best friends

In A Heartbeat


Chapter 1

YES! YELLED luhan as he made a goal, this was the 3rd goal he had made against sehun that day. 

Nananana boooo he teased as Sehun hadn’t even made one goal yet. Shut up luhan before I shut it for you. Luhan quietly just grabbed the ball and they started playing again, while luhan was running towards the goal, sehun pushed him hard that he fell to the ground. Luhan watched disgustedly as he saw sehun make the goal.

Why would you cheat? You’re so stupid and annoying.

I didn’t cheat yelled sehun, you just weren’t paying attention, and a pro like me made the shot.

Luhan: Cheater, cheater that’s what you are.

Sehun: I’m not a cheater

Okay fine let’s just cut it. I’ll let you go this time, said luhan.

Sehun:  Good because I don’t have all day to waste with you. I have a date to get to.

Luhan: but didn’t you just have a girlfriend yesterday?

Sehun: yea we broke up this morning.

Luhan: what? But you just started going out yesterday.

Sehun: I know, she just didn’t satisfy me enough, if you know what I mean.

Luhan: *blank* huh?

Sehun: luhan,luhan,luhan my inncocent little bestie, it’s time you also start dating and getting laid, how long are you just gunna stay single.

Luhan: I don’t know what love is though. I don’t even know what it feels like.

Sehun: you know you’re in love when something happens inside you, you know that strange feeling, your heart hurts and you just think about that person the whole time.

Luhan: what something? What feeling? What pain? And you’ve been in love?

Sehun: *staring at someone*

Luhan: sehun I’m talking to you!!!

Luhan turned around and saw he was staring at the new student Sandra park, she had just joined school and was already popular with the boys. Sehun couldn’t help staring at how beautiful she was.

Sehun:  I’m going to spend the rest of my life with her.

Luhan: so you’re in love?

Sehun: yes luhan, I think so

Sehun bumps into her.

Sehun: Can I have directions?

Sandara: to where?

Sehun : to your heart.

Sandara: *rolls eyes* excuse me; I’ve got to get to class.

She walks away, and luhan approaches sehun.

Luhan: so you’re still in love?

Sehun: she’s not my type.

They walk to class together.




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