Meeting Exo part 1

Our Maid Sky Blue


Tao held his stomach and dragged his feet towards the kitchen. “I’m hungry!” he whined. “Baekhyun, Suho, Xiumin, someone cook something to eat before I pass out!” He digged through the cupboard and the fridge.

“I don’t think we have anything to eat.” Xiumin walked into the kitchen scratching his head. He too, started looking for something easy and quick to make. “We need to go grocery shopping.”

 Tao took a seat at a stool near the counter and plopped his head onto his arm. “Where’s Sehun and Luhan? Tell them to buy some food. Hurry.”

“We’ll just go to the market and get some groceries, Tao.” Suho walked in with a towel wrapped around his neck. He just got back from training. “I’m famished also, but we’ve been too busy to stock our fridge.” Tao pouted even harder.

 Xiumin slapped his back lightly. “Your lip will fall off if you keep pouting like that. Is Kris and Kai still at the studio?” Suho nodded and drank his water bottle. “We all need to go back there at 4:30. I’ll go tell Baekhyun and we’ll go buy some things before then. You two want to go with us?”

“Nah…count me out. I’m too weak right now to even move. I don't have the strength right now to go somewhere and get swarmed by sharks.” Tao closed his eyes and turned his head the other way.

“You eat the most, but you never want to go shopping for food. Don’t complain if we forget to grab something you want to eat.” Xiumin snickered and Tao stuck out his tongue. “I’ll go grab my jacket. Suho, you call Baekhyun.” He jogged upstairs.

Suho walked down the hall to call Baekhyun from his room, when the doorbell suddenly rang. Tao shot up from his seat and froze as if something dangerous was out there. Who’s that?”He stands there not moving.

Suho and Baekhyun came out and Xiumin ran down the stairs. “Tao, who’s that?” Xiumin asked and Tao shrugged.

“Geges, do you know?” Tao turned to Baekyun and Suho who looked at each other also curious. Baekhyun shook his head, “No one ever rings the door bell. We all know how to get inside ourselves.” Suho nodded in agreement.

“M-maybe, the fans found out we live here!” Xiumin eyes widened. The door bell rang again for the second and third time. “Don’t open it gege!” Tao shouted at Suho who started walking to the door.

“Let’s just see who it is. I’m sure no one knows we live here. It might be someone important.” Tao grabbed onto his arm and gave him a look of, *No! It’ll get crazy!*

“Hyung’s right Tao. Let’s just see who it is.” Baekhyun said. They all followed Suho to the door.

You waited patiently outside in the dying heat which seemed like forever, but no one came to the door. *Aish…is no one home right now? Why didn’t So Yun give me the code to this apartment?* Your hands grew tired from the bags of food that you were carrying. You didn’t know whether or not to get anything, but decided to anyways just in case.

You set the bags down by your side and wiped the sweat off of your forehead. *This heat is killing me.* You held onto the strap of your duffle bag and tapped the concrete with the tip of your toe. *So Yun unnie did say someone should at least be home and is expecting me.* You looked down and bit your lip anxiously.

Suho slowly pried open the door with Baekyun, Xiumin, and Tao stood behind him peeking over his shoulders. He saw a petite girl stood there fanning her face with her hands and looking down at her shoes. “Hyung, who’s that?!” Baekhyun hissed under his breath. Tao and Xiumin grabbed onto his sleeve and tug him. “A fan?!” Suho didn’t answer. He was still thinking.

“Er…hi there.” He found himself said stupidly and Xiumin nudged him in the rib. You instantly looked up and found four giants stood before you. They were exceptionally good looking and extremely tall compared to your petite self. They had very fare skin that was as white as pearl. Their expressions, innocent like a child’s.

 You recognized these four guys immediately. You spent an hour reviewing the papers So Yun gave you which contained each of the members’ profile and picture. *I hope I still remember their names.*

The one on the middle is Suho, the leader of Exo K:


The one standing next to him is….Baekhyun:


I think the one poking his head out his Xiumin?:


And I will never forget this panda looking one Tao:


“Anneyoungseho!” You smiled at them sweetly. Your amazing blue eyes sparkled like glass underneath the sunlight.


They continued to look dumbfounded. At the same time, they were taken aback by this blue eye, rosy cheeks, stranger who was smiling happily at them. “Is there something that you need miss? An autograph?” Baekhyun spoke up first. He didn’t know what to say and neither did the others.

*They weren’t expecting anyone? I thought So Yun already let them know?* You dug into your bag for the papers to show proof that you were going to be their housekeeper from today on. Tao thought you were going to take out a camera and start snapping pictures of them, so he immediately duck behind Xiumin who looked down at him as if he was crazy.

“Er…I’m your new maid, Yang Na Yeon.” You handed Suho the paper. Baekhyun eyed you suspiciously. Tao gawked accidently at you, not believing his ears. You looked at them nervously twirling your thumbs together. *Any minute now and I’ll be burnt under this scorching sun!!* But you kept your cool.

“OH!” Suho finally broke the awkward silent. “Manager Kim sent me a text! Silly me, how could I have forgotten already. I was actually expecting someone…..much older.” He laughed and scratched his head.

