In the beginning

What I Miss About You


                        Today was my first day of high school. Let me tell you, it was the worst day of my LIFE. People kept running into me and it was like i was a nobody. I was actually trampled on, and forgotten about. My first period class was history (oh great, my least favorite subject). I walked in and sat at the table closest to the door. I sat down in a black plastic chair and started unpacking my things from my backpack. The girl who was sitting in the chair right next to me babbled, "Hi, I'm Samantha. But you can call me Sam if you want to". I sat still for a moment completely silent, than shook Sam's hand and said "Hi, I'm sora-". Sam gave me a cheerful smile, "So, have you found any cuties yet?". "oh, no..i mean, i haven't talked to any guys yet, you?" She shook her head-"No, me neither. My first day of high school has already been confusing, i don't need to add in any more stress!". A deep voice yelled to call the attention of the class-"Good morning students! I am proud to say that i will be your first class of every day for the rest of this year, lets go through our introductions first!". I could easily tell who was more popular and who was on the quiet side. My Teacher introduced himself as "Mr. Matt". He had a dark gray Go-T and was in his "balding" stage, and he wore sophisticated glasses. His pink and white striped shirt covered up his large beer belly. He wobbled to the center of the classroom and motioned all of us to meet up where he was standing. I scanned every face in the room, trying to see who would by my friend, and who would be my enemy. "Alright class, it's time to say names, starting with YOU!", he pointed to a short girl with long brown hair who caked on too much makeup. She cleared and squeaked her name out "Hay, I'm Taylor!". I looked across from where I was standing, I saw a boy who chuckled at her high pitch voice, I silently laughed along with him. As we went around in a circle, it came to my mind that I would have to go soon. My heart started beating fast, and my knees started to shake. "And what's your name?" Mr. Matt asked. I choked up," My name is Sora". Mr. Matt nodded and went to the next person. Soon, the last person called out his name "Taemin", and we continued with our day.

            After several other classes, all of us new students went to the cafeteria. "Taemin…Taemin…" I kept thinking about I his name…It was so strange and unique, like from a different country. Sam and I were sitting next to each other, with some other people that we didn’t know. "Hi, I'm Aaron". Aaron had strawberry blonde hair that curled at the ends. He was about 5'3,my height, and had freckles everywhere. "Hello, I'm Sora"-I said with a grin. We hit it off and talked about what classes we were taking this year. He said he was in choir, and I said that I was taking dance. The lunch period ended as fast as it began and I was onto my next classes.

            At the end of the day, I met up with Aaron and Sam. Sam left early because her mom was waiting outside for her in the car, "Bye guys, see you tomorrow!". Aaron and I yelled back "Bye!!!". Aaron walked of to a bench full of guys, and I followed. It was that same Taemin guy. He was there. "Hey Taemin!"-Aaron said as he walked up to the bench. I snuck in the conversation-"Hi!". A confused look was on Taemin's face, "Uh, hi. I'm- I'm Taemin". "Hi, I'm Sora!" I seemed overly excited. I studied his face. His hair was cut to the middle of his forehead, and his hair was a sandy blonde. "So what school are you from?" I asked. "I'm from Turdinette- Nobody has really ever heard of it, but before Turdinette, I was living in Korea for a little bit"." I could have sworn I've heard the name before," I think somebody else I met went to that Turdinette school too!-Oh yeah, her name is Sam!". Taemin glared at me for a moment. He leaned forward and motioned me to lean closer to him-"Look, I can tell you are friends with her, but don't get too friendly. She's my EX". I backed away. I thought about how Taemin and Sam were as far away from each other as possible. I nodded at Taemin and understood why he was not "involved" with her.

            Days passed, and I finally mentioned Taemin to Sam. Sam towered over me and asked me what I why I was hanging out with him. "I don't know…I guess he's kind of cute…" Sam looked at me, and grinned "You LIKE him don't you!". I was shocked, "yeah…I mean, I guess….". Sam stood up-"Well I can easily get why you like him. But DON'T think that he will treat you any different than how he treated me". I asked-"How did he treat you?". She looked down at the ground-"He wouldn't ever talk to me. He didn't know how to treat a girlfriend. He just treated me like a good friend of his." This didn't seem clear to me. "Well, I'll watch out for that. " Sam looked at me with watery eyes "Ok, just…realize you WILL get hurt from this"

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Chapter 5: Please, update soon ! :D
Omo update fast XD
yeeey 1st subscriber and commenter... update soon