My never forgotten love~

How could I forget you?


I'm overwhelmed with happiness as I run over to JinYoung and give him a warm hug. An endless waterfall of tears begin to roll down my face.

JinYoung: "YAH! Who are you?? Get off me!"

I pull away almost immidiately. My eyes widen at his words and I can barely find air to breathe. 

ShinWoo: "JinYoung! don't remember her?"

JinYoung: "Noo...why should I?"

My heart suddenly fell to the ground and broke into a million pieces.

ShinWoo: "Jinyoung, shes your-"

Just then, JinYoung's ex-girlfriend from middle school walked in. Her name was Park JiHyun. She and JinYoung had a strong relationship until she had to move to the states in the last year of middle school. They decided to break up with eachother cause both of them never really believed in a long distance relationship. JinYoung's heart was broken after that happened....but....after a while....he started to develop feelings for me in high school.

JiHyun: *ran to JinYoung's side* "What the heck happened??"

JinYoung: "I got hit by a car.."

JiHyun: "HOW??"

JinYoung: "I dont know.."

Tears start coming down her face and she hugs JinYoung tightly. But, this time....he didn't pull away. He hugged her back, pulling her in even closer. I'm not usually the jealous type but, right now, my heart is on fire. TT^TT

JiHyun: "Ahh! I dont care anymore! I just miss you sooo much JinYoung!"

JinYoung: *he laughs a little* "I missed you too JiHyun-ah. Im glad to have you back in my arms"

After those words came out of his mouth, the room began to spin and I fell to the floor. I was going in and out of conciousness.

Baro: "~~~~~ah!! Wake up! Wake up!"

I didn't answer. I couldnt...

Baro: "Nurse! Nurse! Come help her! She's fainted!"

The nurses come in and carry me out of JinYoung's room into another room right down the hall. I didn't want to leave his side....ever. I'm afraid if I do, I 'll lose him. The nurses begin to put all sorts of needles in me. I'm usually afraid of needles or any type of injection but, the pain in my heart numbed every part of my body. 

Baro: "Is she gonna be okay??"

Nurse: "Yes, she just needs to rest. Her body is reeally weak right now"

Baro: "Okay, thank you"

As I lay in my hospital bed, I dreamt about JinYoung's accident over and over again, hoping that this was all just one bad dream.

You: "JinYoung!!" *bolting up from your bed*

Baro: "Yah! Are you okay?"

You: "Huh? Baro? Ne, I'm.....fine."

No, I'm not fine. My soon to be husband doesn't know who I am and is falling for his ex-lover. How could I be okay?

You: "What are you doing here? Where are the others?"

Baro: "I sent them home. They looked tried and I didn't want anyone else to faint."

You: "What about you? Is JinYoung still...."

Baro: "I'll be fine, dont worry. Yeah, JinYoung is still in the hospital. You don't have to worry though. JiHyun is accompaning him."


You: "Oh.....okay."

Just then, the doctor came in.

Doctor: "Are you doing well, Kim~~~~~~?"

You: "Ne......kind of."

Doctor: "Well, I have JinYoung's memory results if you would like to know them."

You: "Yes please."

Doctor: "He remembers everything up until the last year of middle school."

You: "Ne, I see...but, how come he doesn't remember me? I've been bestfriends with him since elementary school"

Doctor: "Well you see, even though he still has a good amount of memory, he may not remember things that have happened recently or have had a great impact on his life."

You: "Oh...okay. Thank you doctor."

I was a little happy that I was considered a special person in JinYoung's life but, my heart was still gnawing at the fact that, he may fall in love with JiHyun again. I lifted my head as Baro began to talk.

Baro: "It was just yesterday when JinYoung was telling me about his plan to celebrate your birthdaay. He was going to surprise you with something,"

You: "What was he going to surprise me with?"

Baro: "He had gotten you guys into an entertainment company. He was planning to tell you last night but then......yeah.."

There were no words to describe the throbbing pain in my heart. I finally broke down crying. At one point, I felt like I was crazy cause I was crying so hard. Baro came to my side and engulfed me in his arms. He began to my hair trying to comfort me. I looked up at him and noticed tears were also running down his face. I wiped them away with my thumb and then wiped away my own tears. I finally realized what was more important. JinYoung's happiness. 

Baro: "Are you okay now?"

You: "Yeah....I just needed to cry. So that I can finally lift my head and be strong.....for JinYoung"

Baro: "Are you planning on telling him who you are?"

You: "No. He seems happy now. Happier than how he was with me."

Baro: "But, JinYoung loved you ~~~~~~ah. And I know he still does!"

You: "I know but, if JiHyun never left than, JinYoung and I would have never been what we are now. We would've stayed besftriends and nothing more"

Baro: "But you have to realize that, JiHyun DID leave. And that you and JinYoung DID become more than bestfriends. You guys became a soon to be married couple"

You: "But he doesnt remember. What if this is our fate....that....we were never even meant to be in the first place. I guess we just have to make the best of what we got. He may doesnt remember me but, I still remember him. My I need to do whats best for him right now, and thats to make him happy."