All of the guys gave him a deadly stare. *You babo! How can you not remember!!??* Xiumin rolled his eyes and Tao sighed. Baekyun shook his head at his forgetfulness. “Come in!” They parted and gave room for you. You picked up the grocery bags and slowly stepped inside the chilled place. *Ah….feels much better.*

You turned around and realized they were awkwardly standing there still staring at you which make you feel extremely uncomfortable as well. “Mianhae for showing up unexpectedly. I will try my best to be a good maid, so please take care of me. I hope we can get along.” You bowed at them. “Can you show me where I can set these?”

“Y-yeah! Sure, no problem. It was Suho’s fault for not remembering.” Baekhyun took some of your bags and led you towards the kitchen. You thanked him and followed suit.

Tao, Xiumin, and Suho stayed behind and whispered amongst one another. “Why would Manger Kim hire someone like that? She’s probably going to dig through our stuff and sell them on Ebay!” Tao vividly assumed.

“Aniya. Manager Kim would never hire someone who knows who we are.” Suho rubbed his chin wondering as well. “She looks too young to not know who we are though.”

“Guys, have some sense. Not EVERYONE in this world knows who we are and I’m sure Manger Kim wouldn’t do that to us because he normally hired them from overseas anyways. From what I can tell, she looked almost as confused as we were.” Xiumin pointed out.

“But…but she spoke perfect Korean and she knew our names! And her…eyes are--” Before Tao could finish, Suho shushed him.

“That doesn’t mean anything.” Xiumin was just glad there was going to be someone to take care of the house again.

“I’m sure those are fake--.” Tao was again interrupted, but by Baekhyun this time. “What’s fake?” he came to the living room to join their gossip. “Her.” Tao point to his eyes indicating yours.

“Oh…” Baekhyun neither agreed nor disagreed not wanting to judge someone he didn’t know. Besides, he didn’t think there was anything wrong with them.

 “Ahem. Well, we no longer have to go to the store. She already bought food and will be cooking dinner for us. Let’s just get ready and head out to the practice room with the rest of the guys.”

“Yeah, D.O texted me just now for us to go in an hour earlier, so we can practice together. Kris, Lay, and Kai are already there. Luhan and Sehun are on their way. We’re going to go pick up Chen and Chanyeol first.” Xiumin took Tao’s arm and dragged him. “Go get your things, Tao.”

“I’m still hungry…” He gave Suho a look. “We’ll grab something to snack on along the way ok?” Suho pat his shoulders and pushed him forward. *Forever a maknae.* He chuckled.

In the meanwhile, you were in the kitchen fumbling nervously around. *This feels awkward. What do I cook? What do they like? How do I approach them and ask!!?* Question after question popped inside your mind. It was even more intimidating knowing that they are hallyu stars. *It’s ok, they are human just like me. Just like me…* You breathed in deeply trying to steady yourself.

Footsteps trotted downstairs and from the hallway. *They must be leaving. Am I supposed to go say bye? Farewell?* You slowly went to see them off not sure if you should or not.

 As Tao and Baekhyun opened the door to leave, you bowed. “Annyeong. See you later.”

 They both stopped and looked at you, then at each other. Tao just blinked while Baekhyun gave you a small nod and left. Suho came after and you avoided him and turned towards the other way completely embarrassed. He looked at you oddly and also left.

You slapped a hand over your face. *Freaken shameful! Na Yeon you babo! What in the world were you thinking? They are popular people who don’t want to interact with a measly maid like you! Aish…how freaken embarrassing was that?*

Xiumin ran down stairs and saw you covered your face with your hands. You looked up and bowed at him. He nodded and went to the door.

“W-wait…” you stopped him. He turned around and looked at you. “Mianhae, but..but what do you guys like to eat?” You asked nervously.

“I like to eat anything.” Xiumin smiled and closed the door behind him. “Anything..?” You whispered and looked up to the high ceiling blowing your bangs out of your face.

You then realized something extremely horrific that you haven’t noticed before. Clothes and towels were all over the places, such as the floor, the chairs, and table. The spiral staircase was a perfect place for them to hang clothes. Bags of opened chips, crackers, and empty pudding containers piled at the corners of the wall. Not to forget, water bottles and more water bottles were just everywhere.

You’re eyes popped out of its socket at the sight. You expected dirtiness, but this was BEYOND that! You looked around again, shut your eyes, and reopened them slowly as if the place would magically become clean again if you did that.

“Where should I start?” You asked hoping for a reply.

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my lovely readers, i want to let all of you know that i wont be updating for some time because my dear older brother has left this world.


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will this ever be updated??
hasnafm #2
Chapter 44: OMG!!! This is like... What... The third or fourth time I read this and I'm loving it soooo much! Comeback soon :3
Chapter 44: Omg I am so I love with your fic. I do not normally read fanfic were the reader is part of the story, but I could not let this go. I needed to read it.
0hayannika #4
Chapter 44: Omg just started reading this and it's so good. Update soon please~ I'll be waiting~ ^^
junnosuke1 #7
Chapter 44: Did this story get discontinued or is it on hiatus?
MenaYifan #8
Chapter 44: OMG!! The last words killed me!!! Please~ tell me Minji will be alright....please...*UGLY CRY*
ggexotica #9
Chapter 44: Hiii author-nim..
update pleaseee ~~~
In ♡ with this ff :)
Chapter 44: keep updating!! hwaiting author-nim!