Midnight Snack

Our Maid Sky Blue


A/N: Chapters 42 & 43!! Yay!


You sat on your bed thinking about Kai’s action towards you awhile ago. Blood rushed to your face again and you shook your head to keep the unnecessary thoughts away. It wasn’t like it was the first time he’s ever hugged you, just that this time, it felt so different.

It felt…good.

The way he embraced you was filled with so much emotion that you were afraid to move. The softness in his eyes was something you’ve never seen before, yet it was warm and welcoming. Thousands of butterflies filled your tummy by the way he gently held you; arms wrapped firmly around your body. You don’t remember how long the two of stayed that way, it was only until Chanyeol outrageously made a scene of it and practically dragged you by the arm. Perhaps, you didn’t want to pull away either.

*No... Na Yeon. Don’t think about it. You don’t have time for all these feelings.*

You lied to yourself over and over again when something like this happened. Whenever Kai or Baekhyun showed any affection towards you, you had the tendency to close yourself. You didn’t want to have anything to do with love, especially if it had to do with Exo. They were OFF LIMITS. Or maybe, you were just too scared to accept it.

You got up from the bed and walked over to the calendar that you had hung on the wall. You ran your hand over the important dates and sighed. *I’ll be going in tomorrow for the blood withdrawal.* Just thinking about Minji was enough to keep your mind from thinking about Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and the rest of the monkeys who were probably asleep by now.

*I didn’t get the chance to tell them the truth about Minji.* You picked up the two teddy bears that the maknaes had gotten for you and squeezed them against your chest. A smile spread across your face as you made them touch noses. *Cute.*

 What would you do without Exo by your side? You didn’t want to think about the day you would have to leave them for good. You knew you couldn’t stay with them forever and it pained you deeply whenever that day was to come.

*How am I going to break it to them?*

Well, enough with all the nonsensical thoughts, you decided it was time for some shut eyes as well. You had a long day tomorrow and needed as much energy as possible for the blood transfusion. Praying to god that everything would work out for the better and that Minji’s system wouldn’t reject your blood. The doctor had informed you that after testing your blood, it was not 100% her match, but because you were her sister, there’s a small chance that it will be able to cure her cancer.

You didn’t understand why your blood didn’t match her entirely. It was all too clear that you two could pass as mother and daughter; with the same hair, noses, lips, skin, and of course, eye color. However, it struck you hard when you were told that Minji had a 50/50 chance only.

Pajamas on and lights turned off, you crawled into bed hoping to catch a few hours of sleep before your alarm woke you up. You faced the window and looked up into the night sky. Tonight was a beautiful full moon and for you, it had always helped you sleep better. However, this full moon seemed so distance, like it shined brightly, but there was no real sparkle to it; just like you.

When you were about to fall asleep, your door clicked open, and Sehun’s loud whisper pulled you back to reality.

“Noona, are you asleep?”

“YES, Sehun. I’m sleeping.” You sighed, eyes still shut.

“Then why did you answer me?” He giggled and walked over to your bed, not bothering to switch on the light.

*He knows his way here too well, even in the dark.* You snickered quietly to yourself.

“What is it, Sehun?”

“I can’t sleep.” He whined and invited himself onto your bed.

“What? Sehun—NO, go back to your—UHG.” He lay down next to you as you reluctantly made some room for him. He rolled onto his side and put an arm under his head to face you more comfortably. “Remind me to lock my door next time will yah?” You groaned.



“Do you hate us?” His voice, low and soft.

“What?” Your eyes opened at the ridiculous question.

“I mean…I mean…are we giving you too much trouble?”

“No.” You answered truthfully without hesitating.


“Yes, really.”

“Cross your heart?”

“Cross my heart.”

“Hope to—”

“YES, YES! Hope to die, poke a million needles in my eyes. I get it Sehun. I don’t hate you guys and you’re not troublesome ok?”

“Ok, good.” He smiled happily and reached a hand to your face. Gently, he swept your bangs behind your ears and admired you under the little moonlight. *Noona, you’re so beautiful.*


“What now?”

“I love you.”

You froze and stared at him in the dark. *Why is Sehun being so clinging today?* Even worse, he was making you feel more guilty. It was as if he knew you were hiding things from them and now he’s here to bring you the guilt trip. You hated that so much; it was your weak spot.


“Do you love us back?” He quickly added with an enormous amount of aegyo oozing out. You rolled your eyes and held back from pinching him.

“Yes, I thought I told you I did.” You paused. “I love you…all of you.”

Sehun was literally swimming in fluffy marshmallows right now. Nothing was better than hearing that from you and it was what all the members wanted to know as well. Now, his next job was to carry the wonderful message to them, feeling incredible for being the one to hear it from your very own mouth. More so, being able to lie down next to you like this was an even bigger bonus. This was the advantage of a maknae and he couldn’t have asked for more.


“Sehun, go to sleep.”

“I can’t.”

“What’s the problem?” You felt extremely tired, but this brat next to you wouldn’t leave you alone.

“I’m hungry.”


Sehun sat cutely on the stool, elbows on the counter, and his chin in his hands. He watched as you boiled water and took out a pack of ramen. *Am I taking this a bit too far? I am hungry though…* He foolishly thought to himself, but started regretting that you woke up just to cook him a midnight ‘snack’.

“How many eggs do you want?” You turned around to ask him, hiding your irritation. He beamed and held up two fingers.

“I’m sorry, noona.” Sehun said smiling.

“No you’re not.” You weren’t going to buy it. He had his ways and you knew it too well, but you easily gave in to him anyways.

