Mission 6 — The Border

You Monster.

Let's Recap~

"He probably has backup waiting somewhere. Is it still safe to go?" Agent Bomb wiped at the sweat that was starting to run down her forehead and followed my lead.

"We have no choice."



Mission -- The Border


T.O.P.'s POV

Well, that definitely didn't go as smoothly as I had expected. It was now nightfall, perfectly pitch black for our little intrusion into the North. Guards were stationed in towers high above the electric fences and bright lights with moths swarming under them stood crookedly, crudely struck forcibly into the hard soil that lined the electric fence. To get past the border, we would have to kill a guard. Or more. Maybe not necessarily kill them, but to render them unconscious for just a few minutes so we could mess around with the electrical wires and get the current to stop. All that would have to be done in under twenty minuttes.

If we wanted to cross the border the hard way.

Instead, we would be using a new gadget I had bought off some fidgety white man who worked with some guys in Finland who were creating new technology. It's a complicated story, and I'll explain things in a simple manner. The device is small, small enough to fit in the crotch of your pants or in your shoe. If you wanted to, you could charge it up and use it as a taser. But I was going to use it to up the electricity in a small, contained portion of the electric fence. Not exactly up; it would make the charge neutral and therefore would not be harmful. It sounds impossible and a bit odd, but that's what the device does. Really handy for situations such as this.

"So, got any plans, genius?" Agent Bomb spoke snarkily, still in touch with her attitude although we were in a dangerous situation.


"Actually, yes." I replied smoothly, smirking when an expression of surprise flitted across her face and was replaced by her usual cool demeanor.

"We're not going to be digging with a spoon, are we?" There was that attitude again.

"You'll see."

Taking the device out of my bag full of gear, we crawled up on our arms and knees to the darkest portion of the fence that we could find, feeling safe, hidden by the blanket of darkness. The nearest border guard looked like he was sleeping on the job, but he did have a rifle resting in his arms as he dozed away, cradled lovingly in his arms as if it was his child.

I turned the device on, and placed it on the section of the fence. The buzzing noise of electricity running through the razor-sharp wires ceased almost immediately, as if someone had turned a dial on a radio to turn the volumn down. I turned towards Bom to see her reaction. As I expected, she looked pretty bewildered. Clearly, she did not see that one coming.

"The was that?" She whispered, half-curious and half-furious that there was a gadget she wasn't aware of.

"No time to talk. Crawl. They'll find this by morning, and then they'll send armies of people to hunt us down." I took out another device--a cutting blade that could cut through anything, even the thick skin of a honey badger. (Their skin is so tough, it takes a few bullets to the heart to kill them.) The blade cut through the wires as if they were melted butter instead of metal.

"Are you crazy?!" Bom complained as she still obligingly crawled in the hole before me. And damn, I got a nice view of her as I crawled through after her. It was indeed dark, but with my enhanced vision, it was clear as clear could be.

"Maybe." We continued to crawl towards the city of Pyongyang and our destination. I knew exactly where we were headed, I'd spent a good amount of time in that horrible place. Bom, on the other hand, had no clue, so I explained the next step of our journey. "Kim Jong Un's private jet is ahead. Do you want to arrive in style, or in secrecy?"

At the mention of being able to mock a country's leader by stealing his own jet and then destroying one of his oh-so-great father's experimentation buildings appealed to Agent Bomb, no matter how risky it was.

"Are you sure you can get it?" Agent Bomb replied, doubting the possibilities. "It does seem like fun, though..."

"Of course." I replied, already seeing the bunker where the jet rested come into view as we walked in the darkness of the night. "He's too absorbed in his failure nuclear missles to really care about anything else."

Right then, all of a sudden, a flashlight shone on our faces, illuminating the area we stood in and causing us to look at each other for a moment, before she whispered, "Head to the jet."

And we ran.

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03092013 | Wooot! I've updated~


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omg yeasshh freakin excited after reading the foreword!!
fauxreality #2
Omg the foreword got me!! Love this <3
Chapter 1: wahh so descriptive~ xDD <333 I loveeee it so far x3
Chapter 6: Hahaha top was checking her out..y bmuch
Chapter 6: I just found this story today and done reading all six chapter. it so goooood. . . i hope you can update this story soon author. fighting ^^
I really love this story! please update soon!
Oh! puh-lease!!!! Update moooreee! ahhhhh! been waiting for so long!!!
Gah, I really want an update! XD
I'm loving your story a lot, and I'd love to know where it goes. :3
Gawd! You're so funny authornim! hahaha *procrastination*...don't we all experienced that?...it's almost like a disease. Hey, I'm so axious to know more!!! Update authornim!!!!