Baro: "You're not at all going to think about yourself for once? Can't you be a little selfish.....just this once?"

Can I?..... No. Even though my heart hurts like crazy, I cant. I love JinYoung too much to see him hurt. I'm glad that hes still alive and smiling brightly, like the JinYoung everyone knows and loves.Thats all I ever want. Him to be happy. I dont care if he doesnt remember me. None of it matters anymore. 

You: "I....cant. Being selfish to JinYoung...I cant do that. His happiness is whats going to keep me going...its gonna be my reason to live."



~JinYoung's POV~

Ever since I got out the hospital, I've been having these weird dreams lately. Dreams about the girl at the hospital who hugged me when I first woke up. Does she mean something to me? Was, she someone special? Ahhh molla~>< But, these dreams seem...almost...real. Like I've done these things before...proposing? First kiss?.......ahhh, I'm going crazy.

~End Of POV~


November 19, 2011

Its JinYoung's birthday. Its almost been a year since I last saw JinYoung. I couldn't be around him anymore, my heart hurts too much to even glance at his face. I'd call Baro evey week and ask how he's doing. He's been dating JiHyun since January, when he got out the hospital. Baro told me that tonight JinYoung is gonna propose to her at his birthday party. Baro invited me to come and I refused to go at first but, realzied that I had to put my feelings aside and grant JinYoung a happy birthday.

You: *talking on the phone*" Baro, where is it gonna be at?"

Baro: "Its gonna be at a mansion in Seoul. I'll text you the directions."

You: "Okay, do I need to where anything specific?"

Baro: "The party is gonna be a ball room theme so, dress formally. The party starts at 7:00 so dont be late!"

You: "Oh, okaay...I wont. See you there~"

Baro: "Are you sure youre gonna be okay? I mean you haven't seen JinYoung in almost  a you think you can handle it?"

You: "I really hope so...."

Its almost 5:30 so I start getting ready. I look through my closet and i have NOTHING to wear TT^TT. I'm on the verge of losing hope when I came across something in the back of my closet. It was my mother's dress, the one she wore to her wedding. She gave it to me before she passed away so that I could wear it on my wedding day. It was the only dress that I really had so, I decided to wear it.


I arrived at the mansion and payed the taxi driver. I closed the door behind me and let out a deep breath.

You: "Kim~~~~~. You can do this. Be happy for JinYoung and stop being selfish. Hwaiting!"

I walked up to the front door and gave it a knock. I could hear all the music playing inside come to a stop when Baro opened the door and gave me a warm smile. He looked at me for a few seconds and gulped with his eyes widened.

You: "Yah! Baro, what are you looking at? Aren't you gonna let me in??"

Baro: "Oh.....right. hehe mian, you just look.....stunning"

I slightly blush a Baro's words. :>

You: "Komawo~"

Baro finally let me in and I notice a sign that says 'Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Jung's wedding!' They......they're getting married?? ALREADY??? But, he hasnt even proposed yet!! >< My heart was torn into pieces that were suddenly burned, and truned into nothing. No, Kim~~~~~~ you have to be strong. Think of JinYoung's cant be selfish.


I explore around some more and find a wedding cake that reads 'Congratualtions Mr. and Mrs. Jung!' is true. They are getting married. I look at my hand as I still wear the ring JinYoung used to propose to me. I grasp it and begin to wiggle it off of my finger when suddenly, Baro grabbed my hand and lead me to a dressing room filled with JiHyun's brides maids. Baro let go of my hand and went out the door. I turn around and see JiHyun standing in front of me. She looked at me with sincere eyes and asked me a question that made my eyes widen.

JiHyun: "Kim~~~~, will you walk me down the aisle?"

You: "M-me? But, I barely know you and you have your friends here to do that for you..."

JiHyun: "I know but, I want YOU to do it. ShinWoo told me about you and JinYoung and....this is the way I'm gonna make up for it."


You: "Oh.....okay"

JiHyun: "Komawo, ~~~~~ah"

You: "Ne.."

Just then a lady walked in and said the wedding will start now. Great, a simple birthdaay party got turned into my worst nightmare....JiHyun and JinYoung's wedding. The brides maids began to run out the door as I interlock arms with JiHyun and we slowly begin to walk towards the aisle. When we reach the wedding floor, my heart stops as I see JinYoung down the aisle with his hair nicely trimmed and a tux that sutied him well. He began to smile. As we were walking closer and closer to him. We finally stopped as we reached the end of the aisle. JiHyun looked at me with a smile and handed me the boquet. 

JiHyun: "Here!"

You: "w-what?? But, this is yours~"

JiHyun: "no ~~~~~ah, this is yours. This is your wedding."

