! Why?! I was getting drawn into the story ;(. Your gifs for your rant was pretty hilarious haha. I would love to save this story, but I don't know if you'd like my attempt LOL! It was fun while it lasted though. Thanks for tryin!
springtempo #2
Chapter 4: let me refer to that little ran of yours..minji and ji have known less than the other 3 members...minji joined yg at 12 years old..that was in has been with yg the longest then chae and dara..chae has been in yg since late 2005...for your info...and no cl doesn't have more fans than bom and dara..especially not bom in korea...and dara internationally...she has more fans among the usa fans..that's it..minzy sadly has the least and she deserves more b/c she's awesome but please stop being so butthurt about it...the time will come when people recognize minzy..and no almost no sane person would ship mindragoon coz ji loves that little girl like a sister...he loves them all as sisters but minzy especially b/c she's been w/ them since she was a 12 kid...he saw her grow up...stop coming at chae and her fans for no reason..yeah she has more fans than minzy but so do the other 2 and i don't see you writing and essay on daralings bombshells or even applers and gbom fans on every single 2ne1 or 2ne1/bb video...oh and one more thing out of all the 2ne1 members both ji and tabi are the closest w/ chae..ji and her are really really good friends...both stated they're the most comfortable w/ each other on various occasions...and tabi is very comfortable with her what you see as awkward doesn't mean it could just mean you wanna see it as awkward..
audioxlife #3
Chapter 10: Don't give up! *demands* haha. I would take it from you if I could, buttttttttt I can barely keep a handle on the two that I'm already writing (I'm not a great multitasker).
What a teaser!!!and Im loving the gifs!!x)
TinyInsanity #5
Awkward moment when you are the YouTuber whose username is TinyInsanity and reading this... ^^ THANK YOU! YOU ARE SO PERFECT.
Ooh! what is she gonna wear??? can't wait for the ball and Ji looking at baby Minki in awe! The Maknae Dancing Machine FTW!! :)
New reader! ^^ Uwah~ this story is amazing! :D update soon!