Chapter 2: A Killing

A Typical Train Ride Mystery


The first thing he woke up to was an ear piercing scream. Jaejoong’s eyes flew open as soon he heard the scream. From the light it was probably around three o’clock in the morning. He blindly d around for his robe and quickly ran to where he heard the scream.

            The scene that he saw when he arrived was gruesome. On the floor lay Mr. Stephens. His glassy eyes staring up at the ceiling. His mouth was open as if he was silently screaming. A lone bloody knife sticking out of his chest. Blood was splattered against the walls and all over the floors. On the wall was writings made probably from the killer using the victim’s own blood.

            Then Jaejoong noticed the others. Mrs. Stephens was slumped against the door, her hand trying to stifle the cries trying to come out. Her eyes showed glistening tears. Next to her were Abigail and Amy. Abigail was open mouthed with horror, while covering Amy’s eyes. Amy seemed scared seeing that her mother was terrified.

            Then Abigail noticed him. She just took one look and pulled him closer and hugged him too. He figured that he looked scared, but the reason was different then what she thought. He was scared because he noticed who did it. He sure realized his handy work.

            Abigail ushered him to his bed room to try and get some sleep. Jaejoong lay in his bed trying to sleep, but fear kept him awake. He knew they would start asking questions like the others and he wouldn’t like it. Thoughts and memories started filling his head. No he thought stop it. As he thought that he wiled himself to sleep in a fitful sleep.

            He woke up three hours later. He groggily dressed and trudged to the dining hall where everyone was gathering. He ate a simple breakfast of cereal and orange juice. After playing with his food for about fifteen minutes, he pushed it aside and waited for the other. Fifteen minutes later Mrs. Stephens or now Ms. Stephens walked in and ordered a cup of black coffee.

           He looked out the dining halls windows and blanked out. After some time, he wasn’t paying attention, Abigail and her daughter came in and ordered eggs and coffee for her. They slipped in to his car and silently ate their breakfast. He observed them and found that Abigail had dark-circles under her eyes. Probably from nightmares, he mused in his mind. Amy didn’t look that great either. Her hair was disheveled and her clothes crumpled.

          After they ate they sat in silence. The only sound they could hear was the train moving against the ground.

         “We need to investigate who killed my husband” said Ms. Stephens breaking the silence. Jaejoong sighed thinking it would be the same routine. First they would ask the conductor if he left his room at night or saw anything suspicious. Of course the conductor would say no and then everything would fall apart.

         “It’s you who killed him, why would you marry him if you weren’t after his money. Now that he is gone you can take all his money for yourself.” “No it’s you who killed him. You always were jealous of me back at school. You probably killed him because you were angry over our happy marriage,” came the cries of the female passengers. As the arguments went on about who was the killer Jaejoong was looking out the window absently tracing the patterns of his chair. He wondered if anyone would be able to catch the scoundrel who killed Mr. Stephens. Probably not, he thought while tracing a pattern of a flower.

        “Enough,” yelled Ms. Stephens leaping from her seat. “I will not tolerate being accused of murder of my own husband” she said as she left the room with a loud thud. They all stared at the closed the door until Abigail picked Amy up and left him to his own whim.

        Dinner was quick and quite with accusing glances and glares. Everyone left quickly after dessert and left to their respectful rooms. He sat on his bed and prayed to god. He hoped no one would die. He really, really hoped. He was so desperate that he prayed which he almost never did. He lay down and closed his eyes and let the darkness cover himself.


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