She let go of your arm and walked towards the brides maids. I turned to look at JinYoung who already approached me. He led me in front of the preist and everyone sat down. 

Preist: "Shall we begin?"

You: "WAIT. JinYoung, what is the meaning of this?? remember me??"

JinYoung: "Yes, I do remember you. You fell for my tricks once PABO!"

You: "Huh?? but, you got hit by a car and.....and lost all memory of me~"

JinYoung: "I did. All of that is true but, I began to remember you 5 months ago. ~~~~~ah, I always dream of you and I can't seem to get you out of my mind. I couldnt take it any more, I called Baro and asked if any of these dreams were real, and he said yes. When he mentioned your name, all the memories of you started to rush back into my mind. ~~~~~ah, I cant live without you any longer, please forgive me for making you wait but, I wanted it to be a surprise. Please dont be ma-"

I pushed myself towards JinYoung before he could finish and gave him a kiss. Finally, those soft pink lips, were planted upon mine.

You: "I'll totally get you back for making my heart hurt so much but, I will always forgive you~"

I smile warmly at JinYoung and lean in for another kiss until the preist interrupeted.

Preist: "Can we get on with the wedding now?"

You: *laughs a little* "Ne. (:"

Preist: "Do you, Kim~~~~~, take Jung JinYoung as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?"

You: "I do~"

Preist: "And do you, Jung JinYoung, take Kim~~~~~ as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this dayfroward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?"

JinYoung: "I do~"

Preist: "I take you, Jung JinYoung and you, Kim~~~~ to become one. I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Jung"

I gaze JinYoung's eyes not hearing everyone standing up and cheering. He begins to slowly pull me in closer to his face and gives me a sweet, yet sincere kiss.

JinYoung: "I love you Mrs. Jung~~~~~~"

You: *smiles in the kiss* "I love you too, Mr. Jung JinYoung~"


After you and JinYoung are wedded, its time for the after party~^^

I leave JinYoung's side for a moment, and grab his guitar. I pull up a chair in the middle of the room and sit. Having the mic placed in from of me and the guitar on my lap. 

You: "I dedicate this song to my husband, Jung JinYoung~"

"My eyes keep going to that one face

Why dont I even get sick of you?

When you slightly smile at me, I really go crazy

How can you be so pretty baby?

How can I explain this feeling?

When I see you, my heart becomes numb and sore.

Oh, with what word can I explain you?

All the words of the world is probably not enough.

With those legs that are so pretty by just standing still

You walk toward me and you hug me.

You know he's so beautiful,

Maybe you will never know.

I want to hide you in my embrace.

I'm not saying this out of a young heart,

But I'm really happy I married you.

Telling you multiple times is not enough

With this tickling voice

that only knows you

I will sing for you

My heart keeps going to you

I'm really going crazy~"

You: "I love you, Jung JinYoung~"

I try to look for him but he is no where to be found. I suddenyl feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around.

JinYoung: "I love you too, my Mrs. Jung~"

He gives me another sweet kiss when Baro finally spoke up.

Baro: "And ~~~~~ah said that you guys werent meant to be.....this pabo~ㅋㅋㅋ"

I look at Baro and stick my tongue out at him, making him laugh. I look at JinYoung with sincere eyes and he takes my hand gracefully. We are now standing in the middle of the room with out hands interlaced with one another. We now introduce ourselves as Mr. and Mrs. Jung as everyone roars with happiness. Finally, all the pain had gone away. JinYoung began to whisper in my ear.

JinYoung: "Even if I somehow lose my memory again, and you are no longer in my, Mrs. Jung~~~~~~ will always be in my heart. I. love. you.~"


So what'd you think?? Not to cheesy?? hehehe~^^

I seriously almost teared up while writing this~T.T 

I hope you 'like it like it like it!' :3


공찬 뭐하니? ㅋㅋㅋ~^^

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somiabana #1
Chapter 2: WAAAH!! Sweet Jinyoung <3
Such a sweet story... >,<
@mypabokwang Thank you!!
@Jinyoung_lovers Thank you!!
Im glad you guys liked the story~^^ If you would like to request a story, please let me know :D
Ddxfcjvjkrchnvklob loved it. Omo great story :D
@minji96 ㅋㅋㅋ that's what I was going for~^^
I'm glad you liked it!!
I was tearing up very badly until you suddenly wrote"Yes, I do remember you. You fell for my tricks once again"
I was like..what the~ and say to my self "this writer trick me!"
I love this!!! 2 THUMBS UP FOR YOU~!!!! I salute you ^o^
;w; Amazing story~! I had many feelings through out this story! But, over all it was a enjoyable read ^^
This really made me tear up a bit while I was reading this ; u ; it's so beautiful!
Thank you guys!!
I'm really touched that you guys love my story :">
Please check out my twoshot featuring the 'bad boy' of the group! It wont make you cry (i dont think..) but, I hope it makes you laugh~^^ㅋㅋㅋ