*There goes my sleep. I’m sooo adding this onto my paycheck.*

“Why can’t you be more like Tao? He eats for 5 people, but do you ever see him bug me in the middle of the night for food or force himself onto my bed?” You nagged him while cracking the eggs into the boiling water.

“But I’m not Tao.” Sehun only laughs and waited patiently for his noodles while making conversations with you. “…and…you said you love me—”

“Don’t you dare use that on me.” You pointed the chopsticks at him. “As a matter of fact, I take it back!”

“Wh-what? No! You can’t take back what you said!” He raised his voice.

“Too bad, I just did.” You smirked, slightly satisfied while Sehun pouted drastically.

“Uh…noona…” He called you again for the umpteenth time. “I think you might have to make more.”

“What?” You furrowed your eyebrows and turned around to see what he was talking about. There stood next to him was Tao and Chanyeol, both were rubbing their eyes. *Are you serious?*

“Why are the two of you up?”

“I heard my name.” Tao muttered and sat down. “….the word ‘food’ too.”


“And so, I got hungry.” He put his hands on his stomach and made a face.

You shook your head and looked at Chanyeol. It appeared like he was sleep walking because his eyes were still closed; bed head wild and messy.

He felt you staring at him and slowly open his eyes. At the same time, he flashed you his pearly whites. “Me too. Pehgopah.” He said in a deep sleepy voice.

“Arasooo.” You couldn’t help, but smile too.

After you gave Sehun his cooked noodle, you went into the pantry and took out two more packs for the others. When you walked back to the kitchen, there were 9 more monkeys seated at the counter. You stopped and stared at them judgingly.

“Really guys?”

“We smelled food.” Luhan chirped, a little too happily. Xiumin nodded and gave you an adorable look which you avoided immediately.

“Didn’t we have dinner earlier?” You put your hands on your hips and squint your eyes at the two leaders who should be taking your side right now.

Kris shrugged and smiled, “But I don’t mind eating again.” Everyone else agreed, even Baekhyun who grinned sheepishly and winked at you.

In the end, you had cooked all 13 packs of ramen and a dozen eggs. Kai ate for two people and even stole D.O’s egg. After you washed their plates and cleaned the mess in the kitchen, it was already 1 a.m.

“No, you guys need to go to bed. You have to wake up early tomorrow.” You scowled, rubbing the back of your neck.

“We’re too full now.” Exo wanted to stay up longer, but you refused. “That’s not my problem.” You laughed and pushed them towards their rooms before going back to bed yourself. This time, you made sure your bedroom door was locked so Sehun wouldn’t come back.


“She’s gone.”



“Where’d she go?” The rest of Exo followed Chanyeol into your room. They looked around, even in the bathroom, but you weren’t there.

“It’s Monday, she’s supposed to wake us up for practice.” Luhan sadly stated.

“But we don’t have practice today.” Xiumin scratched his head.

“Yeah, but Maid doesn’t know that yet!” D.O rolled his eyes then paused and thought about it. “Or does she? Maybe that’s why she left.”

“Oh be quiet, all of you.” Kris muttered as he walked to the fridge to get some water. “She has a life too you know. It doesn’t always revolve around us—” Before he opened the fridge, he saw a pink sticky note on the door. He read it out loud to the members.

“Sorry for not waking you guys up this morning.

Had to run some errands. Breakfast is ready.

Eat before you leave! See you monkeys later. ^.^”

“What…she never mentioned anything about running errands. It’s 6 o’clock. Who runs errands at 6 in the morning?!” Chanyeol looked around, hoping for an answer.

“Yeol, you obviously have never been busy before.” Baekhyun laughed and patted his back. “She said she’ll be back, so she’ll be back.”

“Um…let’s clean up the house before she gets home then.” Suho suggested. “Give her a little break. I bet she’s still tired.”

So, Exo decided to be the good boys that they were and clean up the apartment for you; anything to help you out, they were willing to do. They divided the chores and busied themselves making sure everything would be spotless when you get back.

While Kai vacuumed the floor and everyone else’s bedroom, he went into yours to do the same. As he smiled to himself and looked at the small things you had decorated your room with, his eyes landed on your calendar. He turned off the vacuum cleaner and closely studied the dates which you had marked.

“Blood transfusion @ 5 a.m.”

He groaned and nagged you silently. *Why didn’t she let any of us know about this? I could have gone with her!*  Kai was a tad bit disappointed about you keeping it away, especially from him since he already knew about you and Minji’s real relationship. He was afraid that maybe you still didn’t trust him.

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my lovely readers, i want to let all of you know that i wont be updating for some time because my dear older brother has left this world.


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will this ever be updated??
hasnafm #2
Chapter 44: OMG!!! This is like... What... The third or fourth time I read this and I'm loving it soooo much! Comeback soon :3
Chapter 44: Omg I am so I love with your fic. I do not normally read fanfic were the reader is part of the story, but I could not let this go. I needed to read it.
0hayannika #4
Chapter 44: Omg just started reading this and it's so good. Update soon please~ I'll be waiting~ ^^
junnosuke1 #7
Chapter 44: Did this story get discontinued or is it on hiatus?
MenaYifan #8
Chapter 44: OMG!! The last words killed me!!! Please~ tell me Minji will be alright....please...*UGLY CRY*
ggexotica #9
Chapter 44: Hiii author-nim..
update pleaseee ~~~
In ♡ with this ff :)
Chapter 44: keep updating!! hwaiting author-nim!