The Party

What I Miss About You


            I quickly learned how to flirt, how to walk with style, how to flip my hair and make boys fall for me. I loved this feeling. It was a feeling of power and control. Anything and everything I did was fantastic and boys loved it. Except taemin, "What are you doing with the Sora I used to know?". I was silent.-"Come on, I mean, I'm not doing any wrong Taemin, I'm being myself, whats wrong with that?". He looked at me with big eyes, "Sora, I need to speak with you….Before things get out of hand." He tried not to break the eye contact. I spoke up,"Well, Aaron's having a party tonight… maybe you should go too? We can meet up there if ya like?". Taemin huffed,"Alright, but we need to have this talk". I gave him a wink and a grin,"Ok!".

            If Taemin is going to see me tonight and want to talk to me, than I have to look better than I usually do.

            I put on my tight purple dress, with black tights and black pump heels. I looked in the mirror- damn, I'm fishin for a big one tonight! I heard my parents walk to their bedroom- so I quickly snuck out the back door and called up Sam to get her friends to pick me up.

            When the car got to the side of the road, Sam screamed out "You ready to PARTYYYYYYY!!!!". And damn was I ready! I hopped in the jeep and took the front seat.

            As we arrived I saw Aaron's house lit up with bright neon lights. My heart started pumping. For some reason, I had a feeling that something is going to happen.

            I walked up the concrete pavement up to the 3 story house and opened the large wooden door. A blast of music exploded out the house when I walked in with Sam. Aaron ran up to me with two red cups, one for him and one or me. I grabbed one as he screamed over the loud music ,"Hey! Glad you could make it! Be sure to check out all our different drinks by the pool!"-I took a sip of the OJ and vodka mix, "alright!---Hey, thanks for inviting me by the way!"---He yelled out," Oh no problem!". He moon-walked back to his group of friends and poured himself another drink. Familiar faces walked by and the alcohol was only making the faces harder to decipher. I faced Sam who seemed to be feeling sick and said, "Hey, I'm going to go to the bathroom". I stumbled a bit over my heels as I made it to the small room. I opened the door only to find a couple making out. I quickly got out of that room and rammed myself into a hard set of abs. A pair of hands grasped me from where I fell and pulled me up. As I was pulled up to a full standing position, I felt myself fall against a tall body. I could feel somebody's breath down my neck. I played "knocked-out" and didn't open my eyes. The breath was a familiar sound, same with the voice, "I got her I got her, don't worry…where is your guest room?—Alright thanks" I could feel myself being carried up steps. With every step, came a harder huff from the person who was carrying me. I heard a door open, then close. I could feel the grasp that once held me, finally let me go onto a soft bed.

            A voice murmured over the loud music from the first floor of the house, "Sora, we were supposed to talk…I…I don't know what to think of you anymore." I felt a hand brush against my cheek. I felt the bed shift underneath me, like more weight was coming towards me. I could sense the person was over me now. A hand gently positioned my chin upwards as a soft kiss pecked at my lips. I could feel rock hard abs pushing against my chest and warm breathing down my neck. I could feel myself getting hotter in my own clothing. I squinted out my eyes to see who it was, and out of my surprise, it was Taemin. I sensually gasped for air after being kissed. All of the sudden I felt the bed shifting weight and a loud voice rang in my ears, "Hey, I heard you got knocked out, so I thought this would be the perfect time to talk to you when you wake up". I looked up to see Taemin in a tux uniform with a neat black bowtie. He gave me a smile, and gestured for me to sit up off the bed. I Stood up to find myself four inches taller than him. We both looked at my large shoes and chuckled as I kicked them off my feet. I was just waiting for him to pounce on me. I gave him a y lip-bite and glanced at his big eyes, "So...What do we have to talk about?"

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Chapter 5: Please, update soon ! :D
Omo update fast XD
yeeey 1st subscriber and commenter... update soon