EXO's Tango


You are Emma Crowe. You are one of the best dancers in America of your age. If that wasn't enough, you are the daughter of Aidan Crowe, one of the richest men on the planet, and Violet Crowe, a world-renowned fashion designer. When you are sent to live with your Uncle, only to find out that you will also be staying with 12 gorgeous, talented guys as well, your life gets a whole set of changes. One major change in particular in the form of a sarcastic, smirking, dancer.


This is my first fanfic, so I'll try my hardest. I probably will not be using Korean words randomly scattered out through the story since it is assumed that it is all in Korean unless specified otherwise, for example if Emma and Luhan are speaking in Chinese. I haven't decided who the other idol who will be fighting for Emma's affections are, so any suggestions whether from EXO or another group would be appreciated.


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WushuMin #1
Chapter 14: I just read all 13 chapters so far. I really like this story =) I've never really seen a story line like this!
Taiyou #2
"Singing with her body,"


I love jealous SeHun; he's so adorable! Kai's POV was awesome, i love how he's all oblivious about Emma, that's too cute! It's also pretty awesome how close SeHun, Kai, and LuHan are; they're such good friends! HunHan is to cute!

I can't wait until the next update ~!!!!
nabschacha #3
Hello, i'm new reader and subscriber here!! I love your story so much
Taiyou #4
Yay~! You updated! I LOVE YOU!

I seriously love this fic, it's so awesome that you finally included some dancing in this chapter! I have to say, though, that Miss A's ' Breathe' might be one of the few songs I know the whole choreography of, so I'm really happy you made then dance to that! Which brings me to THIS POINT:


Please, let there be some Kai POV in the near future! I can't wait until the next update~!!!!!
Taiyou #5
Hello, new reader here and subscriber here! I love your story and I'm so glad I found it when I pressed the random story button! I have a suggestion for Emma's other beau (Weird word to use, but I love it!). I think Kris would be cool. Since, you know, he and Kai get in ech other's nerves. It would make the story a lot more juicier! I also want to say that I can't wait until Emma shows her moves, what type of music does she dance? Ballroom? Hip-Hop?

Oh, well. I can't wait until the next update~!!!!!